Thursday, August 7, 2014

Squooshi Review and Giveaway

I received this product free for review purposes but all opinions are 100% Honest

        Sophia and I are on the go almost everyday! I love to keep busy and surround our days with at least one fun activity out of the house...even if its just going to the Park! Sophia nutrition is something that is a main focus in our everyday life! As a mom I'm always striving to give Sophia the best. Yes at times when we aren't prepared she will have a jar of premade food. Things get busy. But for the most part Sophia has homemade organic fresh fruits and veggies of course along with breastmilk. Making food has been a lot of trial and error but I think I have her favorites down pat.

        I had originally started with freezing small portions in a rubber baby tray that I had purchased at whole foods. Its easy when we are home because I'm able to pop out a cube and defrost and serve it to Sophia in her dishes. Although on the go it just isn't always that easy!! Along comes SQUOOSHI!!!! Let Sophia and I tell you we HEART this Company, Bigtime!!!! They totally rock and so do their reusable on the go pouches!! Now that summer is in full swing we can't get enough. The best part, once i fill them they can go right into the freezer. When Sophia and I are flying out the door I don't even think twice...I grab a few pouches and we are out the door. I love that I can just throw them in the diaper bag in the a.m. frozen and when lunch time rolls around its ready to eat!

They are so easy to use, the concept is genius really! There is a strong ziplock seal at the bottom and screw tops. Sophia is able to hold it her self and mastered sucking up the yummy food her very first try. And I can't lie....I've been packing my smoothies in them. So easy and convenient, for parents snacks too!!

Fill. Eat. Wash. Repeat. It's that easy.

Here are some tips and facts from the peeps over at Squooshi...

What can I put in a Squooshi?

Squooshi refillable pouches are perfect for any squishy food. We fill them with applesauce, smoothies, fruit, grain and veggie purees, homemade baby food, yogurts, oatmeal – anything of a squishy consistency.

Where can Squooshi Pouches go?

Squooshis are easy to fill and take with you wherever you go. School. The park. Sporting events. Bike rides. Car rides. In the stroller. Soccer practice. You name it!

For homemade baby food, Squooshi reusable squeeze pouches mean no more frozen cubes or fussing around with freezer trays, no extra bowls and spoons, and no breakable jars or double-dipping. They can go straight from filling, to the freezer, to your bag, to your child's hand (and mouth) with no fuss (and less mess!).

Don't tell your kiddos, but you'll probably end up using Squooshi refillable food pouches too - they're great for the gym, bike rides, camping and travel.

How do I fill my Squooshi?
Squooshi pouches can be filled in two easy ways.
1. Through an extra sturdy zipper located on the bottom of the pouch.  Simply turn the pouch over, pull apart the zipper, make sure your cap is on and pour or spoon in your favorite squishy food.  Some people like to use a funnel but we think its super easy to just use a spoon once you get the hang of it.  For optimal use, Squooshi pouches should be filled about ¾ full depending on the content. TO PREVENT LEAKAGE, DO NOT OVERFILL.
2. With the Squooshi Fill n Squeeze,  a compact, no mess, filling station that will fill up to four large 4.5 oz pouches in just seconds.  Find out more here.
Avoid the microwave, hot liquids, and anything with a consistency thinner than applesauce.
REGARDING CONSISTENCY, for little ones that may be even more inclined to squeeze and tip their Squooshis, we suggest making your purees a bit thicker so they're less likely to spill out as little hands eat and play.  Or, try capping your Squooshi with the Sip'n tops with a flow control valve and cap. Learn more about these awesome little soft tops here.

How do I clean my Squooshi?

Our pouches were designed specifically for ease of cleaning.   Every section of the interior of our pouch is easily rinsed with a direct stream of water.  Just pop them in the top rack of your dishwasher or wash them by hand with warm soapy water.   Here you can see how easily Squooshi pouches clean up.

You can Purchase your starter kit with SIX pouches HERE

If that wasn't enough to make you fall in love with Squooshi, they are also giving away SIX pouches to one of my Lucky Readers!!!

*It would also be Super Awesome if you all would Vote for me! I promise it will only take 2 seconds, only 2 clicks :) Click the Top Baby Blog Link and the first Owl, on the left. You All ROCK! Click To Vote For Us @ Top Baby Blogs Directory!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Welcome to the first annual End of Summer Giveaway Hop, brought to you by The Hopping Bloggers! We are a group of bloggers that specialize in giveaway hops - so stay with us and you will have many chances to win some amazing prizes! Each blogger participating in this hop has a giveaway with a prize value of at least $15 - and some are much more than that! Be sure to visit them all - there is no limit to how many prizes you can win! Good Luck and Have Fun!

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Nibblr Review and Giveaway

Life just got sweeter! Now that I'm a stay at home momma to our baby girl (Dream come True) I've been trying to really Soak it All in!!! We stay busy everyday, activities, appointments, play groups even just lounge at home days tend to be BUSY, especially with a teething 9 month old. Some day's when we are running around I find myself wishing I had something to snack on, other than banana biscuits that Sophia is currently obsessing over! I want a fun momma snack, something healthy but appealing! Insert nibblr here....The most amazing snack that gets delivered right to your door step. How much more spoiled could one get! These delicious boxes make me feel so special and I cant lie, are mouthwatering! They even sent us a cute shirt...currently So's Fav lounge shirt!

So, what exactly do I get?

When you subscribe to nibblr, they will deliver a box of four portion-controlled, delicious snacks to your office or home. The snacks come in individually sealed trays, making it very easy for you to take them wherever you want! When you are trying to fly out the door with a wild baby, diaper bag, and purse these sealed trays become your best friend! For $5.99 per box you can choose to get them weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly!

Here was my line up this week....and let me tell you after a whole day of a teething cranky baby, that tiramisu mix was Magical!!!

What the peeps at Nibblr had to say, "We believe snacks are made to be savored, not just tide you over ‘til your next meal. And with each box, you’ll find a crave-able range of sweet, salty, fruity, nutty snacks without the remorse. We believe every box gives you a chance to try something new – a chance to discover something delightful."
"The best-tasting snacks start with quality ingredients. That’s why we take care in choosing ingredients from suppliers we trust to offer the best-tasting and nutritious ingredients for your snacks. From wholesome fruits to silky chocolate, we make sure every bite is as delicious as it can be. "
  "We develop snacks that push the boundaries of the flavors you love – unexpected combinations and surprising textures invites you to discover something new and delightful with each snack."          
If you thought you couldn't Love Nibblr can. They are giving one of my lucky readers their own subscription box!!! Hip Hip Hooray!! Its super easy to enter, The giveaway will be running now until August 20th     **Unfortunately at this time they can not accomodate anyone with food allergies, please be aware before you enter! :)
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Kinderfeets Review

Sophia is obsessed with Bikes!!! She has been for the past few months... She loves when Ralph puts her on her motorcycle and pushes her around the house. We were both saying she will do great once she can gain her balance! When Kinderfeets gave us the opportunity to review one of their balance bikes I knew this would be the perfect opportunity for Sophia!!

Kinderfeets is a patented wooden balance bike alternative to training wheels that comes in six different chalkboard finish colors or a natural finish. We received the orange bike and LOVE LOVE LOVE it!! The wheels will never go flat as they are made with solid rubber! The chalk board finish is Fun for Sophia as she can make it her own! Did I mention the chalk comes with the bike too!! FUN! I know Sophia will grow into her bike in no time! Another great aspect of this bike is it adjust and grows with your child! Ralph built it (it came in 5 pieces) in about 5 minutes! It is super easy to assemble and quality wood! Definitely made to last!! Ralph and Sophia have been having fun cruising around the house on it and taking it into the yard!!

What the peeps at Kinderfeets had to say,

"Derived from the Dutch for “children” and “bicycle,” a Kinderfeets is a wooden push bike designed to ease the transition to pedal-powered bicycle at a toddler’s comfort level."

"More than a toy, Kinderfeets is a father’s gift to his son. Disappointed with the push bikes available, Dutch designer Oscar Mulder decided to create his own balance bike for his son, Sebastiaan."

"Oscar wanted Sebastiaan to be able to cruise once he became confident enough, so he broke the push bike mold and added footpegs. Knowing kids love to get dirty, he added a removable seat cover that can go in the wash with the rest of the laundry. Other push bikes have inflatable tires that go flat, interrupting the fun. But Kinderfeets’ tires don’t require air. Plus, Kinderfeets’ colorful chalkboard finish provides a reusable canvas for children to exercise their creativity. Older now, Sebastiaan rides a regular bike with ease and confidence – all thanks to the push bike his father designed with him in mind."

They also have bikes for the even younger babes that we will most definitely be getting for Sophia so that she can cruise around now!! We just think Kinderfeets absolutely ROCKS!!!! They are a great company, fast delivery and truly care about their customers! You wont be disappointed!

Connect with Kinderfeets:
We received this product free for review but all opinions are 100% honest!

Click To Vote For Us @ the Top Baby Blogs Directory! The most popular baby blogs

Sudsy Box Review and Coupon Code

Ok Ok y'all know how much I LOVE to pamper myself!! To me there is nothing better than lathering up with rich soaps in a warm bath. Sophia and I look forward to it every night! We are quite spoiled in there...Daddy even brings us Icewater and plugs in our dying ipad when we need it ;) I've become extremely conscience about what I use not only on my baby's skin but mine as well! Our family has become "All Natural" in many aspects of our everyday life now, SOAP INCLUDED!! So when we heard about Sudsy Box we knew we would fall in love!


Sudsy Box is a Soap Subscription Box that delivers 100% ALL NATURAL soaps and bath products to your door every other month!!

This subscription Box of luxury soap will be delivered right to your door every other month! No more having to worry about forgetting to pick it up at the store! Plus I hate to say it but have you researched the soap you are using everyday. I did and I was blown away! Most are filled with so many chemicals, you would be shocked! Sophia also has sensitive skin, as do I, so we like to use products that will be gentle on our skin. Sudsy Box is where its at!! Plus it smells WONDERFUL!!
What we received:
Tranquility French Soap ($6): I love the pretty purple color of this soap, it has flex of dried flower on the top! Its beautiful!
Soleseife Spa Bar ($6):  This one didn't last long in the master bathroom...I went to go use it and it was missing!!! Found it in Ralph's bathroom a few days later!! He LOVES it! It has such a pure clean smell!! But that's ok my favorite at the moment....
Takesumi Soap ($6): This soap is amazing, it has a purifying affect on water, air and body!! It really is heaven!
Hand Sanitizer ($3): This will go right into our diaper bag! I'm not huge on sanitizing Sophia's hands but will come in handy when we venture out to a few museums next week! We have been pretty lucky in the health department with Sophia (Knock on Wood) but I swear breast milk has made this baby almost bullet proof hahaha Almost one and has NEVER been sick!
The Sudsy Box cost: 
$20.00 Every other month.
$57.00 6 Months 5% discount
$100.00 1 Year Get 1 Box Free
**Don't forget my readers get 20% off this month!!
What the peeps at Sudsy Box had to say,
"You will receive three handcrafted, luxurious soaps and a free sampler of a bath or body product. Our soaps are blended and scented specifically for the time of the year. Imagine calming Lavender and Rosemary or the bright scents of Orange and Lemon or the classic smells of Clove, Peppermint and Cocoa. Our all natural soaps are free from artificial colors and fragrances and contain no chemical preservatives."

The ingredient list is simple...

Olive Oil, Coconut Oil, Shea Butter, Cocoa Butter and Essential Oils. 

That's It! Simple and Easy!!

Order Your Subscription Sudsy Box HERE Plus they are offering my readers 20% off by using the coupon code "August20" that will be good from today through August 30th!!

Disclosure: This Subscription box was sent for review purposes. All opinions are 100% Honest and no compensation was received.

Click To Vote For Us @ the Top Baby Blogs Directory! The most popular baby blogs

Toothbrush Subscription Review

I receive lots of subscription boxes and my favorites tend to be the practical subscription boxes. You know the ones that make life with a new baby that much easier. For example toys that are age appropriate for a growing baby or razors for Ralph, even socks! You wouldn't believe the amount of things you forget when babies enter your life. Don't get me wrong we are on cloud nine now that Sophia is here, but we don't seem to come down from that cloud. One thing that has slipped our mind in these past 9 adventurous months was continuing to change out or toothbrushes every two months.

When I heard about the new subscription service called Toothbrush Subscriptions I knew that we had to have it!! No more having to remember what month we had switched out our toothbrushes!! Toothbrush Subscriptions will send your family all the toothbrushes of your choice monthly! When they offered my family the subscription for review I just couldn't pass it up!!

How does a Toothbrush Subscription work? 

A Toothbrush Subscription is very simple. The first thing you do is choose from one of their three toothbrushes that best suits you. Once you select your toothbrush and your favorite color you will choose how often you want to have that fresh toothbrush delivered to your door, every 1, 2, or 3 months.

Your first toothbrush will arrive within 3-8 business days and then a fresh toothbrush will arrive again, automatically, on the schedule you set (every 3 months for example.) You can choose just one toothbrush or as many as you like. There is no limit.

Not only do they have adult toothbrushes but also carry a line for babies and toddlers! WoooHooo

We have started brushing Sophia's teeth twice a day ever since her first two teeth popped through!
 This brush is sized just right, the smallest of their manual toothbrushes. A unique, custom built grip helps your child build proper brushing principles early. As dentists recommend, this brush is equipped with extra soft bristles!

This momma is HAPPY!!! One less worry and an easy reminder! Once the package comes in the mail I walk upstairs toss out our old and in with the new!! Thank you Toothbrush subscription, you guys ROCK! You can purchase your subscription HERE Click To Vote For Us @ the Top Baby Blogs Directory! The most popular baby blogs

Easy Canvas Prints

This may come as a total shock but we have NO pictures of Sophia up at the house! Little So is 9 months old and it has been crazy BUSY to say the least! As the fall season nears and Sophia's 1st Birthday gets closer I want to decorate our home with Pictures of our Little Miss!! We have thousands of pictures of her but have yet to print any!

When I was offered a 8 by10 Canvas from Easy Canvas Prints I thought this would be the perfect opportunity to finally get it started! The process was Super easy!! I'm all about convenience and I literally ordered in less than 5 minutes! I was able to choose a pictures right off of my facebook page and it was delivered shortly after! I LOVE the quality of the canvas and I am eager to order more!!!

I received this product free for review purposes. All opinions are honest.

 You can order your canvas HERE! Click To Vote For Us @ the Top Baby Blogs Directory! The most popular baby blogs

My First Book Series Review

I have always been a book junkie....even more so now that our sweet Sophia is here! I have yet to come across a book that has had me absolutely floored. That was until I heard about My First Book Series from Nursery Books by Sophie Helenek!!! We were delighted when we found out we were being given the series for a review! Being an elementary teacher I know the importance of early reading. This book series has surpassed my expectations and then some! The quality of the books is fabulous too! After Ralph or I read the books to Sophia she likes to "read" them after us. Flipping the pages and putting them in her mouth. Theses books are really great quality and I know will be a staple in our home for babies #2 and #3 god willing. Sophia is so engaged while we read these books! I love that these books not only provide eye stimulation but also help develop her senses!!

I have been to several baby showers in the past six months and decided that I would start the tradition of getting the babies "Library" started!! These books would certainly make the perfect baby shower gift!!!

My First Book series, by Sophie Helenek, is a sturdy delightful board books, specially dedicated to infant's developmental growth milestones: Vision, Memory, Speech, and Social skills, by stimulating baby's developing senses, building listening and memory skills.
MY FIRST BOOK Series is a cutting-edge new baby book series conceived from babies' perspective supports senses and bonding. The series was developed based on the ultra-complex and rapid development of newborns, babies, and toddlers, to bring positive reinforcement while engaging baby with fun.
They are not just picture books or bedtime stories but rather activity books conceived to stimulate a baby's senses.
Here how it works:
  • My First Book features simple illustrations with black-and-white and high-contrast patterns designed especially for the very young to focus on.
  • As babies gets older, their brain's at work learn to distinguish bright primary colors, and will start identifying the illustrations with the words you read triggering their memory process.
  • Each picture is accompanied by a simple word that babies will love repeating and which help their speech development.
  • The last pages show all the illustrations together, which also helps the baby's memory process.
  • My First Book series offers a special feature for toddlers, as they can write on the book with a white board pen, wipe it, and write again!
  • My First Book illustrations are carefully selected to bring up to light on common and uncommon words to baby, as well as fuel knowledge of Baby surroundings.
 My First Book series is a great tool for parenting to engage baby with fun and positive reinforcement. Here an example of interaction layers that parents could entertain with their baby with MY FIRST BOOK MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS:
a.         Ask baby to show you the Piano: this question promotes word recognition and pointing. As there is only Pianos on the page, it is less confusing for baby to understand the question, help baby to associate the Piano illustration to the word Piano, and increase her chance of success to show you a Piano. Baby starts associating words as well as understanding the concept of pointing, and how to respond to the question “show me”.
b.         Ask baby to show you the green Piano: this type of question supports baby in his basic concepts understanding such as shape, sizes, color and counting.
c.         As baby grow older, deepen baby understanding by asking specific questions such as “Show me the upside down Piano”, which reinforce his spatial dimension understanding, or “Show me the dark green Piano touches”, which enrich baby vocabulary and imagination, and encourage baby to pay attention to details.
d.         Read aloud each words then break them down by letters: each letters have different colors to encourage baby letter recognition, which later on would support her spelling skills.
e.         Encourage your toddler to color, draw, and write on the book to foster his fine motor skills.
Babies' eye Stimulation

Very nearsighted, newborns can only see blurry shapes. As the nervous system matures, babies' acuity improves. Your baby's color vision is also developing, so brightly colored books like MY FIRST BOOK will help develop this ability to distinguish color and form. Soft pastel colors, though, are difficult for a baby to appreciate. Therefore, babies reflexively prefer to look at high-contrast edges and patterns. Large black and white patterns present the highest possible contrast (100%) to the eye and thus are the most visible and attractive to babies.
You Can Purchase Your Book Series HERE 
Don't forget to Check them Out on Facebook , Twitter, and YouTube



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