Our little girl is officially 13 months old! Everyone who sees Adley always comments on how big she's getting-- and it's true. With her confident walking, constant babbling, and longer hair, she has definitely entered the toddler world. This busy, curious, noisy girl is a walking adventure!
13 Month Stats:
- Cut tooth #8
- Learned how to turn off light switches
- Can go down our neighborhood slide all by herself
- Transitioned to convertible carseat and seems to enjoy the extra room!
- Overall much better at nighttime (usually awakens in the early morning but will fall back asleep until 6:30 or 7:00 after Mommy nurses her)
- Made the switch to just 1 nap a day for most days this month
- Mommy cut back to only 3 nursing times a day-- early morning, afternoon naptime, and bedtime
- Seems to love most any table food; favorites are fruit and cheese (and of course the occasional sweet treat!)
- Started having morning and afternoon snacks on most days; Enjoys baby goldfish, graham crackers, string cheese, fruit, yogurt melts
- Successfully now drinking whole milk during mealtimes
- Started to say "off" whenever she turns off lights, "oosh" for shoes, "no" for EVERYTHING, and "ba-ba" whenever she sees any ball, including the big red balls outside Target :)
- Says "hi" ALL the time, greeting family members even when we've just temporarily left the room
- Loves waving, blowing kisses, and saying "bye-bye" when anyone heads into the garage, whether or not we're leaving!
- Can point out her nose
- Has started to proclaim her presence with loud, high-pitched (unpleasant) screeches
- Such a busy, busy girl who doesn't like to sit still for long and seems to have a nose for trouble (learning how to open markers and coloring on a chair, breaking apart the pens from the church pews on Sunday, fishing out Mommy's keys from her purse, unwinding the toilet paper roll, chewing on toothpaste tubes, stealing her brother's Easter candy from the pantry)
- VERY agitated when Mommy tries to fix her hair
- Loves hearing music, doing anything outside, and playing hide-and-go-seek with her brothers
A few video clips:
Attempting (unsuccessfully) eating with a spoon
Giving kisses
Playing hide-and-seek with Jaden