It's been several years since I had my last bowel resection and it is time to do it again!! I have to admit that over the past month I have been a nervous wreck, not feeling well, weak, sTreSSeD and all that. Finally though, I feel very peaceful about it and I am in a good place. I met with the surgeon last Monday and he scheduled me for my first surgery on Friday the 25 of February. This surgery is an outpatient procedure and should have a relatively short recovery. Then I have another surgery in a few weeks. I won't know exactly when that will be, it all depends on what he finds in the first surgery. Fun Stuff!!
I learn so much from these opportunities/ experiences. I am very excited for the surgery to be over, not just so that I am through the experience, but my doctor is hopeful that with this surgery I may be able to go into a remission for a few YEARS (what?!?!) I have never had that and am super excited. Of course I have to have 2 surgeries to get to that point, but anything worth having is worth working for.
As weird as it sounds, I am also grateful for these opportunities to be able to see the hand of God in my life. I feel it is a fair exchange for the testimony and faith that I have gained. I have no question that there is a God and that he loves me. Every time I go through these trials, I feel comfort that I know is Heaven sent.
I'm just ready for April to come- my surgeries will be over, our future will be sorted out, Joel will be a month away from graduation...... it will be a good month!