Hit Dice: 1d6 per point of CON
Mutations: 2 insectaur, 1d6 human/animal
Insectaurs are a mutant hybrid of man and insect. Most Insectaurs have the size and general build of a basic humanoid (5-6 feet in height, two arms/legs, stands upright, etc.) with the general features of an insect (multifaceted eyes, hard exoskeleton shell, antennae, etc.). It is assumed that the Insectaur has a rudimentary human-like intelligence enabling it to function in Mutant Future society.
Insectaurs gather in small clusters known as “hives” or “colonies.” Within these colonies, Insectaurs are usually assigned a role such as worker, drone, soldier, etc. answering to a Queen who acts as ruler of the colony. The PC should initially roll on the Insectaur Species Table (see below) to determine what insect the PC resembles. This may also help in determining appropriate mutations.
All Insectaurs should initially roll for 2 mutations on the Insectaur Mutations Table (see below) and an additional 1d6 human/animal to be divided between Physical and Mental Mutations. Insectaurs have the ability to communicate with other insect/humanoid hybrids such as mants, cockroachoids, and mansquitoes (See appropriate entries for each in the MF rulebook), receiving a -3 CHA Reaction Adjustment bonus when dealing with these creatures.
Insectaur Species Table
01-04 Ant
05-08 Bee
09-12 Beetle
13-16 Butterfly
17-20 Centipede
21-24 Cockroach
25-28 Cricket
29-32 Dragonfly
33-36 Dung beetle
37-40 Firefly
41-44 Flea
45-48 Fly
49-52 Grasshopper
53-56 Hornet
57-60 Ladybug
61-64 Locust
65-68 Mosquito
69-72 Moth
73-76 Preying mantis
77-80 Scorpion
81-84 Spider
85-88 Stinkbug
89-92 Termite
93-96 Tick
97-00 Wasp
Insectaur Mutations Table
Beneficial :
1-4. 360-Degree Field of Vision – Through the Insectaur’s multifaceted eyes, antennae, or other sensory organ, the character can “see” in a 360-degree arc around him/herself. The Insectaur can only be surprised on a roll of 1 on 1d6.
5-8. Acidic Saliva – The PC’s saliva is a caustic goo that can eat through most materials. It does 3d6 damage every round to creatures who come into contact with it.
9-12. Camouflage – The PC’s skin can change colors, blending in with the surrounding like a chameleon. The change is instantaneous. The ML should assign a chance the PC will not be noticed when camouflaged this way: 95% hidden in a darken forest vs. 50% in a brightly lit empty room.
13-16. Complete Wing Development – Treat as per the Complete Wing Development mutation on page 23 of the MF rulebook.
17-20. Flatten Body – The PC can literally squeeze his/her body to fit through a crack no more than 1 inch in height. This mutation is useful for slipping under doors, behind cabinets, or through other tight openings. The character’s mass remains the same, so squeezing through a pipe or small opening is not possible.
21-24. Hard Outer Shell/Carapace - Treat as per the Natural Armor mutation on page 25 of the MF rulebook.
25-28. Insect Communication – The PC can communicate freely with any and all forms of insect life – mutant or otherwise. It is left to the ML to determine intelligence levels of these creatures. Insects may be coerced into following simple commands as well.
29-32. Leaping – The Insectaur’s legs enable it to leap to great heights and distances. A PC can leap up to a height of 100 feet and they can leap a distance of 200 feet.
33-36. Multifaceted Eyes – The Insectaur can see all known light spectrum ranges including infrared and ultraviolet. Treat as having both Thermal Vision and Ultraviolet Vision mutations on page 26 of the MF rulebook.
37-40. Multiple Limbs - The PC has 1d4 extra arms on his torso. Each extra arm gives the PC an extra attack per round.
41-44. Natural Insect Weapons – The PC has an insect-like natural weapon it has developed. It is left to the PC and ML to determine the nature of the weapon (ie, grasping pincers, mandibles, horns) as well as the potential damage this weapon does. It is suggested that poisonous weapon not be allowed.
45-48. Pheromone Trail - The PC can leave a scent trail that he can follow without question. The trail will be detectable for 4 months before fading. This ability is useful when it's important for the PC to be able to find his way back while exploring.
49-52. Quill Throwing - The PC has a set of spiny quills that it can fire off as deadly projectiles. The distance is that of a dagger and each quill does 1d4 hit points of damage. A PC can throw 6 quills a day and must "regrow" spent quills during a night's rest.
53-56. Sonic Song - The Insectaur can sound off with a high-pitched buzzing or "trilling" that causes hypnosis in creatures who hear it. Once a day, the PC can "sing", forcing up to 6 HD of creatures (or any one creature with less than 10 HD or 10 CON) to save versus poison. If the save fails, the creature(s) will fall into a trance for 2d4 rounds. Victims can be commanded to perform any non-suicidal act, including attacking their own allies.
57-60. Stench Gland - Twice a day, the Insectaur can release a pungent odor from a gland that causes all creatures within 15 feet to save versus poison or be rendered incapacitated with nausea for 1d6 rounds.
61-64. Tar Saliva - The PC can "spit" a gluey wad of goo that acts as a powerful adhesive. This glue-like substance can immobilize any creature of human-size or smaller. The glue will eventually dry out in 10 minutes, crumbling into dust and releasing its bond.
65-68. Vampiric Proboscis - The PC has a long tube-like appendage that it can use to feed from victims. If a successful hit is made, the PC drains 1d4 hp per round from the victim. The PC will gain these hit points up to (but not over) his original starting hit point total.
69-72. Venomous Stinger - The PC has a toxic poison that it can inject through a hidden stinger. A PC can use this as an attack each round. The class of poison should be determined randomly.
73-76. Wall Crawling - The Insectaur can cling to any surface, scuttling over walls and ceilings as if they were no different from the floor. They can support they own weight and carry up to their CON X 10 pounds. More weight that this and they shall be unable to cling to any surfaces.
77-80. Webbing - The PC is able to spin webs like a spider, though they cannot "throw" them like a zip line. The webbing can adhere to any surface and each single line can support 500 pounds before snapping. The webbing can be used to secure or tie up items as well as cocoon those items the PC wishes to keep safe.
81-84. Diminutive/Actual size - The PC is the actual size of the insect species he rolled up. They still have the same stats and hit point totals, however they are no bigger than a common insect of their species.
85-88. Instinctual Overload - The Insectaur is barely able to hang onto what human-like intelligence it has. It has a 10% cumulative chance of reverting back to a primal insect-like instinct whenever the PC is successfully hit in combat. (Upon a successful hit, there is a 10% chance. Upon the second hit, 20%, and so on.) If this save is failed, the PC will fly into a berserk rage, attacking the nearest creature (either friend or foe). The PC will be unable (or unwilling) to communicate. This overload lasts until combat has ended, as which time the PC's personality will reassert itself.
89-92. Phobia - The PC has a paralyzing fear. Whenever they come face-to-face with the object of their fear, they will flee in the opposite direction for 1d4 rounds. Roll 1d6 to determine phobia: 1-2. Fire 3-4. Water 5-6. Smoke.
93-96. Sensitivity - The Insectaur is extremely susceptible to damage from a specific source. Attacks with this source will deal double damage to the PC. Roll 1d4 to determine sensitivity: 1. Sonics/Sound-based 2. Light/Laser-based 3. Fire/Flame-based. 4. Cold/Freeze-based.
97-00. Small-Brained – The PC is sub-evolved and remains at a lower level of human intelligence. Divide the PC's INT score in half, rounding up.