Monday, July 21, 2014

Jonathan's birth-Picture overload!

It's been soooooo longed since I blogged. Ya. Pretty sad. I have missed so much, but I thought I would at least post pics of Jonny's birth. And hopefully soon I will document it as well. As for now, hopefully this will suffice. :)

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

10 Years! And a slideshow!

I can't believe how bad I have been at blogging! Especially with so many amazing things going on in my life. (Namely a little BOY to be born in early April.) BUT it was just my 10 year anniversary, and I have to publicly express the love I have for my husband. Our lives have changed a lot over this past year with him being Bishop. I don't see him a whole lot, and when I do, he is usually on the phone or computer doing stuff for his calling. It has been a lot to get used to, and some days are more challenging than others, but we get through it because of the relationship we have. And I know after these 5 years are up, I will be able to look back and appreciate this time and the things we have both learned from it. I love this man more than life. I can't believe I got this lucky, and I thank the Lord for him everyday.

Here is a video that Brad made for me 3 years ago. It was on my blog back then, so some of you may have seen it, but for those of you who haven't, I hope you enjoy it almost as much as I do. Oh, and remember that Brad made this, so he didn't pick some of the most flattering pics of me. Some are of me talking or blinking. Lol! Just try to ignore that, and enjoy seeing pics of Brad with hair.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

The announcement I thought I'd never be able to make.....

Pretty much everyone who knows me knows this by now, but just in case you don't, I'm PREGNANT!!!!!

Actually 4 months pregnant to be exact. I feel bad it has taken me so long to post on here. I was super sick my first trimester and I feel like I have been playing catch up ever since.

Some of you may be wondering how this happened. Er, um, not how it happened, but you know what I mean. Haha! ;)

For those of you that have heard this story, I am so sorry. Bur I want this amazing miracle to be documented for my posterity. And for this little baby to know what a miracle it is. (Don't get me wrong. ALL babies are miracles. This one just has an extra special story.)

It was the end of July, and we were getting ready to go on vacation with my family. I knew that time of the month was coming, but I didn't know exactly when because my periods are not consistent. But a week before we were to leave, I thought, if I don't start by the morning we are supposed to go, I'll take a pregnancy test. That week I couldn't stop thinking about it, which is very unusual for me. I avoid taking pregnancy tests like the plague. When you have had almost 6 years of all negatives, except for 2, you learn to hate those lil' buggers.

The night before we were supposed to leave, I ended up dreaming about it. So the next morning, when Kassi got up, Brad took her downstairs to get breakfast. I went in the bathroom half asleep. Didn't even turn on the main bathroom light. Just the closet light. Took the one and only pregnancy test out of my closet that had been sitting there for 2 years, and peed on it.

I glanced down and didn't see anything, so I put the test down and preceded to get up and wash my hands. I then picked up the test again, glanced down one more time before I threw it in the trash, and lo and behold, there was a 2nd line there. I wish I had a camera to record my reaction because it's hard to even describe. There were no tears. No screaming. No reaction at all, actually. I was shocked. Beyond belief. I turned the main light on and just sat and stared at the test for what seemed like forever. Pinching myself to make sure that I was awake.

After probably just a couple minutes, I heard Brad coming upstairs. I opened the door and told him to come in. As soon as I shut the door I help up the test. He gets this weird look on his face, and asks, "Is that a pregnancy test?" And I say, "Yes. And it's positive."

I will now document the rest of our conversation.
B:No. That can't be right. The line is too light.
S:It doesn't matter how light the line is. There are 2 lines, and that means pregnant.
B:Well. It must mean a false positive then.
S:Ya. Maybe you're right.

Silence for a couple minutes while we continue to stare at the test.

S:I don't know Brad. False negatives happen, but false positives are pretty rare.
B:I know. I just don't want to get our hopes up. I don't want to see you hurt again.
S:I know. I don't want to go through another miscarriage.

It's then that I think about the pain that I experienced several months earlier, and can not help but tear up.

Brad puts his arms around me and it's then that I realize that if that's what is going to happen, I will be able to get through it, because I have the best husband, ever, and with him, I can get through anything.

I'll try to shorten this novel, but pretty much, I call my nurse, and she tells me to come in and get some blood work done. We tell my family because we will be running behind for our trip. We tell them to not get their hopes up, though, because the chances of me miscarrying are very high.

That afternoon, my nurse calls and Brad and I hold our breath as she gives us the results. "You are definitely pregnant!" She said. That is when I start to cry. I couldn't believe it! We were a week away from posting our adoption profile online, and we are PREGNANT! My nurse told me to come back and get my blood work done in a couple days to make sure my numbers are doubling.

We did go back and my numbers doubled. Then we went back a couple days after that, and they doubled again. We were amazed. We were actually pregnant.

We still hadn't told Kassi or Brad's family our good news. We knew we were going in at six weeks to have an ultrasound so we wanted to make sure everything was okay before we told Kassi.

I was so nervous as I sat in the ultrasound room. But when she put the thing on my tummy, we saw it. The little heartbeat. It was amazing. I just burst into tears. This was actually happening. This was such a miracle. My infertility specialist told me he thought the chances of me getting pregnant on my own were slim to none. And here we were, 6 weeks pregnant, looking at our baby's heartbeat.

We told Kassi the next day while camping with Brad's family. It had been her birthday a couple days earlier and we told her that we had one more gift for her to open. We wrapped the ultrasound pictures up and gave them to her to open in front of Brad's family. She was clueless as to what the pics were, but Brad's family saw, and they were so surprised and thrilled. We got that on film and it is priceless.

Alright. This post is long enough, so I will sign off for now. I am just so happy and still so shocked to be able to say that we are pregnant. So many more emotions going through me right now, but I'll save the rest of those for later. :)

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Kassi plays soccer!

Kassi played soccer for the first time this spring. She loved it! And it was a lot of fun having Brad and my brother, Jarom, coach the team. On the field!
Kassi and my Mom.
My brother, Jarom.
My nephew, Danny.
My cute hubby coaching from the sidelines.
Kassi and Zach after one of their games.
Kassi can't wait to play soccer again!

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Brad's 31st B-Day/St George

Um. Didn't get a lot of pics of Brad's bday party with his family. So so sad. But we went to St George during his bday and had a blast! Here he is with his cake.
Chillin at my brother and sister in law's house in St George.
At the water park!
Playing at the park!
Out to dinner for Brad's bday!
Now onto his bday party with my fam!
We had such a blast for Brad's bday this year. Going away was so nice and very much needed with Brad being the Bishop of our ward. We value our time together tremendously.