Friday, July 15, 2011

Farm Stand Buttermilk Donuts-Club Baked

This week, we are supposed to baked these donuts from the book. I am usually not a big fan of donuts, and have no desire to bake them. However, it was kinda fun. Its not hard, but the frying part is tricky. I think mine didn't turn out as great as I would have liked them to be, but next time would make it better. I had these cookie cutters handy so i used them to cut the donut shape and the hole:

Cookie cutters I used:

My least favorite part:

I used mint dark chocolate for the glaze. Overall it tastes okay but they need to be more fluffy or moist. 

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Sassy Is Baking

Restarted my baking blog as "Sassy Is Baking" after a long break after officially becoming a mom. Bought this book and joined the club baked along with a few friends, I figured it will be more fun to do this along with others with similar interest and hopefully will be giving me an excuse that becomes almost an obligation to bake more (but not to eat them all myself!) I am pretty impressed with this book so far, hopefully everyone loves what sassy is baking :)