Friday, February 25, 2011


We often listen to books on tape in the car as we run our errands.  One day Lydia was listening to the narrator on Cinderella say how mean and cross her step-mother was.  Cinderella was forced to work in her own home and was neglected and starved of love.  In spite of all she was kind and happy and still believed that one day her dreams would come true.  To which Lydia replied, "Good for her!"

Lydia has a friend that is really struggling at home.  Her mom is just out of jail and oblivious to what it takes to be a good mom.  Lydia's friend was over at our house and Lydia and I could both tell that her friend was having a hard time.  She was really not acting like herself.  Lydia was concerned and her feelings kept getting hurt until I explained why her friend was acting different.  It is obvious in our area that some moms are not doing the job that they are supposed to.  I explained to Lydia that her friend was having a hard time at home and that her mom was having troubles making good choices.  Lydia then said, "That's okay, we can help E and teach her how to choose the right".
Then in her prayer that night she asked Heavenly Father to help her friend's mom choose the right and do what is 'required to do'.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Here we go again!

It's been several years since I had my last bowel resection and it is time to do it again!!  I have to admit that over the past month I have been a nervous wreck, not feeling well, weak, sTreSSeD and all that.  Finally though, I feel very peaceful about it and I am in a good place.  I met with the surgeon last Monday and he scheduled me for my first surgery on Friday the 25 of February.  This surgery is an outpatient procedure and should have a relatively short recovery.  Then I have another surgery in a few weeks.  I won't know exactly when that will be, it all depends on what he finds in the first surgery.  Fun Stuff!!

I learn so much from these opportunities/ experiences.  I am very excited for the surgery to be over, not just so that I am through the experience, but my doctor is hopeful that with this surgery I may be able to go into a remission for a few YEARS (what?!?!)  I have never had that and am super excited.  Of course I have to have 2 surgeries to get to that point, but anything worth having is worth working for.

As weird as it sounds, I am also grateful for these opportunities to be able to see the hand of God in my life.  I feel it is a fair exchange for the testimony and faith that I have gained.  I have no question that there is a God and that he loves me.  Every time I go through these trials, I feel comfort that I know is Heaven sent.

I'm just ready for April to come- my surgeries will be over, our future will be sorted out, Joel will be a month away from graduation...... it will be a good month!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Major Trauma- warning there is blood...

You know that horrible blood curdling scream that you know something is wrong with your child? I heard it on Wednesday afternoon while I was upstairs and couldn't get to her fast enough. She was playing on the bottom stair, and tumbled off onto the wood floor. Unfortunately her teeth caught her fall.

Joel was down there with her and had already scooped her up when I got to her. There was SO MUCH BLOOD. His shirt was covered and her whole face was covered and there was some on the ground. My first thought was- oh no, her teeth. When she gets hurt I go into this uber-calm state and time seems to slow down. I wiped some blood off and lifted up her lip and her teeth, her poor teeth.

We rushed her over to her Pediatric dentist where she got x-rays. Both of the roots were cracked straight through- horizontally. The dentist said there is a very small chance that her teeth will make it. The biggest worry is an abcess- if that happens we will have to go in and have them surgically removed. Also, with how big the cracks are- the pulp inside her teeth is probably dead. If that happens her tooth will have problems. If her teeth do make it, they will be grey or brown and that beautiful pearly white smile will be no more.

Joel and I are both heartbroken over this. I feel so shallow for that, but I love her smile and am really sad to loose it for several years. I realize that this happens to a lot of people, it's actually super common. I just wish I could spare her from things like this. She has been such a trooper I can't believe what an amazing girl she is. When I told her that everyone was worried about her and praying for her she said: Tell them not to worry mom. Tell them I'm okay. I'm going to be all better. Tell them not to worry.

How sweet is that?
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After the trauma

Sweet smiley girl.... She has been such a trooper. I never really realized before, but where ever Lydia walks- she bounces and dances. It has been SO hard to keep her still. The dentist said that these next 2 weeks are important in keeping her still. If the tighten up we will see within the next couple weeks. So that means, no dancing, no jumping, no climbing, no playdates, no mall play place, no playing with the dog, no going "ice skating" on the wood floor. It is so hard to keep a 3 year old still. She also can't eat apples or corn of the cob- obviously- but they are her favorite foods. She can only have soft foods. Lots of yogurt, soup, applesauce and that types of stuff. I have given her cheese sandwiches cut into the smallest pieces ever. I am reminded of having a little 8 month old with the smallest bites. Each bite is no bigger than a cheerio.

We are praying so hard that she doesn't loose her cute teeth.
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I had to include these pictures of Lydia talking to her Nana (my mom) on the phone. She has been BEGGING me to dye her hair pink, I found this cute hair piece at the dollar store as a substitute and she wears it all the time! She loves sitting on a chair, hanging the hair over the back and having me say "Repunzel!!! Let down your ha-ir" (like in Tangled) She then pulls me up and reminds me that I am not her "real mom"
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