Friday, July 5, 2013

BumpDate: 23 Weeks

       Happy 4th Of JULY Weekend!!!!!!!
 How far along: 23 weeks…17 weeks to go! I can’t even fathom how fast this is flying by!! 
 How Big is Baby: The size of a big Grapefruit!

Feeling: GREAT!  I’ve felt pretty good throughout this whole pregnancy minus a few week nightmare in the beginning. But I have to say I definitely have more energy now than I did in the first trimester.

Maternity ClothesI haven’t bought any yet…It’s almost becoming a Game. Curious how big I will get before I REALLY can’t wear my clothes any longer.

Sleep: Sleep has been great; I’m actually falling asleep later. There was a few months that I was out cold by 8pm. Actually for 22 weeks it has been like that…growing a baby is tiring.

Best moment of the week? Showing off my nursery ;) It’s not complete yet but I gave a few lovies a sneak peek. I’m hoping to have it complete in the next few weeks.

Movement: Yes tons…she is spicy.  I’m still in awe Every. Single. Time. She moves around, I can feel her pressing on my stomach when she flips around and actually see it against my belly, it gets really hard for a minute. At first I was nervous and thought something was “happening.” It is so surreal and magical at the same time. I think Ralph is shocked every time he feels her kick.

Food cravings: None…maybe sweets ;)

Food aversions: Nothing

Belly button in or out? In

Goals for Next Week: Organizing the kitchen, making room for baby goods. I want to have a drawer just for baby items and a cabinet for the same. Looks like “Sarah’s Baking Goods” label will be peeled off. *Gosh I love my label maker! And sign up for Prenatal Yoga!

What I miss: My bathing suits and cut off jean shorts. Trying to keep my head in the game and reassure myself that packing on the pounds is so worth it once Sophia is here.

What I'm looking forward to: 
It is really, really starting to feel REAL and My next UltraSound which I believe is at 30 Weeks, hard to believe that is rapidly approaching then I will be saying 10 weeks to go!!
Milestones: Sophia’s Closet is Complete! Cutting tags off of hundreds of items and doing loads of laundry!! It is now ALL hung up and ready to go, I’m head over heels in love with Baby Girl’s closet!! She has the funniest accessories and clothes. I even bought her a pair of Cowgirl Boots!  

Thoughts: I’m planning on signing up for Childbirth and Breastfeeding classes, a few have told me it’s a waste of money but I’m not one who likes surprises and likes to be as prepared as possible. They are only $100 dollars and at our hospital, which makes me excited because I will be able to go snoop around and get a feel for the place (which mind you is BEAUTIFUL) we do have a hospital that is about 5-10 minutes from our home but chose to go to a more elite hospital that is 45 minutes away. Hoping that doesn’t come back to bite us in the end ;)

 I also Joined Top Baby Blogs!! It’s only been a couple of weeks and I'm in the TOP 30! You all have been so wonderful voting for me! I wish I could thank all of you personally. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. It’s so awesome getting to be a part of the Top Baby blogs on the net and to be in the top 30 out there is shockingly amazing! You can vote by clicking the link below and clicking the first owl. I really appreciate all the love! 

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Saturday, June 29, 2013

Bumpdate: 22 Weeks

It has been a Longgggg week! But not because of “Pregnancy” issues but because of my little furbaby Josh! He is petrified of the Thunderstorms and it has become an awful situation. When we go to work we are able to watch him on the surveillance cameras we have set up in our house…and he is in a FULL Panic as soon as we leave. Panting, crying, howling, hiding in closets, trying to get in Ralph’s laundry basket, attempting to chew through the metal gate. It is torture to see and both days either Ralph or I had to leave work. Ralph was only at work for an hour before he had to go home. As soon as we are home he is completely fine! We have tried every holistic remedy there is, lavender, rose water, calming music, tv, low lights, tin foil, building “safe” forts for comfort…Nothing has worked.

We finally had to call the vet and we will attempt Xanax for the first time with our precious pup. To be honest WE ARE DREADING the 4th of July, not the Holiday its self because we are very Patriotic in this house but the Fireworks, we are far away from where the town fireworks will be but I’m concerned that our neighbors will be lighting them off. The forecast this week is Thunderstorms right across the board top that with Fireworks and we fear that our little shaky puppy will throw his back out again…and need surgery! So needless to say it has been a scary stressful week. It has been really hard to focus on anything else other than making our Joshy cakes comfortable and feel safe. It seems like he has developed a phobia…and that breaks our heart.

On a happy note Baby Sophia is Fabulous!! I went for another doctor’s appointment and everything looked Wonderful. Sophia’s heart rate was great and I was healthy. She is kicking like crazy and seems to really be loving Summer Swims and Music! BabyBump Update for 22 Weeks…..

How Big is Baby: The size of a Papaya 
How far along: 22 weeks…18 weeks to go!

Feeling: GREAT…Time is Flying by!!

Maternity ClothesNot yet…I’m thinking Sundresses may be my saving grace for the whole summer!!  

Sleep: Sleep has been fine, no issues yet…But I did buy the Snuggle Body Pillow for when the time comes.   

Best moment of the week? I always think having Ralph feel Baby Sophia Kick is Magical. I love watching his smile/face when he feels her. I LOVE IT!

Movement: Yes! I love music so I’ve been playing it a lot…she always seems to be jammin’ out.

Food cravings: I don’t really have this yet, but maybe I do…It’s hard to tell…When I’m hungry I just eat what I feel like having…Nothing that I’ve had to make a special trip for…yet! I’m still waiting for all the pregnancy “horror” stories or so I’m told, of Cravings, Moodiness, Feeling uncomfortable. So far it has been REALLY good (someone knock on wood) I’m kinda LOVING being pregnant!  

Food aversions: Nothing

Belly button in or out? In…when is it supposed to “pop” out…that may be weird for me, we shall see!  

What I miss: Cookie Dough. I don’t think that will ever change. There wasn’t much I had to give up when I got pregnant other than Eggs over easy, some fish, and raw cookie dough.  Everything else on the list I didn’t eat nor was I a drinker before baby, so I don’t miss wine or booze either.

What I'm looking forward to: Swimming more with Sophia. I’ve been swimming almost every day (well the days we don’t get Crazy rain/Thunderstorms! I think baby girl loves the pool, I feel her kicking as we are floating around and doing laps. I’m also looking forward to Pregnancy photo’s, I think that will be fun for Ralph and I
Milestones: I only have a few things left to do in Sophia’s Nursery…and we may have come to an agreement on Baby’s middle name. Yes that has been an “issue” I think I may have won ;) 

 I also Joined Top Baby Blogs!! It’s only been a couple of weeks and I'm almost in the TOP 30! You all have been so wonderful voting for me! I wish I could thank all of you personally. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. It’s so awesome getting to be a part of the Top Baby blogs on the net and to be in the top 50 out there is shockingly amazing! You can vote by clicking the link below and clicking the first owl. I really appreciate all the love! 

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Saturday, June 22, 2013

Bumpdate: 21 Weeks

I can’t believe I’m writing as another week has past. How is it possible that I’m more than half way through with this baby making process! Little Sophia is such a firecracker already. It’s insane how much we already love and speak of this baby girl in everyday conversations. I love when Ralph refers to Sophia, it seriously makes my heart flutter. I was officially 21 weeks yesterday but as always I’m late and posting today. So technically 21 weeks 1 day! The week has been great and the weather is surely changing. It’s hot out but you wouldn’t know as I sit in my house with shorts and tank top with a huge blanket on me. Yes, Ralph keeps the central air cranked, It’s always a body shock when you step out our front door into 80* weather. I have some free time this a.m., Ralph is out “shopping” getting the heavy big stuff at Target that I hate carrying…8 cases of Poland Springs (Yes we have filtered water that comes out of our refrigerator on the front of the door and a Brita in our fridge but Ralph and I Love the bottles too!) *We recycle though ;) along with all the household whatnots I had him get Fabric Adhesive so I can attempt to make Sophia’s crib skirt today! 
I have my next doctor’s appointment on my Mom’s Birthday June 26th, I’m excited to get new updates and see my “FairyGod Mother” as I call her…My doctors is short and round, and quite possibly the sweetest human being out there. She makes me feel like Cinderella and all my dreams and wishes will come true with a wave of her wand stethoscope. I love sweet souls like her. 

How Big is Baby: The size of a Pomegranate

How far along: 21 weeks….19 weeks to go!

Feeling: Absolutely Fabulous, it’s hard to believe I’m more than half way there!

Maternity ClothesStill haven’t purchased maternity clothes…but I’m positive in the weeks to come I will be out shopping. Maybe I’m in denial that I’m getting bigger! But buttoning my shorts this morning I could tell they were “Snug” so by next week I’m sure I will be writing YES! School is also out so my teaching wardrobe has been untouched, If school was still in session I think I would have went this week for pants!  

Sleep: My sleep has been decent. I’m lucky that I’m able to nap here and there. It’s crazy how much work it is “Making a Baby” I get tired more frequently but I LOVE my bed so it’s easy to jump right in watch a movie and rest!  

Best moment of the week? Having stuff come in the mail for Sophia’s Nursery. It’s so exciting opening up packages of stuff for her! The nursery is really coming together! There was this Chevron Elephant on Etsy that I soooo badly wanted, the color was no longer in stock...Little did I know My Ralph had contacted the shop owner and special ordered it...

Movement: Tons! She is such a spicy little monkey, definitely feeling movement throughout the day! Especially when I’m driving and laying down. I love feeling her move around, so does Ralph.

Food cravings: Just my favorites as usual, mostly cereal. No I haven’t sent Ralph out on a crazy food expedition in the wee hours of the night. I wonder if those days will come…

Food aversions: Nothing…I’m not really sure what this even means (HA!) Nothing really turns my stomach like it did in the beginning, mostly smells like Starbucks coffee and what not. To be honest this whole being pregnant thing has been pretty awesome, maybe because we found out later in the game and I wasn’t able to realize other symptoms as “pregnancy symptoms” I would chalk it up as “Flu” from my students, or a bad piece of fish, so I always had a reason or so I thought for my “Sickness” during the first trimester. Looking back I would say that the first trimester at times was rough, but now it feels like a walk in the park!

Belly button in or out? In, I’m not sure how I’m going to feel when it pops out. Is that weird…I will probably be scared that it won’t go back in. I will have to goggle pictures so I know what to expect. Must be easy for those who were born with an “outie” ;)

What I miss: Fish. I know there are certain kinds I can eat but overall it still makes me nervous! Note to self **Stop Goggling things! I think everything is contaminated after watching a YouTube video on pollution and the ocean. And I LOVE salmon, swordfish, haddock and all those things! Oh and I’m still missing Raw Cookie dough and batter. It’s no fun baking while pregnant when it comes to that stuff!

What I'm looking forward to: The Holidays approaching (well in 4 months) and our Baby girl being a part of it! I’m such a sucker for the holidays and children make the season so much more magical than they already are. We can’t wait! I’ve also been trying to envision Ralph holding/seeing his baby girl for the first time. I think I may “Ugly” cry. He is just the most amazing guy I have ever met, and I’m so insanely in love with him, I can’t even fathom the love I will feel for him when I see him holding our baby. **Insert more tears** Is crying a “pregnancy symptom”? Because I have been doing that a lot ;)
Milestones: I did my laundry, can that count?!? I guess you could say I’ve been BUSY! I want the house to be perfect when BabySo gets here so I want everything Organized. I think it’s taking over my life, that and work, along with a few summer classes and I’m swamped. Or so I think ;) Ralph thinks I have LOTS of free time. 

Sneak Peak at one of the Etsy Prints we bought for BabySo's Nursery:
                                               YES these are the colors of her room! LOVE!

I also Joined Top Baby Blogs!! It’s only been a couple of weeks and I'm already in the top 50! You all have been so wonderful voting for me! I wish I could thank all of you personally. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. It’s so awesome getting to be a part of the Top Baby blogs on the net and to be in the top 50 out there is shockingly amazing! You can vote by clicking the link below and clicking the first owl. I really appreciate all the love! 
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