Thursday, October 29, 2009

Home Alone

Well I am at our apartment right now home alone. My wife is working like she usually does around the weekends. I noticed that this blog is looking really...girly and decided I needed to help it. I don't have time to change the background or I would haha, so I guess I'll just post something so at least I'm on this thing. Everything is moving along great. Lindsay had a lot to whine about in those last few posts but she's really doing fine. I definitely pamper her too much at times I think. She forgot to mention that on the subway customer appreciation day I surprised her a visit and brought her a Jamba Juice. She was happy for that. Life is good, busy with school and work but we are surviving. I'm shocked it has already been two months since we got married. Thank goodness we have eternity together cuz time is flying by. We are almost to our year mark when we first started seeing eachother. That also means Jacob and Kristin will have been married a year already. Wow I'm starting to feel older just saying this stuff. I love my laptop and probably take too good of care of it haha. I have pictures of our apartment when we first moved in before it got way messy so I'll try to fit time in to post them this week. Well I have to go back to my lame calculus studies but at least this blog has been officially schenk'd.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Fiestas, Pumpkins and Cinnamon Rolls

So I'm in one of the bands out here and as all bands, we have parties. Since we're playing the Carmen Suite in my band and one of the other bands is doing something mexican also, we decided to have a fiesta! It was fun even though we weren't there for the whole time. It was good though. Free tacos so I didn't have to cook. Then there were pinatas also. Jacob and Nick were really excited. They both got to hit it. Then we went back to mine and Nick's place to hang out. I've decided I really miss carving pumpkins and whatnot. Last night Kris and Jacob came over and all four of us carved some pumpkins. It was way fun. Made me miss the good old days of our family all going out together and getting pumpkins then carving them together. Anyways. So we did that for a while and then cleaned up and then Kris and I made cinnamon rolls which didn't end up getting done until about 10:30. Jacob and Nick rented a movie and wouldn't tell us what it was until it was playing. They decided to rent Arachnophobia. Not cool. We watched it anyway though. Now I'm afraid of deadly spiders coming from nowhere and killing everyone. I don't recommend it to people if you're not a fan of spiders. Then after that to make things better, we put on It's the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown. Great movie. Ugh. Let me just rant for a second about work Friday night. Someone up high in the Subway chain decided that there should be such a thing as "customer appreciation day." Who does that? Basically what it was is a buy one footlong get one free thing. That many people coming in and getting mass amounts of sandwiches does not make me appreciate people. Not a good night at work pretty much. There was a solid line of customers to the door from 4 to at least 830. Also. I wasn't supposed to go into work until 4 but since I don't have time to go home on Fridays between class and work I just went in to work. As soon as I got there, mass amounts of people came in and they needed help or else they would have run out of bread. Cool for them because they're leaving. Not for me because I had to close. Not having any bread is not a good way to start a shift. Anyways, it's over now and hopefully I won't have to deal with it again.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Just a thought

So I just thought this was really cool and wanted to share it with people. Yesterday morning Nick and I were getting ready for school and our neighbor knocked on the door. I thought it was weird at first. It was 7:20 in the morning. Who does that? Then he asked Nick if he could give him a blessing. After that, I was thinking, how awesome is it that we can just walk next door and ask for a blessing. I mean for me all I have to do is look at the person next to me, but same idea. I didn't grow up with that so it's a new experience to me. It made me realize how lucky I am that I got married in the temple and have a husband who holds the priesthood and can do things like give me a blessing. Anyways. I just thought it was the coolest thing ever since I always had to go to some other place to get a blessing while I was growing up.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Just Bored

So nothing has changed. School started and its way stressful for both of us. Let's see...we got our financial aid and got new toys with it. Nick got a new lap top and I got a new flute (finally). Nick is telling me to get up and help clean. Our apartment is a disaster and the bishop is coming over tomorrow so we need to clean tonight because I am in class from 7:45 in the morning til 6:45 at night (oh how I love Tuesdays...) and the bishop is coming over at 7 tomorrow. Lovely. We went to Twin this past weekend. It was fun. We got to hang out with his family for a little while. Except his mom. She was out of town which was sad. Since none of the women in his family that were there were old enough to go to Relief Society and I would rather not go by myself I got to go to Young Womens with Nick's sisters. It was fun. For once they didn't talk about getting married. It was kind of weird though and they added a new value. Virtue. It's gold. Then we had to write down as many fruits and vegetables as we could think of. Nick's sister won that game and got a sweet potato squash. Anyone know anything to do with those? She tried to pawn it off on me but that didn't happen. Also this weekend we got a CD with all our pictures from the Twin Falls reception so maybe I'll put some of those up. We'll see. I'm putting them on facebook right now and it's taking FOREVER. I'm ready for a break. It's only the fifth week of school and I can't handle it already. Let me just whine for a minute. I'm on campus all day, I never get to see my husband, I have to try and find time to squeeze in two hours a day of flute practice, and I have to have a whole bunch of scale exercises passed off by the end of the semester and as of right now its not looking too great. Oh well though. I'm trying. That was my whining. Ok well I'm going to try and put some of our pictures up from the reception out in Idaho now. If there's none on here it's because I gave up. And if our apartment ever gets clean I'll put some of those on here too. Also. Caitlyn I tried to do better with my grammar. Just for you. Ha. Dang. I accidentally uploaded the same picture twice and it won't let me delete it. Probably because I'm technilogically retarded. I'm sure Caitlyn is going to leave me a comment and tell me that.