Saturday, 24 December 2011

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

I finally finished sewing the names on the stockings, adding sequins and jingle bells, and they have been hung up ready for Father Christmas to stop by.

I had great fun sewing these, especially to Seven Brides for Seven Brothers last week, where I successfully introduced the film to the next generation. It made my day.

I hope that you have a truly wonderful Christmas and that 2012 will be a great year for you all.

Thanks to everyone who has read my blog, commented and to those I have made friends with - you are all an inspiring bunch of people.

Next year will be amazing - I just know it. Merry Christmas

Sunday, 18 December 2011

A page from my sketchbook

The other day I was working at my computer and we had a power surge which resulted in a 40 minute delay to get it up and running again. It also happened that at that time I was feeling a bit creative so it didn't take long for me to find some scrap paper and start doodling.

I started doodling a cat in a real simplistic form and then took inspiration from my moggy who sadly is no longer with me - I still miss her and I still miss the smell she had round her neck (strange I know but when I cuddled up to her and nuzzled her neck, she had the most wonderful smell).

So in honour of my moggy I have a little characature of her which I will share with you tomorrow. Here are the doodles I created in order to get to the final version, which I have since glued into my sketchbook with good old PVA. As she aged, she became somewhat portly (don't we all) and a little bit chubby. I recall one time I took her to the vets as I was worried about these 'flaps' appearing on each side of her and the vet kindly referred to them as love handles. Don't you just love it that cats can get those.

Anyway, as she was somewhat rounded you can see from my doodles where I got my inspiraton from. And here's a picture of Pippa - my lovely, beautiful cat.

Sorry for the bad photo's of my doodles, the light wasn't too great!

This is also my entry for Sunday Sketches this week - please head over to Sophia's blog to check out the other wonderful entries. And this time next week it will be Christmas Day - yay!

Wednesday, 14 December 2011

Agnes Cecile

You tube is great for finding inspiration and seeing artists at work. I recently found the work of Agnes Cecile and her work is amazing.

I love the drips, the emotions you feel from her work and the colours. I tip my hat to her (if I wore one).

I hope you enjoy watching this as much as I did and admire her talent!

This time next week it'll be a few days until Christmas......think I need to get a move on and get everything sorted out. Thankfully I have cut the spending down quite a bit this year which makes life so much easier. I know I keep on saying this but it really is about being with those you love - that is the gift.

Tuesday, 13 December 2011

A trip down memory lane

Last week I posted about my needle case that I had made when I was ten years old and still use. Well would you believe I have another item that is much older than the needle case that I came across on Friday.

Jim's eldest daughter wasn't feeling well so I offered her up my hot water bottle. When I got it out of the drawer I smiled as it's in an old nightdress case I had when I was a kid. Growing up in the seventies, there wasn't such luxurious things as hot water bottles with fluffy covers, you really just had a blue hot water bottle that you covered in a towel to stop yourself from burning if you happened to put water that was too hot in there. So my mum used an nightie case I had as a gift and placed the hot water bottle in it as it was a perfect size. Here it is, well worn and loved.

When I left home it came with me (I have no idea why but I'm glad it did!)

My Dad's cousin Jackie made this for me with a matching nightdress and I think I must've been 6 when I had it. Except mum thought it was a dress and sent me to a talent contest wearing it. Here I am wearing it at The Savoy Holiday Camp in the Isle of Wight! Gotta love the 70's. After Jackie saw the photo she told mum it was a nightdress so I was saved further embarrassment!

I am sure I inherited alot of my artistic ability but I also watched lots too. Jackie and her cousins Pamela and Jan were always making things and I remember them coming over on a Sunday for the family roast dinner, then knitting or crocheting afterwards. So inspiring. I really looked up to Jackie and spent lots of time with her and was a bridesmaid at her wedding - I can't believe I am doing this but here's a picture of me as a bridesmaid at her wedding back in 1984 when I was a mere 13 (I'm on the right). Don't you just love the pink taffeta and the flick (you can tell I was a Wham fan as that hairdo is very George Michael-ish!!) Such an 80's picture and come to think of it, this dress was made by Pamela's mum.

Anyway, through life you meet lots of inspirational people and sometimes you get to hold on to things they have made with love. Even though I know there are fluffy covered hot water bottle covers out there, no one has this little creature and that's why I love handmade stuff. Just so unique.

Monday, 12 December 2011

A craft store trip

It's been a lovely weekend and the only thing missing really was seeing my mum. I normally visit on a Saturday, but I just had too much to get sorted out ready for Christmas, so I am looking forward to seeing her next week.

On Saturday I managed to finally visit the new Hobbycraft that had opened up in Staines. Since moving this is now my nearest one. I know they are a bit overpriced but I went in determined not to spend any more than I needed. The thing with Hobbycraft is that it pretty much covers most hobbies which means there's tonnes to look at, touch and sigh over. But I was good and only bought what was on my list.

I wanted to make some felt decorations for the kiddies presents (ours and my friends) so I picked up some felt and thread. I will use them to decorate the present with and hopefully if they are good enough they can be used as tree decorations. Least that's the plan. I bought 10 sheets of felt but does anyone know where you can buy this any cheaper in larger sizes? They weren't really expensive but I just feel I could get a better deal (I'm asking as I really want to make more things with felt).

I also wanted to make stockings this year for us all, but my sewing machine is buried in stuff at the house which I am still doing up, so I thought I would buy these and personalise them. They are not brilliant stockings, but I didn't want to spend a fortune as I really want to spend time making lovely, long lasting ones. I guess that will have to be next year now. Still, I plan on making these look nice by giving them an individual look so I will use some of the felt I bought to add names etc to these.

I desperately needed some pinking shears and debated whether to buy Fiskars ones as my dressmaking shears are by them and really good quality. I mulled it over and ended up buying the Hobbycraft ones at half the price. I just hope they are not half the quality either. I also bought a pen to mark out my design on the felt and apparently the ink vanishes by air after 24 hours. Has anyone else used this? I hope it works.

At then Hobbycraft got me at the till. As I queued up they had chocolate bells in a big tub and I gave in and purchased them....still that was the only thing that wasn't on the list so I patted myself on the back!!

I put these on the tree when the kids were in bed and within 30 minutes of Ollie waking up he walked around the tree, stood on tiptoe, held one in his hands and said 'that is locklat'. It's amazing how at 3 and a half children can sniff out chocolate.

I don't know if it's to do with Christmas or not, but I really feel like making and learning lots and lots of crafts. It may have to do with Kirstie's Handmade Britain or all of the lovely Facebook pages I have found recently, but I really want to paint, take photo's, sew, bake and just totally lose myself in crafty things.

Hope you all had a great weekend and that your week is wonderful.


Sunday, 11 December 2011

Sunday Sketches

Well I have made it for another Sunday Sketches - at least I am consistent with my inconsistency!

I haven't been sketching as much as I would like but I have been sketching some Christmas ideas and doodles, some for cards, some just so that I can let it flow and see what happens. Below are a couple that I did with a Christmas theme (strangely enough!).

Yesterday morning I was recovering from helping my lovely Jim out on an event he was working at. It was a long evening and I didn't get home until 3,30am but we did have lots of fun. From a mere people watching point of view, I loved seeing all the women in their different outfits and the variety of styles. And as for the think it was a contest to see who could wear the highest. But it was great and some of the men made a real effort too!

However, children don't understand a 3,30am late night and needless to say it required a lot of energy to keep going throughout the day. So I treated myself to a trip to Hobbycraft where I purchased a few goodies to make some things with.

This morning Jim has another photoshoot with a family which should be fun and then I think he wants to take a few pictures of the kids for the various relatives to send with cards - so a photography and creative filled weekend - perfect!

Hope you all have a wonderful Sunday and please head over to Sophia's blog to see the other Sunday Sketches pictures.


Wednesday, 7 December 2011

Oh Happy Day!

This morning on the way in to work I was a bit tired as I stayed up late last night being creative. It was flowing and the time passed so quickly. I didn't want to stop and could easily have painted and sketched and thought up new ideas for at least 2 or 3 more hours. Don't you hate it when that happens. And although I went to bed, I couldn't sleep for a while as my brain was still thinking creatively, even though I was telling it to sleep.

So as I got off the train this morning and walked towards the ticket barriers that lead me into the station, I was tired. But I also heard some singing. And as I walked through the barriers to head to a shop, the singing got louder and louder. It was a Gospel choir and they were singing 'Oh Happy Day'. I couldn't quite see them as there were shops in the way, but it sounded like a dozen or more singers. When I turned the corner and saw them, there were four ladies, in red gowns singing their heart out. They were amazing. They sang with such passion, such glee and with such vigor, like their life depended on it, that it sounded like there should have been more of them. People were smiling and I am sure the commuters felt as uplifted as I did. These four women made such an impact on me and even though I was tired and doing the dreaded commute each day, I felt a sense of gratitude that I could be here to see and listen to them.

I had to nip into a shop and when I came out they were gone. But they did what they were there to do, and that was to bring joy and music to the commuters. Thank you Gospel singers, you made my day.

Tuesday, 6 December 2011

If only I was there

As much as being creative is my passion, I absolutely love music. And I really wish I was there at this concert. Everyone looked like they were totally enjoying themselves and every time I watch this I smile and it makes the hair stand on the back of my neck. That's when you know you are listening to good music.

Have a wonderful Tuesday!

Monday, 5 December 2011

A lovely weekend

I hope you all had a nice weekend. It just goes too fast!

Mine was lovely, busy and spent with the family. On Saturday we spent it with my mum and had a lovely day, then Saturday night Jim and I went on a rare date. Off we went to Nando's before heading to the cinema to see Hugo in 3D. It was a really lovely film and there was something quite gentle about it at times. I will say my favourite character was the Station Inspector played by Sacha Baron Cohen - I swear he based his charcter on Inspector Clouseau - he was brilliant!

Then yesterday we put the Christmas tree up so now things are getting quite festive.
Hope you all have a good week - think I need to do some Christmas shopping soon!

Saturday, 3 December 2011

Sentimental journey

Last night I had to sew buttons back on jumpers and cardigans, so I got down my trusty sewing box to look for a needle and thread. And I had a real sense of nostalgia as my needles are still stored in a needle case I made when I was at juniors school.

I know it was juniors school as I can remember clearly the classroom I was in as I sat and made this little case. It would have been my last year (so aged 10-11) before moving up to the high school. I have no idea what year it would be classed now not being with it and all.

Anyway, I sat and admired the handiwork….how carefully I had cut it out and stitched around the edges and realised that I had made this almost 30 years ago. Wow. I’d not mislaid it in all those years, but had kept it like it was something precious. I guess now it is….well least to me.

And this needle case is stored in my Nan’s sewing box which was passed to my mum upon my Nan’s death and then given to me some time ago by mum. That and a little pill box are my treasured possessions that were my dear Nan’s.

As I took a picture of this for my blog I realised that I had placed it on a quilt my mum made last year and had given to me. So right there in front of me were 3 generations of craft stuff…..all of which are handmade, either by my family or another crafter.

It’s wonderful that the UK is starting to embrace handmade items again and encouraging us to take up a craft or work at the ones we may already know.

I love it and I hope that in years to come this sewing box, quilt and needle case are enjoyed by the generation below me.

What a lovely thought.

Friday, 2 December 2011

Happy Happy Friday

No matter what you are doing and who you are with, I hope you all have a great Friday and a wonderful weekend!

Helen xx

Thursday, 1 December 2011

A painting from the archives

The other day I posted a photograph from my archives - one that I used to sell a lot of. So today I thought I would share one of my life drawing paintings. This was done using pastels and I remember my tutor, Fran, pushing me to use the colours of the sarong on her skin, as almost a reflection. I tended to do a lot of my nudes in charcoal and this was the first one I did in pastels. I had THE most amazing time. I felt like I was just touching the surface of what I could achieve. Shortly after this session the classes stopped for a while and then I couldn't make the new term

I really did enjoy creating this study and I hope to join another life class in the not too distant future.

Hope you had a nice evening last night and are looking forward to the weekend. I missed Kirstie's Handmade Britain as for some reason our telly as decided to remove quite a few channels from it's selection....Channel 4 being one of them. Thanks heavens for catch up tv.

Have a great day!

Helen xx

Wednesday, 30 November 2011

Anthony Amos 1950 - 2010

In the November's issue of The Artist magazine there was an article on Anthony Amos. I had never heard of him before but I was immediately drawn to his paintings. These are not something that I would typically hang in my home, but I do have a love of boats (I know these are ships, but are still a form of boat). This scanned image doesn't do it justice, just as I am sure the printed picture in the magazine doesn't either.

Fishing Trawler

I really felt like I could smell the dockyard when I saw his paintings and I loved the looseness of his work. It has such an evocative feel about it.


You can read more about him here and see various images.

I am starting to feel better after a head cold which has gone on to my chest, so tonight I plan on doing more on my Paint Free class as it has taken a bit of a back seat lately.

Have a brilliant day, however you spend it.

Helen xx

Tuesday, 29 November 2011

A pretty flower to brighten the day

On my blog header it says 'artist and photographer' and for some reason I tend to post my art more than my photography. So here is one from my archives. I used to sell this as a print on ebay and it has been on wedding invitations, thank you cards and all sorts of things. I love gerbera flowers and I really love this picture.

Hope you are all having a good Tuesday xx

Friday, 25 November 2011

Bridget Henry

I came across this video today and it has really interested me. In the last few days I have been intrigued at the process of printing either from wood or lino. It completely fascinates me and I really enjoyed watching the process.

I have a long long list of things I would like to try and this really is one of them. I love how you can use just a few colours and it makes an interesting print. I think there are starter kits you can buy......that's the thing with art, there are so many possibilities but they can be so expensive to buy the bits too!

I definitely want to have a go at this!

Hope you all have a great weekend!

Helen x

Wednesday, 23 November 2011

Little Noise Sessions

Tuesday night I went to see Elbow at the St John-at-Hackney Church as part of the Little Noise Sessions. These were curated by Radio 1's Jo Whiley in aid of Mencap. All I can say is WOW!

Both pictures courtesy of Jim Templeton-Cross

The venue was beautiful and so lovely to see such an amazing group perform to such a small crowd. The last time I saw Elbow was at the O2 in March, so to be at such an imtimate gig with them was really a wonderful experience and one I will cherish.

They are running these small concerts for the rest of the week and I think there may be tickets still available for some of the gigs.

Art and photography are my passions but I would be completely lost without music!

Tuesday, 22 November 2011

Doodling and sticking

Last night I spent some time doodling, cutting out and sticking and I think I may have just come up with a Christmas card design that I actually like. I have a few ideas for more too! These will be sent to friends and family and if the response is good then I may just create some more for next year and sell them.

Gotta love Wallace and Gromit!

I love it when ideas start to bubble and you start off thinking of one thing and then before you know it it's developed into something else. I will use these old gift tags for the next idea....I knew I kept them for a reason.

Hope you are all having a good week. I am off to see Elbow tonight for the Mencap Little Noise Sessions - an intimate gig in a church.....really looking forward to it as I LOVE Elbow!

Take care xx

Sunday, 20 November 2011

Glittery Sunday Afternoon

Today it was foggy and pretty miserable looking outside, so once I had done all the dreaded housework, I promised Daisy that we would have some creative time. Out came the glitter!

Five year olds and glitter are an interesting combination and I have a feeling I will be finding it everywhere in days to come!

Daisy really enjoyed herself and I did too - once I accepted the fact that it's nigh impossible for it not to get everywhere.

Hope you had a good Sunday too!

Monday, 7 November 2011

A wonderful weekend!

I had an amazing time this weekend at Catherine and Pete's wedding. They chose the most beautiful location in the Lake District for their special day and it was a truly wonderful.

Catherine and Pete met on holiday 22 years ago and she moved from Scotland to 'down south' to be with him. They now live in Preston and are just a truly lovely couple. It seems weird that after 22 years they decided to tie the knot but I am so glad they did. You could see the love between them shining through and I had many a tear in my eye. After 22 years both sides of the families knew each other so well, so the whole wedding was just a real happy, relaxing day (well except for Pete's nerves). It was strange seeing Pete who is normally so laid back, looking nervous.
As a wedding present my lovely Jim took the photo's and I assisted. I hope we have done them proud! (all these photo’s are mine….Jim’s are much better!)

They are off for a few days in the Lakes and then travel to Northumbria and as a surprise Pete bought an old V12 Jag for their trip. Seeing Catherine's face was just the best!

I feel privileged to have been at their wedding and I have known them almost as long as they have known each other. They are a lovely, caring and giving couple who have hearts of gold and I am overjoyed they decided to marry. Who says holiday romances don't last!

(I love the way Pete is looking at her in this picture)

Friday, 4 November 2011

Making changes

These last few months have been very up and down for me for various reasons. I guess with highs come the lows and sometimes I wonder why whatever you want becomes so difficult to achieve. I've wanted to bury my head in the sand, or migrate to a sunny, stressfree place where I can relax and have a 6 month holiday.

I wonder how other people cope with the constant day to day challenges of fitting everything in and still feeling like they have time to do little things for themselves. They say that getting what you want can be hard, but worth it in the end and I am really looking forward to that.

I am seeing some light at the end of the very long and dark tunnel and this week I have taken pro-active action to sort areas out in my life that were long over due attention. And it feels so very good. Taking control is empowering and wonderful and safe to say I feel like a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders.

I am hoping that when the stress that has been hovering over me like a little black cloud completely disappears that I will have more energy to focus on my creative side. And I am not kidding myself that I won't ever get little black clouds again as life is full of them, but it would be nice not to have some for a while.

And to add to my feelings of happiness at making life changes, I am off to the Lake District today to attend as a guest and assistant to the official photographer (aka Jim) of one of my oldest friends wedding. Catherine has been with Pete for over 22 years and tomorrow they finally tie the knot. I am beyond excited for them.

I hope you all have a fab weekend and that whatever you do brings joy and happiness to your life!


Thursday, 3 November 2011

Ivan Vesley

I came across this video the other day and found it fascinating. Just goes to show that you can use anything to make a painting.

Hope you're having a good day so far.

Helen xx

Sunday, 30 October 2011

Sunday Sketches

I've made it to another Sunday Sketch and I have learned not to declare that I will make sure I do one each week (as typically say that is a kiss of death for me), but I will enter as often as I can.

This week I was doodling ideas for Christmas Cards and I doodled up a Father Christmas and put some light watercolours on it. Just having a bit of fun really, but that is what it is all about.

Please head over to Sophia's blog where you can find lots of other creative people showing their amazing artwork.

Today I shall be cleaning and putting back all my crockery etc into my new kitchen and then once the floor has been laid it will all be done. Hurrah! Only 5 years after moving in, I now have a new kitchen.

Hope you all have a brilliant Sunday xx

Friday, 28 October 2011

Paint Party Friday

I am in the process of painting two more pictures with the Forest Garden theme and this is one of them. It's not finished yet but I've let it sit for a bit until I decided what else I would like to do to it. I will share the other one with you in another post, but you can see it here on my workdesk.

I'm off to check out the other Paint Party Friday paintings and I hope you all have a lovely weekend!

Helen xx

Thursday, 27 October 2011

Handmade Britain

Image courtesy of Channel 4

Last night after a tiring day at work I settled down on the sofa with a cup of tea and watched Kirstie's Handmade Britain on Channel 4. And I was in heaven. All I can say is that it's wonderful that we are starting to embrace creativity and show programmes on television that encourage us to have a go. And not only that, but the show explores crafts that we may not have thought of trying before, or even known existed.

So there I was sketchbook in hand, doodling ideas for Christmas cards whilst sipping tea and eyeing up birds made of newspaper, cards with paper stitched on and a really funky ring made from an old book.

This is episode 2 out of 8 and I can't wait for the rest. Well done Channel 4 for bringing us such a fab programme.

Tuesday, 25 October 2011

My work desk

I looked at my desk tonight and thought I would share a picture of what it currently looks like.

I love being nosy at other people's workspaces so thought I would share mine, especially as it is relatively tidy. Click on the picture for a larger image.

I am thinking up ideas for Christmas cards at the moment and would love to use my new pen tablet to draw on the pc but I am just getting used to the way it works. It feels a bit weird at the moment! I am sure this will pass once I start to use it.

Hope you are all having a good week so far. It's mild here but has been raining today and right now I am feeling a bit chilly so might cuddle up on the sofa for a bit!

Sunday, 23 October 2011

Gruffalo party time

I made a Gruffalo invitation for my friend's little boys second birthday party recently and she asked if I could create a menu to give to the children so they could select the food they wanted in their little lunch bag.

So I set to work and instead of painting this one I decided to really try and get to grips with Photoshop. Over the years I have used it but I really do have a limited knowledge. Fortunately Jim doesn't and after installing a Wacom pen tablet on my laptop (which I have had for 2 years but never used), I decided to use it and have some fun. Again with help from Jim we got it up and running and then I just played about.

Here's the menu as it is right now. Not sure I will change anything else as my friend loves just depends on how well it prints as I hope the background won't be too 'busy' once printed.

Hope you are having a great Sunday. Today has been lovely and relaxing so far with the family. Perfect!

Added to Sunday Sketches - please head over to Sophia's blog to check out the other entries,

Thursday, 20 October 2011

Artist D.D Gadjanski

I stumbled across this lady on You Tube and wanted to share it. I love the looseness of her demonstration and her accent is just wonderful!

Have a great day

Tuesday, 11 October 2011

Watch out there's a Gruffalo about!

Ages ago I created a Charlie and Lola party invite for my best friends daughters 5th Birthday party. And I loved every minute of it. I learned lots in photoshop thanks to my lovely Jim and I was quite pleased with the invite. You can see it here. It's now approaching her 2 year olds birthday party and I have been given the task of producing a Gruffalo themed invite, so last night I got stuck in!

As I was waiting for the wash to dry I looked around and my other paintings winked at I got out my yellow acrylic ink and did some drizzling. Then sprayed water over it and tilted the canvas until I liked how it looked.

I also decided where I wanted the flowers to be and used the children's numbered tubs to draw round for perfect circles. And to think I nearly chucked these away - these are perfect as you have all different size circles!

And once done, I laid the canvas flat to dry.

I will do some more to the invites tonight as my 'client' is very demanding :o)

Monday, 10 October 2011

Good times

I had a lovely weekend as it was spent with friends and family and lots of children. My best friends little boy is 4 on Tuesday and she threw a party for him at one of those indoor activity play centres yesterday. Needless to say Daisy had a brilliant time and slept all the way home.

Here's a photo of me and Daisy just before we left the centre.

This week I will finish off Gruffalo party invites for my best friends youngest boy who will be 2 in November. So quite looking forward to that!

Have a great week and a Happy Monday too!