Friday, June 20, 2008

Zuma Beach Day in Malibu!

My sister Bekah and I took our niece and two nephews to Zuma Beach on Friday! It was so much fun!
We caught Trejo "the plumber...!" Nice tan line!
Mateo and Trejo pose for the camera!
Let's play HOT LAVA!!!!
Run! Don't let the "lava" touch your feet!!!
Resting, after a long game of lava!
Three beach "bums!"
The kids made a friend, Emma wanted to get in the shot!
Then we caught Tasia (the lil' princess) getting wet-finally!!

Sunday, June 15, 2008


John in Fallujah-
"Fighting the war on Tooth Decay!"
Ok, so now I finally feel like I am on the downward!! I am so glad that I have stayed so busy--it has really helped the time fly by...(for the most part, anyways!)

John and I in Kauai, Aug. 2005

Friday, June 6, 2008

Sanford, NC Part II

A day on the Lake...!

Leland Wake Boarding!!

Sarah Skiing...

Some "OK" shots.

I had some pretty good "sprays" (shut it Leland) but no one got a shot. It's on video but John said he is not going to "try" to explain to me how to post a video...MEAN!!! :)

See Clint...? I do go outside the wake!! HA HA!
A funny story: Growing up my family spent most summers on our houseboat at Lake Powell. Every morning my brothers and their friends would wake up super early to get supreme water conditions. Being that I was one of the "older" girls in the family, I always wanted to be "in it" with my brothers and to be included in the early morning ski runs. To this day, they all, including their friends still make fun of me because on one of the mornings that they had "promised" me that I could go along with them...they left me. I remember waking up that morning to the roar of the boat and quickly sat up. I ran down to the lower deck of the houseboat jumped in my swimsuit and proceeded to grab my towell and ski. When I looked over at the shore, they were already backing out of the cove. I looked at them like, "thanks." They yelled to me that they would be back in about 5-10 minutes to pick me up. So I, foolishly beleiving them, stood on the shore, feet in the water, lifevest and ski in hand, and waited for the boat to return. It never did. Yah-I have MEAN brothers! But I still love them! ;)

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Sanford, North Carolina, Part I

This past weekend I went to North Carolina with my parents to visit my brother Leland who lives there.

We had tons of fun playing Guitar Hero. Ok-yes, "I like it now." It wasn't until that trip when I realized that I totally ROCK! (well at least that is what the game tells me when I complete a song with out getting kicked off the stage...but never did get a pic of me playing it--thanks MOM. :( Here is my dad "thinking " he rocks but I beat most of his scores...
And, then there is my bro who doesn't "think" he rocks, he KNOWS it! HA!

Early Friday morning we took the boat out on the lake to go skiing and wake boarding. Of course, I didn't get to ski first (get first water) my brother did--as usual, that is the way it always was growing up--mean brothers, but I did ski--and I will have pictures soon if my MOM could figure out how to email them to me. Stay tuned...

Here is Leland skiing. One of my many awesome shots with my camera--haha!
I will have to post some wake boarding shots too. Leland tried to convince me to wakeboard, but I politely answered with, "I am not a boy." I was just saying that because I am not a "pro" on it yet!!

On Saturday night we met up with my brothers friend Camilia who is a local North Carolinian for dinner at the Melting Pot! It was fun and delicious!

Ummm, you'd think my dad & Leland could look at the camera? Nice shot...!
"What are you looking at, Dad?"