Friday, February 26, 2010

Two babies

Today I got to visit two special new born babies. They were born on the same day.
One was my best friend's baby girl, born on Wed.
The other was Jason's best friend's son, also born on Wed.
We all grew up together and a lot of them went to college together and now they had babies on the same day!! It's so exciting!!
They were both gorgeous!
Congratulations Michelle and Will and Kevin and Susie!!!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Quick Roundup

Not too much going on these February days, but here's a few things to share:

It's been 14 years today since Jason and I went on our first date! I feel so happy that I got to meet my sweetheart when I was so young. We've been together almost half our lives!

James has been saying some things that crack me up lately. Here are a few:
"Mom, my hair is getting so long I look like George Washington!"
"... like when I'm a little older, and I have a tiny beard"
"Mom, I want to travel to space and find a new planet. I will name it planet Sarah" (Ahh, that was just sweet).

Audrey loves to be my little helper. Loading dishes, "folding" laundry, even cooking.
She also just got her first bang trim!
(Horrible pictures, I know. Our camera broke, so now we're using our old camera that has no flash. But it's all I've got for right now).

Nathan's just plugging along doing great in school!

Jason's been working a lot. It's really sad. It's hard on both of us.

My 30th birthday is coming up...yikes!

Thursday, February 04, 2010