Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Monday, January 9, 2012

Pajama Party!

Christmas presents for the big kids = pajamas :)

Siblings 4, 6, and 7

House 2 Heroes

Sisters - 4 and 6 

Monkey See.... 

...Monkey Do!......



LOVE this baby girl! 

Sweet Dreams!

The "Big Babies" of Casa 1

Moving Day

Casa 2 is moving!

To help keep things calm around the house while beginning to pack, we thought it was best to tape some little mouths shut along with the boxes! 


Baby Home Sunday

Ready to head to church - in as organized a manner as possible!

Impossible to get a good picture of everyone... 
...mostly because of kids flying through the air!


It's A Boy!

Thankful to be at CDA for the arrival of our newest! A 2 week old baby boy with a unilateral cleft palate. He will undergo his first surgery when he weighs 5 kg, and until that time, we're thankful that his feeding tubes were able to be pulled. Using a prosthetic palate for now, he takes a bottle like a champ!

Awfully cute!

Smiling for the camera :)

At the Park

Enjoying being outside the Casa 2 Park

Snacking on oranges


Anyone who knows these two can hear this picture!

....& more sisters.

The Triplets

Look who came to visit! Mama Felisa and her three almost-two-year-old girlies!!! The Famous CDA Triplets!

Nicol, Alison, and Nataly 
The girls continue to live with their biological mother north of town. Thanks to the generosity of a local family, they are living in a beautiful estate where they are loved on by new "extended family," and even have college scholarships!
Absolutely overjoyed to be reunited with this family!