Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Liam's Nursery

So you know how I had a baby?  Well that was over 18 months ago.  And he has a stinkin cute room that I never photographed or blogged about.  Because I suck.  But it got cleaned today so I decided to fix that.  It may only be iPhone pics, but whateves.

Liam's Little Lamb Nursery

I just love this shelf above the changing table.

Especially this little wooden lamb I made. I'm kinda proud of him.

But my favorite part is his newborn pics.

I have the cutest babies!

Monday, April 13, 2015

WYLTC- Spring 2015

Wood You Like to Craft is back with some Spring!!!  I'm sharing this....

Go check it out HERE.

Sunday, March 08, 2015

Say what?!?

Did you realize that blogger has an app? You did?  Oh... I guess it's just me.

I was sitting here thinking how much I miss blogging, but I'm never on my computer anymore because I'm always on my phone.  And I take 99% of all pictures on my phone, and who has time to look for cords, and then sit in one spot.  Sigh.... (1st world problems) 

Then I thought, too bad I can't just blog from my phone so that I will actually write a blog post. (What a concept!)

Then I thought.... I bet blogger has already thought of this.  Then I checked the App Store.  And here I am.  Blogging. From. My. Phone.

In bed.

So ya.  Maybe I will start blogging again after all.

I've sure missed it!

And because no blog post is complete without a picture...

This is my excuse not much blogging.  

He has a birthday this month.  Babies grow too fast!

But ya.  I should blog.  I have lots to show you guys!

Tuesday, December 09, 2014

Star of Bethlehem Ornament

WYLTC week again!  We are doing an ornament exchange this time around and it is so fun.  My first ornament showed up in the mail yesterday and is SO cute!!!  My kids were so excited!!

I made this "Star of Bethlehem" to send out.  You can check out all the details on how to make your own  HERE.

And dont forget to check out all the other ladies cuteness all week!

(click on the link below to go to the WYLTC home page)

Merry Christmas!

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Hello Sunshine!

WYLTC is back and this month we are all crafting for summer!

I made this...

Click HERE for details!  (and also for why I've been MIA!)

And be sure to check out what all the ladies came up with for your summer crafting!

Wednesday, March 05, 2014

Welcome Spring!

It's Wood You Like to Craft week again and this month we are welcoming Spring.  Head on over to the WYLTC blog to get all the details on my Spring Flowers.

And you can see all the Spring cuteness from the other WYLTC ladies by going HERE.  You won't want to miss it!

Thursday, February 06, 2014

Love Birds

WYLTC week again!

I'm sharing my super cute but easy Love Birds today.  Go HERE to check them out and get all the details!

And I'm actually finishing this week off, so while you are there be sure to see what everyone else made for Valentine's day this year.  There is some serious cuteness going on over there!!!  Check them all out HERE.

Monday, January 13, 2014

WYLTC Snowmen!

Its Wood You Like to Craft week!

I got to pick this months' theme so we are all going to build a snowman.  :)

Here is mine...

You can check out all the details HERE.

And be sure not to miss all the other snowmen from the rest of the WYLTC team everyday this week.  There is going to be a lot of cuteness over there!

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

WYLTC- Nativity

Its WYLTC week again and this month we all took Melinda's nativity pattern and "made it our own."  Come check them out!  I'm there today sharing how I made this....

Super cute!  I love it!  See it HERE.

Friday, November 15, 2013

WYLTC- Thanksgiving crafts!

I'm posting which can only mean one thing, its WYLTC week!  I'm actually finishing this week off with a set of candlestick pilgrims.  Go HERE to get all the details and the tutorial.  But all the other ladies made some seriously adorable turkeys this week.  You don't want to miss any of them. So go check them all out HERE.   :)


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