The past 3 months have had its ups and downs. We bought a new house and got out of debt, so that was nice...but its like no matter what, we can't get ahead. Major expenses that came our way unexpectedly--
Four new tires for my car - $800
New Clutch for Patric's car - $1,100
New Stove (after getting a new kitchen, which I need to take pictures of, a casserole dish fell onto our glass top stove) - $1,400.00
Two tires for Patric's car (stupid vandals) - $180
Camera - $700
I mean honestly--how are we supposed to even stay ahead when all these expenses come at us at once!!
Oh well--I finally got to take new pictures of Josh---we were without a camera for about two weeks. We weren't sure what we wanted to do, buy a cheaper camera or just get a really nice one that we can keep for years. We have been married 4.5 years and never bought a camera (Patric had one when we got married) so I guess I can't complain too much.
Here are some fun pictures I took today--trying to figure out this high tech camera.

Not quite sure what he is doing here. But he looks funny!

Smoking a stick.

Patric got me 4 rose bushes for my birthday. The other day I was smelling them and so he went over and smelled them and then said I thought maybe if I ask him to smell the roses today he will do the same thing. And he did. He is so cute sometimes...even though I want to get a major break from him sometimes.

