Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Jerome Christmas Eve Dinner

See you next year! XOXO!!!!

We had a nice dinner at Sandi's home for Christmas Eve
(early on Wed the 22nd actually)

Sandi made a delicious lasagna, salad and french bread!
I made a little snowman spice cake with a mold I had tucked away in some Christmas bin.
John had bought Leia and I matching outfits during his visit to Korea, so we had a chance to wear them together that night! It was a fun night!

Alan and the "A" Team!!

Sunday, December 26, 2010


Kimball Family Photo Shoot 2010

Friday, December 10, 2010

Rudolph Leia

Leia found a cracked egg shell and was walking around the house like this!

Leia the white nose doggie!!!

Sunday, November 28, 2010



This year instead of turkey and all the fixins'...
John and I stayed home and ate tacos and then chocolate chip cookies for dessert!

OH...don't be jealous! ;)

Thanksgiving Brunch 2010

Let's Do Brunch!!!!
We had brunch at Sandi's house on Thursday mid-morning!
I made Cinnamon French Toast Souffle'~thanks to my moms recipe!
We also had Alyssa's yummy fruit salad, Sandi & Dale's eggs, bacon, and homemade hash browns (Johns favorite!)
Then we had to take the "usual" pictures out in front of the house....most of us cooperated...eh' hum...except the twins, John & Alan!

Alan with the "A" Team! (Alyssa & Amber)
John doing his best to smile for yet another picture...good John boy!
Sandi, Denise, Donnie, Alyssa, Amber and myself all went on a nice Thanksgiving Day walk around the neighborhood. We stopped to take some goofy pictures along the way. It was a beautiful day for a walk!

John even met up with us on the bike.
~~~~We have so much to be thankful for this year!!~~~~

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Cookie Time with A&A!!

SuGaR CooKiE WoRkShoP!!!!!

Amber & Alyssa & I all made sugar cookies today while it was nice & chilly outside! Buuuuurrrr....perfect baking weather!!
Trader Joe's has these awesome cookie kits that come with everything to make the dough and includes the cutters, icing and decorating sprinkles! SO FUN!
The girls did a great job rolling out their dough and cutting out all the fun cookie shapes!
Leia was no fool, she wanted to be part of the action
and was waiting for any crumbs that may fall!
Alyssa & Amber waiting for them to be DONE!!!
"Santa Bear" cookie I made for John Bear! ~xoxo~

All Done! Time to clean up!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

A Dog's Life...

...can I be a dog for just one day?!

Monday, November 15, 2010


This past weekend I finally reconnected with my favorite dental school wives club girls!!!
Collette was in town from Colorado and Rachel lives in El Segundo, so we all met for dinner at the Cheesecake Factory (no free cheesecake Tony hook-ups though :(....too bad) and had a fun time catching up and cracking up!
Collette, Sarah, Rachel
Rachel trying to mack? on me! HAHA NO!

Rachel with her two beautiful daughters Lily and Ana!
They joined us at the end of our dinner and
are so grown up and so adorable!
Oh, darn. I thought I had pics from our last reunion in the O.C. but I guess I don't :(
Thanks for the fun times girls!! Til next time!!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

The Mormon Tabernacle Choir - Distant Land


Monday, November 1, 2010

Sleepy Hollow Joe & Holly's!

Once again we headed out to Pasadena for the annual Halloween Party at cousins Joe & Holly's Sleepy Hollow!
They have the BEST house and the BEST street for Halloween trick-or-treaters!! They get 500+ kids coming up and down their neighborhood! ( Click HERE for last years pics!)
This year I dressed up as an 80's punk butterfly, John (lucky to get him to dress up at all) was a Chilean Minor, and Leia was a USC fan!!! Fight On!
Holly was the beautiful Snow White and Joe was a ninja fighter--I think, and their doggie scout was a cute little ladybug!!

John painted my face! He did a great job!

Can't wait til next year....costume ideas are already starting to flow...!!!

Happy Halloween..til next year!!

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Pumpkin carving....HOOOoooOOO!!!

Bekah and I carved pumpkins on the Friday night before Halloween! I carved an Owl (ode to my nickname given to me by Bekah...who says I look like an owl--MEAN!!) and Bekah carved a vampire bat. She did a great job--her design was a lot more complicated than mine...so I goofed off with my mom, while she finished her carving.
Why so seriousssssssssssssss?

So proud of our finished products!!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Pumpkins with A, A & A!!!

On Sunday afternoon, I went over to Sandi's to carve pumpkins with Alyssa, Amber, & Alan.

Look how great their pumpkins turned out!!!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Happy 8th!!!

Happy 8th Birthday Amber!!!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Labor Day 2010

This year, instead of the usual Zuma Beach Day tradition, we spent our family Labor Day at the local Park!
We BBQ'd hot dogs, played Bocci Ball, Horseshoes, & sat around enjoying the great weather!
Of course the guys were super in to their game of Bocci Ball...
It was fun for all of us girls to sit and watch them compete! It was Jay, (my dad) & John against Ryan (bro-in-law) & my brother Clint! I think my dad and John ended up with the win!!

Leia soaked up the sun and watched the games too, with her squinty eye!

After watching the guys play, we decided to join the fun and played our own girls game! It was my mom and I against my sister Bekah and sister-in-law Katie! What can I say, my mom and I pretty much "SMOKED" them!!!

So Fun!!

Saturday, September 4, 2010


This past weekend, we attended a "Hang Ten" Surfer Birthday Party for Cash Lewallen! I made Cash his first birthday cake! It was so much fun to make a surfboard cake for him!
Looks like Cash enjoyed his cake!!

Pool Time!
Cutey Alyssa
Alyssa & Amber really enjoyed the birthday, the beautiful pool and fun rock slide all afternoon long...we couldn't get them to get out when it was time to leave!!
Cutey Amber