Thursday, August 30, 2018

Zoo Visit

Since our family purchased a zoo membership back in December, we had it as one of our summer goals to visit the zoo again. On this visit, Andrew, Sarah, Abby and Ben joined us for their first-ever visit to the Houston Zoo.

The three oldest kids looked at the map and stated which animals they most wanted to see.

Because we got into the zoo a tad early with our membership passes, the sea lions hadn't even come out to play yet when we first got to the sea lion exhibit. Our several minute wait proved to be quite worthwhile when we got to see the sea lions race out of the door and belly slide down the ramp into the water!

Seeing the flamingos was another early highlight.

Abby and Jaden gave us their best flamingo pose.

Other highlights included seeing a porcupine relatively up close,

visiting the petting zoo, 

and pretending to be prairie dogs!

Sitting on these bison made for a perfect mid-morning rest break.

Our family can't ever visit the zoo without riding the carousel. Cody and Jaden always enjoy planning out which animal they want to ride on. Mommy and Adley joined in on the fun too!

We loved seeing how God has created each kind of animal to be so unique! Adley was at a fun stage for this zoo visit. She was very aware of what she was seeing and even made some animal noises to match some of the creatures we saw.

The day was a typical muggy July day (although not as terribly hot as we feared it might be). By late morning, the zoo's splash pad was a perfect refresher!

We ended our zoo time with a picnic lunch and an elephant sighting on the way out.

We successfully wore all the kiddos out by the day's end. The consensus all around is that it was a great day!

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Kindergarten Highlights

During the summer we received an email file from Jaden and Cody's kindergarten teacher, sharing a set of pictures from their school year. We enjoyed looking back on some of their kindergarten memories.

Don't they look so nervous here?! Oh, sweet boys!



First Week of School-- Journey through the school looking for Pete the Cat and meeting important staff (like the school nurse and the school principal) along the way


Viewing the solar eclipse

Learning about Johnny Appleseed

Visit from the Fire Station

Picking out pumpkins on the school playground

Playing in SNOW at school


Dr. Seuss Day at the School Library

100th Day of School-- Cody & Jaden as 100-year-olds!

Lutheran Schools' Week


Stuffing Easter Eggs with Chapel Buddies

Mother's Day Project

What I Want to Be When I Grow Up...

Character Book Parade

Kindergarten felt like a BIG jump, getting used to 5 full days of school each week and the longer days too. But, Jaden and Cody enjoyed getting to know their classmates and absolutely loved their teacher! They progressed so much as readers and writers and were good little listeners in class. We are so proud of our little kindergarten graduates and are thankful for their great year!