Saturday, September 25, 2021

Review: Walmart Beauty Box- September

The Walmart Beauty box is a subscription box that comes out 4 times a year. You sign up for it and it comes automatically every 3 months. They did increase the price of the box a little bit. So instead of $5 it's just a couple of dollars more. These boxes are free and you just pay for tax for shipping, mine came to $7.48.

What was in the box?

Real Techniques Miracle Airblend Sponge
Alaffia Authentic Black Soap All In One
Burt's Bees Squeezy Tinted Lip Balm
WoodWick Mini Hourglass Candle
Hello Extra Freshening Mouthwash
Bliss Clear Genuine Clarifying Cleanser
Cleen Beauty Lavender Chamomile Night Cream

This months box was so much better than the other boxes I have received. 

The WoodWick candle by itself would be $16.00 if you bought it alone. I love these candles and this one smells so good. 

The tinted lip balm is a nice color that I can wear. The mouthwash is one I've used before and has a good taste to it. Nice minty and fresh tasting. 

The cleanser and night cream are really nice. I like that the night cream isn't oily at all and seems to disappear into my skin leaving nice and moisturized. 

The Black soap is just ok in my opinion. It does clean my face well but it's very drying. 

I love trying out new makeup sponges and this one works great. I like the shape of it and it doesn't soak up a lot of extra foundation as I'm using it. It works well and is a good size for the job.

I think for the price, this month's box was really good. I love being able to try new to me products and this is a great way to do that.  

Did you get this box?

One problem I wish they would work on is their website. I haven't been able to log into my account in months which means I cannot cancel unless I email them and even then I'm not sure I could. I have emailed them about not being able to log into their website and they just send me back the same BS "The problem is now fixed" email each and every time. No, the problem is not fixed. 

Friday, September 24, 2021

Freebie Friday!


Welcome to another weekly Freebie Friday post, where I tell you what free samples and full sized products I received in the mail and how you can get them too. Someone asked me why I do a "Freebie Friday" each week, so I'll tell you.

A while back I listed all the free samples and wins that I had received that previous year and so many people didn't believe that I could have gotten so many free things. So I decided to prove it by taking a picture every week and sharing the sites that I found the links to the freebies at. So now you too can get great free samples coming to your mailbox each week.

  You can find links to great samples at Hey It's Free and Freebie Shark.

This week I received:

2 Samples of Hit Balm. 
Loreal Toning Gloss for Hair. 
Beautiful Magnolia perfume. 
Dove spray deodorant. 
2 perfume card samples. 
5 piece Pioneer Woman mixing bowls with lids.

Hit Balm is a pain relieving cream. I have Osteoarthritis in my knees and hips so I didn't mind trying this. It did help my knee one night but it did nothing for my hips at all. 

I've received the Beautiful Magnolia perfume before and loved it so when I saw a free sample available again I got it. 

I like the Dove spray deodorant. I can always use that. 

I used the Toning Gloss, it's meant for people who color their hair and I don't but it's a nice conditioner. 

The 2 perfume cards had just enough scent on them for one application each and they did smell nice. 

I am loving the mixing bowls. They all fit together so it's easy to store. They are heavy so they don't move if I use an electric mixer which is nice. The lids have a really pretty flower pattern on them too. 

Did you receive any freebies this week?

Thursday, September 23, 2021

Book Review: Gray Card by Cassandra Chandler


Book Description

Is he after her heart or her planet?

Evelyn Chambers is a nerdgirl and proud of it. When she finds out that her drop-dead gorgeous best friend is an alien general with only three days left on Earth, she has to wrap her head around too much at once. Aliens are real, and if she wants to keep hanging out with one, she'll have to marry him!

Adam Smith has never seen a planet as beautiful as Earth or a woman as enticing as Evelyn. His government wants him to re-enlist, but when Evelyn suggests marriage to help him stay, Adam realizes that what he really wants is her—and he'll sacrifice everything to be with her.

Can he convince his government—and Evelyn—that he's looking for more than a Gray card?

My Review

Evelyn and Adam are best friends but they both really like each other. So when Evelyn realizes that Adam is sad about something she asks what and when he tells her that he has to go back home in three days, she's shocked. But the bigger shock is she proposes to him not realizing he's an alien. But Adam loves her and she loves him and doesn't want him to leave. Evelyn has a lot of come to terms with in a short amount of time. When Adam tells the liaison that he doesn't plan on going back to their planet with him, he tries to break Adam and Evelyn up by telling her exactly who Adam is. 

When she confronts Adam about it, it's not the way he wanted her to find out but she takes it pretty well. But the liaison doesn't stop there, making things worst for them. But Adam isn't going to give up and enlists the help of others to put a stop to whatever nefarious things the liaison seems to be doing. 

All in all this was a fun, quick read. I really liked Adam and Evelyn and hope that more aliens show up on Earth. 

I give this book 4 out of 5 stars. 

Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Book Review: Wildfire Hellhound (Fire & Rescue Shifters: Wildfire Crew Book 5) by Zoe Chant


Book Description

He knows he's always been a wolf.
He's wrong.

His past is gone, dead and buried.

It isn't.

And nothing, nothing, is more important than pack.

Until he meets her.

This is Fenrir's story.

My Review

Fenrir is a hellhound shifter but he's been stuck in his animal form for a long time. His Hotshot firefighter team doesn't know his entire story because he doesn't remember it all. There's something between he and Lupa and when he comes face to face with her, he lets her escape and then he runs off and his team can't find him. 

Darcy is a private investigator and while out on an assignment she finds a naked, unconscious man. She brings him back to her place and warms him up but he speaks very strangely and then a strange woman knocks on her door asking about him. He asks Darcy to call his firefighter team right before he passes out and by the time they get there, he's turned back into his animal. 

It takes Darcy a few minutes to realize that the very large wolf and the man are the same person after his team gets to her house. It's not until Fenrir shifts into his hellhound form that Darcy accepts what she's being told. The fact that Fenrir knows Darcy is his mate just makes things more interesting. 

Fenrir and the rest of the team try to track down Lupa and her gang and find her but she gets away. Fenrir wants to serum that Lupa uses to make him human again but they can't figure out how to make it for him and he can't figure out how to shift from his animal back to human on his own. And because of this he can't mate with Darcy which really depresses him. 

Darcy and his team try to figure out his connection to Lupa, why he was stuck in his animal form for so long and why he can't remember what happened to him when he was still human. It was a great story full of twists and family secrets. The romance between Darcy and Fenrir was heartbreaking because they knew they had an uphill climb to be together but it was still really great to watch it happen. 

I liked finding out more about the evil that's been tracking them and trying to attack them and why. We find out a lot in this story so this series is best read in order since the overarching storyline would be confusing otherwise. 

I give this book 5 out of 5 stars.

Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Book Review: Wildfire Pegasus (Fire & Rescue Shifters: Wildfire Crew Book 4) by Zoe Chant


Book Description

The baby isn’t the biggest secret…

Diana never even knew his name. One impulsive, out-of-character night with a smoking hot firefighter, and now she’s a struggling single mom. She may have had to give up her dreams, but she’s determined to give her precious baby Beth everything...including a chance to know her biological father.

When a twist of fate lets Diana track the firefighter down at last, she’s braced for him to run screaming—not sweep her into his arms and hold her like he’ll never let go. Yet she can’t escape a nagging feeling that it’s all too good to be true. Is it just her anxiety disorder…or something more?

1. Rescue mate

2. Claim mate

3. Catch newfound daughter (who turns into an adorable, alarmingly fast pegasus) yet again

…were not on Callum’s to-do list for the day. Now he’s flying blind without a plan, and only one thing is certain. Diana and Beth are his, and he’ll do anything to keep them.

Even if that means hiding the truth.

It’s not just that he’s a pegasus shifter (though that’s hard enough to explain). How could Diana trust him to be a good father if she knew about the crippling curse of his special power? Or the hidden pain in his past? And as if his personal demons weren’t enough, there’s the literal demons stalking his fire crew...if Diana knew any of it, she’d bolt even faster than little Beth.

Especially if she discovered the biggest secret of all…

He might not be Beth’s father.

My Review

Diana had a one night stand with a man she didn't know and had no way to get a hold of once she found out she was pregnant until she spots him giving an interview on tv. After finding out where he is, she drives to him to let him know about their baby. 

Callum is a pegasus shifter and Hotshot firefighter. He's also an identical triplet so when Diana finds him and tells him they have a baby together, he's not sure he's the father but he knows Diana is his mate.

Because of a set of crazy circumstances, Callum doesn't remember a night he might have spent with Diana but that doesn't stop him from claiming the baby as his own and claiming Diana as his mate even though one of his brothers could be the father. Hearing about how she met Callum and maybe his brothers was actually really funny.

The evil from the last few books in this series is still after the Hotshot crew and they are still trying to communicate with the thunderbird. But we do get a little more information about the thunderbird so I'm looking forward to seeing where that leads. 

Callum and his two other brothers haven't always gotten along but there's been a lot of miscommunication along the way so when they all come together to figure out who the father is, it's a real mess at first. Once again if they had just talked, things could have been resolved so much easier. Diana takes all the information that gets thrown her way pretty well considering it's quite a bit. But Callum and Diana were so great to watch together. 

The evil is still after the team so we get to see Lupa again who seems to be in charge, kinda and her flying hellhounds. Fenrir, who is one of the Hotshot teammates but who is stuck in his animal form is a hellhound so it was really interesting to see how he reacted to Lupa when he got a good look at her. Fenrir's book is next and it's the one I've been looking forward to the most because he's such an interesting character. 

This book was so much fun and so many secrets came out in this book, so I'm really glad I read it. This series is best read in order because of the overarching storyline.  This series has been so much fun that I've been binge reading the books. 

I give this book 5 out of 5 stars. 

Monday, September 20, 2021

Happy Raturday!

"Mom wouldn't gib me any ice cream, so I stole some"

"I would share but it's just big enough for me"

"We decided to steal some of our brothers ice cream. Hope we don't get caught"

"If we do get caught, it was totally worth it"

"Oh no. We got caught. Gonna go to jail for stealing the ice cream"

The Ice Cream Jail Blues will continue next week. 

*All pictures this week courtesy of*

Sunday, September 19, 2021

Apartment Life #270

This is a weekly blog post that I'm calling Apartment Hell  Life. I've mentioned a few times some of the crazy things that go on in and around my apartment complex in the past 24 years that we've lived here and people keep telling me I should write a book. But instead of a book, I've decided to share the crazy things that have happened in and around my apartment complex in the last 24 years here in a weekly blog post. 


I saw the police cars patrolling my street again too. They didn't stop but it seems like every time I step outside these days I spot them in the alley, on the street or going down side streets. I think they would see more if they stopped, got out of the cars and came into the courtyards. That's where most of the drug dealing is going on and where most of the druggies are laying around or sitting in front of people's doors waiting for the drug apartment to be open for business in the morning. 


One night while my daughter was coming home from work she spotted this ax sitting near a tree outside my apartment complex.

Then she noticed that there was also a knife stuck in the tree right beside it. She decided not to touch either one in case something weird was going on. The next morning they were both gone.


There's a new tweaker woman in my neighborhood who has been hanging around down at the drug dealers apartment. And then on Tuesday Tweaker Lady was on the other side of the chain link fence and she stops and looks at me and says, "You're big. You're huge! There will be justice." And just kept on staring at me as I walked home. o.0

She's been spotted walking down the middle of the street waving her hands and yelling at people as well as yelling at no one. I think she might be mentlly ill maybe suffering from schizophrenia. 

Wednesday morning my daughter tells me that Tweaker Lady and friend were sitting in our chairs in front of our apartment making a bunch of noise. My daughter confronted then and asked them to leave and they continued to sit there making noise for a while before they got up and left. I told my daughter to wake me up next time and I will make them leave. They won't ignore me. I'll throw a bucket of water on them, I don't care. Sorry, I'm just trying to clean my chairs and didn't see you sitting there. 


Friday morning my daughter heard gunshots close by, maybe in the alley of our apartment complex. No one ever calls the police for that because it happens so often. I didn't hear it because my bedroom AC was on and it's loud and muffles any noise from outside. 

The high this week was 105F/40C

So that's it for this week's Apartment Hell  Life! Be sure to come back next week for more.

Saturday, September 18, 2021

Book Review: Wildfire Sea Dragon (Fire & Rescue Shifters: Wildfire Crew Book 3) By Zoe Chant


Book Description

Wildfires and demons? No sweat.
His bodyguard? She’s the real danger…
Noble. Dutiful. Serious. All words no one would ever use to describe sea dragon shifter Joe, Prince of Atlantis.

Screw destiny. Battling raging infernos with his bros as a wildland firefighter is infinitely preferable to sitting on a throne. Even with weird monsters stalking the crew…and him personally.

Bring it. He doesn’t need a bodyguard. Especially not her.

The woman of his dreams…

She is Seventh Novice. And if she’s ever to become a Knight of Atlantis—the first and only one who isn’t a sea dragon—she has to be perfect. Perfectly honorable. Perfectly dutiful. Perfectly in control of her deadly inner monster.

Which would be a lot easier if she hadn’t been assigned to protect the infamous Prince. A man with the common sense of a stunned herring…and a body that drives her beast into a frenzy of desire.

Now Joe has to thwart fate one last time. Without revealing his secret...

He can see the future.

And if he claims his mate, she’ll die.

My Review

Joe is a sea dragon shifter and he's got a huge secret...he has visions of the future so he knows that he cannot claim his mate because he's seen a vision of her dying if he does. He is a Prince but works with a firefighting group that he thinks of as his family.

Seven saved him from an attack and after a bit of a problem, she is named as his bodyguard but Joe and Seven both know that she's also his mate. 

Seven thinks that the reason Joe doesn't want to claim her as his mate is because of his playboy lifestyle and doesn't want to settle down but he's actually trying to save her life. She and Joe reunite with his Hotshot firefighting crew and they seem to know right away that Seven is his mate but there's a lot they don't know. 

When Seven witnesses Joe have a terrible nightmare, he tells her his big secret and why they can't mate and then they make a plan to keep everyone safe until the danger passes so they can mate later. So their romance is a slow burn even though they lust for each other and want each other but have to wait. 

But it irritated me a little that Joe decided not to tell his friends the truth about his visions. If he wanted to keep them safe, all he had to do was tell them the truth, I know they would have believed him and they could have helped him. So he and Seven work behind the scenes to try and keep his visions from coming true all the while trying to keep their hands off each other. But it was a wonderful romance, the characters are feeling so familiar since this is the 3rd book in the series I've read and the overarching storyline of the evil in the wilderness they've been dealing with is really interesting. Plus it's fun seeing so many different kinds of shifters. 

Because this is a spinoff series from the Fire & Rescue Shifters series, we get to see characters from that series at times and this was one of those times. I really liked that because I adored that series and it was nice to see some of those characters again. 

I give this book 4 out of 5 stars. 

Friday, September 17, 2021

Freebie Friday!

Welcome to another weekly Freebie Friday post, where I tell you what free samples and full sized products I received in the mail and how you can get them too. Someone asked me why I do a "Freebie Friday" each week, so I'll tell you.

A while back I listed all the free samples and wins that I had received that previous year and so many people didn't believe that I could have gotten so many free things. So I decided to prove it by taking a picture every week and sharing the sites that I found the links to the freebies at. So now you too can get great free samples coming to your mailbox each week.

  You can find links to great samples at Hey It's Free and Freebie Shark.

This week I received:

I ordered some groceries using Anycart from Albertsons and I received these freebies in the bags with my groceries. 

Orange flavored Luna Bar. 
Starbucks and Tim Hortons coffee samples. 
I also received $17.00 off my Anycart order since it was my 4th order. 

That was a nice surprise. 

I like these orange Luna bars. I've had them before and they do taste like oranges. 
Both coffee samples were good but I'd had the Starbucks one before. 

If you've never used Anycart and wondered about it, it was really easy to use and they delivered my groceries the same day. This post is not sponsored, I just like their service.

Did you receive any freebies this week?

Thursday, September 16, 2021

Book Review: Wildfire Unicorn (Fire & Rescue Shifters: Wildfire Crew Book 2) by Zoe Chant


Book Review

There's a shirtless firefighter at her door...and he's holding a baby unicorn.
Animal rescue officer Candice thought she’d seen it all. That was before the unicorn.

Or rather, unicorns.

When a smoking hot firefighter turns up at her emergency centre, the baby unicorn in his arms turns out to be the least unusual thing about him. And he wants Candice for more than her fully-equipped rescue trailer…

Unicorn shifter Wystan thought meeting his true mate would solve all his problems. Now he’s got an adorable and unruly mystery on his hands, the mother of all wildfires breathing down his neck, and dark forces closing in on all sides. How’s he supposed to romance this blunt, prickly, astonishing woman in all this? Especially when Candice guards her heart as fiercely as she protects the animals under her care?

But when unicorns are real, dreams can come true…

And so can nightmares.

My Review

Wystan is a unicorn shifter and at the end of the last book, he and his team find a baby unicorn in the bushes as they are fighting a huge fire. Unicorn shifters were supposed to be able to heal but Wystan didn't have that ability and he felt like a failure. So he did the only thing he could do in this circumstance, he brought the tiny unicorn to the nearest veterinarian. 

When we first meet Candice she's trying to help a rat that was left behind by its owner. I love rats so of course I already loved her. Candice is the senior animal control officer and she has tents set up at the camp for the firefighters to bring in the injured animals they found while fighting the fires. 

When Candice sees the baby unicorn for the first time she thinks it's an albino baby deer so there's no big drama around that. But then a powerful force that they've decided to call, nightmare follows them all back to camp and wrecks havoc all around them. There's also a powerful shifter that they've tried once in the first book to make contact with,  but they aren't sure if it understands them. If they are going to get out of this alive, the'll have to try and reason with the shifter and help the evil thing that's stalking them.

Candice and Wystan are very much opposites and each has some baggage but Candice is very standoffish because of what happened to her in the past which makes their love story a slow burn romance which I was fine with. They took their time and got to know one another before going further. 

There's a huge twist that leads to a really big secret and I liked it and thought it was a cool reveal. A lot happens in a short amount of time at this point and it kept me on the edge of my seat waiting to see what would happen next. I really liked how this ended though and am really looking forward to the next book. 

I give this book 5 out of 5 stars.

Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Book Review: Wildfire Griffin (Fire & Rescue Shifters: Wildfire Crew Book 1) by Zoe Chant


Book Description

He's an alpha griffin shifter. She's autistic. He's met his match...

When firefighter Rory lays eyes on fire watcher Edith, he instantly knows she’s the one. His fated mate. 

Now, to win her heart, he just has to protect her from:

1. A raging wildfire (actually, she’s already got that covered, thanks)

2. The lightning-throwing invisible monster that started it (um, the what?)

3. Killer bunnies (don't even ask)

4. The appalling matchmaking attempts from his crew of misfit shifters (not only is this guy scorching hot, his dog is adorable too. And...weirdly smart?)

5. His own animal need to claim her. Now. (if only she could look him in the eye…)

Good thing that as a powerful griffin shifter, he can handle anything…right?

There’s only one problem.

The last thing this autistic woman wants—or needs—is to be protected…

Zoe Chant returns to the hot, hilarious world of the Fire and Rescue Shifters with an all-new series starring an all-new crew - now wilder than ever! 

My Review

Edith is in her fire watch tower watching for fires in the forest but when she witnesses a lightning strike out of nowhere and calls in the small fire, they don't believe her but send someone to check it out anyway. 

Rory and his firefighter crew were called to check out a wild fire when he comes face to face with Edith and as soon as he meets her eyes, he knows she's his mate. 

An invisible monster is lurking in the forest, ready to take over another animals bodies so it can watch the Hotshot team and try to find a way to possess one of them. All the while Rory is trying to get to know Edith a little better and find out why she's so skittish. But after finding out more about her, the team asks her to join their Hotshot team and fight fires with them and after a little persuading, she accepted the new position which was great since Rory wanted nothing more than to get to know her better before letting her know he was a shifter and she was his mate. 

But because she didn't tell anyone she's autistic, there's plenty of miscommunication going on that leads to personal problems that could have been cleared up if they had just talked. But in the end things end up the way they are supposed to and we get to see yet another twist when they find another kind of shifter that I have a feeling we haven't seen the last of. This series has an overarching storyline and after reading this book (book 1), I plan on reading the rest in short order.

I give this book 5 out of 5 stars.

Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Review: Daily Goodie Box- September

The Daily Goodie Box has been around since about July of 2016. I signed up for an account right after I heard about them. They are 100% free, you don't even have to pay for shipping. And for a free box it's a nice sampler box of products.

What was in the box?

Gloss Leaf - Collagen Iced Tea Peach - I'e had this one and have to say it's not bad. I don't like peach flavored tea but this is a good tasting tea. I would prefer a different flavor though.

Moon Cheese - Cheddar Bacon Me Crazy - This was definitely my least favorite thing in the box. It has a stale taste to it and the added bacon flavor just made it have a weird, not good taste to it. The funny thing is my dog loves them. He got a hold of one of them when I dropped it and it didn't upset his stomach. So he has some crackers now.

Zolli Candy - Boss Baby Limited Edition ZolliPops - These are great and my grandson likes them. They are small lollipops but they have a great flavor to them.

Zen of Slow Cooking - Tuscan Spice Blend - I used them in a pot roast in my slow cooker since it's still too hot to turn the oven on and the spices were great, had a great flavor.

Aroma Naturals - Lavender Beauty Oil - This massage oil can be used on your hands, face, neck or wherever. It also has Vitamin E so it's good for your skin and it smells really good. 

South of France  - Orange Blossom Honey Soap - This was my favorite thing in the box. It smells so good and even though it dries my skin out a little, that's okay because soap often does that.

Natrapel® - Lemon Eucalyptus Insect Repellent - I have one of these already and hardly have to use it because we really don't have a lot of mosquitoes around where I live. I will keep it in case anyone plans to go hiking in the mountains or desert anytime soon. 

All they ask you to do is try the products and leave reviews for the products you got in order to be eligible for more Free Goodie Boxes. As you guys already know, I'm a fan of all these types of boxes. I love all the different subscription boxes and it's really nice to be able to try new to me products for free. This is a great box to try for.

Oh and one more thing, if you visit their FB Page, they give away Goodie Boxes to people who interact with their posts. So if you've tried before and weren't able to get a Goodie Box, there's even more ways to get one now.

Have you signed up? Have you received one of these boxes?

I'm a fan of subscription boxes and love trying new products for free so this was a huge hit with me. New products+free box = Fabulous!

Disclosure: I was given and free box in exchange for a review but all opinions are my own.

Monday, September 13, 2021

Happy Raturday! (Hamster Edition)

Cuddles. There was a pet store in the mall that was closing and she was the last hamster they had and so I bought her and brought her home. But I didn't know she was pregnant, yeah, she had 5 babies. That was actually fun. 

This week I told you I would show you pictures of some of the hamsters we had. I actually didn't plan on having more than one hamster but things happen...

Buster was the first hamster we had. We got buster when one of my daughters friends mother came and asked if I would take him since she didn't want to care for him anymore. So I said yes. He was a really big hamster. Big enough that a ferret harness and leash fit around him and I would put it on him and take him for a walk. I got some looks. 

Smokey was a hamster that we only had for a couple of weeks because he passed away soon after we got him. Hamsters have short life spans and sometimes they pass away out of the blue for no apparent reason. 

The babies, Cuddles babies. Remember Cuddles from the first picture? These are her babies. She had 5 babies and I kept them all. They were Chinese Dwarf hamsters, about half as big as teddy bear hamsters and really fast.

My daughter was trying to hold all of them and they kept escaping. lol They just ran all over really fast.

We ended up with so many hamsters that Ken built shelves to hold some of the hamster cages. That bottom one isn't a cage, it's a large tupperware container with a bunch of hamsters toys so I had somewhere to put the hamsters when I cleaned their cages. 

When one of the hamsters would pass away we would drive up to Mount Charleston and bury them up in the mountains somewhere. 

*Chance* Roborovski Hamster. These kinds of hamsters are the smallest and the fastest and they will run! I had to give Chance a little piece of pumpkin pie just to get him to stop so I could get a picture of him. 

 Onyx loved to come out and get a snack. Hamsters aren't as friendly as rats but he was especially friendly.

Honey and Spirit the Gerbils. I also had 2 gerbils. That was an experience because they like to hop all over you. I would take them out on the couch with me and they would climb all over me and just hop really fast all over the couch. They were hilarious. 

Cinnamon we got when another of my daughters friends didn't want to keep her any longer. When the mothers in my neighborhood found out I would take in unwanted hamsters, they brought me several. lol 
Ken found out that if he sniffed really loudly with his face down by some of them they would sniff or squeak back at him. It was so funny.

Baby was a Chinese Dwarf hamsters and fast as heck. Hamsters usually only live for 2-3 years but this little guy lived for 4 1/2 years. 

Bambi was one of those hamsters that would would sniff back at Ken. She would run over to his face and rub herself on his jaw and squeak at him. He thought it was so funny and he started doing it to all the hamsters to see if they would respond.

Bubbles just wanted to sit on top of the couch and be left alone. She was the most laid back hamster ever. She just wanted to sit up there alone and look around.

A bunny that Ken found in the parking lot. Ken was talking with a friend in our parking lot and this bunny just came up to him. He picked it up and brought it home. We were going to keep it but my daughter who is holding him in this picture was really allergic to him. So we found him a good home with people who had other rabbits.

Cuddles. Some Chinese Dwarf hamsters will live together unlike Teddy Bear hamsters who will fight to the death if you house them together. But once she had the babies and they were weaned she wanted nothing to do with them and she would fight them so she got her own cage. She also became a biter and we had to wear thick gloves when we handled her. I have no idea why but I still took her out and let her play on the couch. When she got older she couldn't bite very hard and I didn't have to wear the gloves but she would still try to bite me if I got too close to her. 

Sniffy was from another of my daughters friends in the neighborhood and Ken would sniff at him and he would run over and rub himself all over Ken while sniffing really loudly back at Ken. We never did figure out why some of them would respond like that to him but Sniffy would run over to Ken and rub himself all over him. It was so cute. He was such a friendly little hamster. 

So those were the hamsters that we had before we had rats. I hope you enjoyed seeing their pictures.

Sunday, September 12, 2021

Apartment Life #269

This is a weekly blog post that I'm calling Apartment Hell  Life. I've mentioned a few times some of the crazy things that go on in and around my apartment complex in the past 24 years that we've lived here and people keep telling me I should write a book. But instead of a book, I've decided to share the crazy things that have happened in and around my apartment complex in the last 24 years here in a weekly blog post. 


In the ongoing License Plate Thief Chronicles... Another neighbor told my daughter that she was approached by the thief and another woman who were selling stolen license plates in the strip mall parking lot next door and wanted to know if she wanted to buy one. O.o What? Yeah. I could hardly believe it either. 

Then the next morning my daughter spotted the thief's car with a *new* license plate. But I don't know if you can tell from this picture, the plate is all bent to hell. LOL She sure as heck didn't get this plate from the DMV. First off they give you 2 license plates and they are not bent all to hell looking like they've been through a trash compactor. Then the next morning I realized that the license plate was gone again. She only puts the license plate on her car when she's driving it. Otherwise she takes the plate off and leave her car backed into her spot in the alley. Not strange at all. 

She probably knows that the police have been driving up and down our street and the alley and she doesn't one of them running her plate. I mean, it's just so obvious and she'll get caught eventually. Plus as you can see, there's no registration sticker on this license plate. She'll get caught...again. What an idiot.

Maybe I shouldn't have posted the plate number but I don't care. It's not like it's her actual plate. It's so obvious it's stolen.


I spotted the fire truck at the end of my street this week. Not sure what was going on but no police or ambulance showed up and they left a little while later. 


I did see the police in front of my apartment building at 5am one day but my stupid phone wouldn't take a picture because it said the SD card was full and by the time I got my camera, the police were already gone. So that's why there's no picture. 


The high this week was 101F/38C

So that's it for this week's Apartment Hell  Life! Be sure to come back next week for more.

Saturday, September 11, 2021

Book Review: A Mate For The Dragon by Zoe Chant


Book Description

A curvy woman with a broken heart + a hot dragon shifter with a haunted past + a deadly clan of evil dragons = one sizzling and suspenseful romance!

Dumped by her boyfriend and out of a job, curvy Holly Edwards just wants to forget about her troubles for a while. A peaceful vacation in a cabin in the woods seems like the perfect way to get some alone time and mend her broken heart. She thinks she can do without love in her life - at least until the drop-dead gorgeous Stefan walks into her life.

Dragon shifter Stefan Novak is the last of his clan - and unless he finds a mate soon, his lineage will die with him. But Stefan knows that even if he finds his mate, she too will be in deadly peril from the rival dragon clan who is hunting him. He's made up his mind he won't seek out his mate, even if it means he'll be alone forever - but he doesn't expect his mate to come looking for him.

The connection between Holly and Stefan can’t be denied, but old foes resurface, threatening to pull them apart. Can they survive the battle between rival dragon clans? Stefan's enemies will stop at nothing to defeat him - even if it means threatening Holly's life. Can he keep her safe and win her heart?

A Mate for the Dragon is an action-packed standalone paranormal romance. No cliffhangers!

My Review

Stefan has been in hiding from a ruthless dragon shifter who killed the rest of his clan, he's the only one left. He wasn't looking for his mate because he knows getting close to someone will put them in danger but he can't walk away once he finds Holly. 

Holly has lost everything in a short amount of time. Her boyfriend left her, and she quit her job because she thought she was going to be with the guy who left her behind. 

Holly decides to rent a cabin in the woods to try and relax and regroup after her life changes. But she meets Stefan out in the woods when she hurts her ankle and he helps her back to her cabin. He even stays with her and gets her some ice for her foot but she isn't used to someone being this nice to her and isn't sure what to make of it. So when Stefan shows her that he might be interested, she jumps at the chance to lose herself in this gorgeous man even if it's only for one night. But Stefan can't say goodbye to her once he starts to get to know her and they form a bit of a bond since they are mates and he doesn't want to leave but staying could put her in danger. 

Once the crazy dragon shifter finds them and puts both Holly and Stefan in danger, all hell breaks loose but secrets are reveled and so are the motives to the family feud that has been going on for years. 

I really liked the ending and will be reading more of this series. 

I give this book 4 out of 5 stars.

Friday, September 10, 2021

Freebie Friday!


Welcome to another weekly Freebie Friday post, where I tell you what free samples and full sized products I received in the mail and how you can get them too. Someone asked me why I do a "Freebie Friday" each week, so I'll tell you.

A while back I listed all the free samples and wins that I had received that previous year and so many people didn't believe that I could have gotten so many free things. So I decided to prove it by taking a picture every week and sharing the sites that I found the links to the freebies at. So now you too can get great free samples coming to your mailbox each week.

  You can find links to great samples at Hey It's Free and Freebie Shark.

This week I received:

Water Wipes. 
CeraVe lotion. 
Think Bar. 
$30 Amazon gift card. 
Santa treat bowl with lid from Walmart Spark Reviewer. 

The Water Wipes are wet wipes. These kinds of things always come in handy when my grandson is over. Why are little boys so messy. LOL 

I already use the CeraVe lotion and like it. The Think bar was actually pretty good. 

I got the $30 Amazon gift card when I cashed out my points from Product Report Car survey site. It's a good site to do surveys and get paid for them. 

The Santa treat bowl is cute and will be nice for Christmas. 

Did you receive any freebies this week?