Happy Six Months, Cody & Jaden!
During the boys' sixth month, life seemed to turn a bit of a corner (in the positive direction!) for our family. Jaden and Cody began sitting up independently, opening up a whole new world of playtime. Also, they (FINALLY!) started to sleep a bit better, which put a whole new light on life for Daddy and Mommy! We love seeing our boys grow and develop each month. Here are some of their monthly highlights:
- Most of the month was miserable! (We woke up 10-12 times each night to rock the boys, often getting only 1-2 hour stretches of sleep.)
- By the end of the month, we were exhausted-- physically & mentally.
- Amy read Dr. Ferber's Solving Your Child's Sleep Problems book and was very motivated to try the progressive cry it out method.
- After 3 nights (that thankfully weren't nearly as rough as we feared), both boys were sleeping MUCH better.
- Now, the twins wake up only 1-2 times at night, if at all, and sleep solely in their crib.
- We had one GLORIOUS night when both boys slept through the night (hooray!!).
- We're still working on developing a more consistent naptime schedule, as their naps are still very short.
- Still nurse 5-6 times per day, with a supplemental bottle
- Jaden is doing well with his Alimentum formula. (We've had to only buy one can, as the dr. office and the Similac company have donated multiple cans and cases to our family!)
- Because of Jaden's healthy looking diapers again, we have the green light to start solids next month.
- Less spit-up (hooray!)
(Cody on L)
(Jaden on L)
(Cody on L)
(Jaden on L-- First Pair of Shoes!!)
The Jaden-Man
Our Little Codester
(Can you see his 2 new bottom teeth?)