Happy week before Christmas peeps! When I started this
post I had a houseful so I’m finally posting now, I knew if I didn’t Christmas
week would have flown by and I wouldn’t have had a chance to say howdy ;) I
have to share this
moment- I
was at whole foods with my mom…we were eating lunch in the little eating area
and there was this man maybe in his early 40s and he was so HAPPY!! Smiling at
everyone, humming songs and really just. plain. happy. I found myself happy too.
I couldn’t stop smiling and really believed it was contagious! My mom of course
had to walk over to him when we were leaving and say “You are so happy, we Love that.”
Little did we know we would then be sitting down with him (this complete stranger) and listen to his
story about how sick he was for a very long time, so sick that he and his family believed
he would die, he got better and decided to live a HAPPY life. He says he finds
that most people look “unhappy” thus are unhappy! He also said no matter how mean or unhappy people are being around him, he will still be HAPPY. He said most of the time people will catch on. Such a true statement. He
said it made his day by us letting him know that we acknowledged his happiness. Sometimes it's the small things we do for others that are the most
important. I feel blessed like crazy.

If you are looking for a Super easy way to bless your family or anyone else you have to give this recipe a
go...it’s so easy and if you have little kiddies they will love rolling the
cookie balls in the red and green sugar!!! Bake extra and walk over a few
batches to your neighbors.
3 cups sifted all-purpose flour
1 1/2 teaspoons baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 cup white sugar
1 cup butter (softened at room temperature)
1 egg, lightly beaten (egg should be at room temperature)
3 Tablespoons half-and-half
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
Red and Green colored Sugar
1 Bag of Holiday Hersey Kisses
- In a large
bowl, cream together butter and sugar until smooth. Beat in eggs and
vanilla. Stir in the flour, baking powder, and salt. Cover, and chill
dough for at least one hour (or overnight).
- Preheat oven
to 400 degrees F (200 degrees C). Roll out dough on floured surface roll into 1 inch balls, then roll in colored sugar. Place cookies
1 inch apart on ungreased cookie sheets.
- Bake 6 to 8 minutes in preheated oven. Right out of the oven place a kiss in the center! Cool completely. ENJOY!!
Baby Christian came to play over the weekend and we LOVED
watching him play with all the Christmas
Decorations. He was certainly a good distraction.
Trying to stay busy more so after the Connecticut shootings
last week. I really can’t even go into a discussion on the horrificness that
went down; our house has been solemn as I’m sure the rest of Americas was. We couldn’t Christmas
shop, get into the holiday spirit, do anything really, other than just be. A
mournful state engulfed our house over the weekend.
I can say; The LORD is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in
Psalm 34:18
My spirit is certainly crushed…I
have boycotted facebook on and off, not that I'm on it much that often anymore….I can’t watch people draw political debates passing
blame on why this tragedy happened. Knowing that there are presents under
Christmas tree’s right now for little children that are now dead is enough for
me to be sick. Knowing that teachers were killed as they shielded their
children, rips me to pieces. Knowing that if it happened in my classroom I
would have done the same. Walking in my classroom Monday and seeing the hurt on
children’s faces. Knowing that living over an hour away...this Monster has also stolen
these children’s innocence, and put fear in their tiny hearts for a place they
once thought was safe. Reassuring
parents and children that OUR school
is safe, knowing that a perfectly safe Suburban school much like ours was NOT. Lifting my hands and completely surrounding
myself to the lord this holiday season.
Praying, Believing in
HIS will.
Wishing you all a Joyous Holiday Season!!!!