Wednesday, December 30, 2009


utah has been lovely

especially the part where I got to see so much of my family

and the part I got to play music with my favorite people

but. it is time to go home

and I am


seattle has been pulling on my heartstrings awhile.

James has been interviewing for residencies all over the US

we match in March

where we will be the next four years.

so. if you have ever wanted to visit seattle,

now is the time. while I am still there.

also, if you are looking for good music today. Try Mr. Buddy Guy, a chicago bluesmaster. Let me put it this way. Jimi Hendrix used to skip his own shows to catch a club show of buddy guy's. Artists like Led Zeppelin, the stones, and clapton have covered his tunes. take a listen.

Sunday, December 27, 2009


\Having my family in town makes 
this lil' heart sing...
Joe and John from Austin
Kate from Seattle.
Does it get any better?

The holiday has consisted of usual Christmas fare plus:
2, soon to be 3 movies; (Up In The Air, Avatar, and Sherlock) 
If you don't know this about me yet...I love going to the movies. 
many pounds of sweets
6 Office viewings
4 Modern Family viewings
6 Games of Yahtzee (I got a Yahtzee on 4 out of 6 games. amazing)
1 new car stereo, not that public radio is all that bad, but still
10 carols at the piano
1 dinner at Happy Sumo
many a dr. pepper
24 hours spent helping june 'play' with new toys
76 hours of laughing with my siblings

I love the holiday. 

My only remaining question I have for you is:


no, seriously. I tried to buy my mama a long skirt. I even dared to enter cold water creek before the velvet and moose apparel scared me out. I walked into EVERY store at the Gateway and at Fashion Place malls, including nordstroms, dillards, and macy's.

seriously, if you know of ONE store. please let me know. 


Sunday, December 20, 2009


I love surprises.
I am a long time believer in date nights.
and james really pulled out a christmas miracle with both!
James, aka best hub in the world
took me on a surprise overnight date.
first up: matinee- "invictus" with all the treats I wanted
(loved the movie-could be I love morgan freeman ever since shawshank, but matt damon was great too)
next: dinner at Trio- I mean have you tried their rosemary flatbread?
next: Armstrong Mansion. I will not go into details :)
next: breakfast and sleep in.

thank you sweet James. you mean everything to me.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Mormon Times

Got a call a few months ago
from a woman who wanted to write
an article about me for the press.
Didn't know if the story would ever make it to print.

But here it is today on
Mormon Times


*if the link is not working, just google mormon times and then click on the music tab

(would like to clarify however that Scott Wiley produced my albums, not myself :)

-thanks judy for your thoughtfulness in writing this.

Monday, December 14, 2009

happy holiday

helped my mom decorate her house for a big family party.
way more work than I anticipated
but I loved the feeling of creating while christmas music
played round the clock.

hope some of you can come to the holiday concert to benefit the road home on wed. dec 23rd. click here for more info.

also, I had an early morning phone call this week
informing me that I had won a big ol' contest
which gets me on this!
performing!!!! love it.
to watch the video I won with click here.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Christmas Eve Eve & NEBRASKA

Wed. Dec 23rd. 6pm. 7pm music starts.
This will be a moving night of music
all created with my favorite friends.
please come. bring a friend. all donations go to The Road Home
And now onto other business in the department of
uberly talented friends. one named Ryan Tanner
who is an amazing photographer and designer (designed my last two albums)
he documented our tour to CO & NE
on a real camera. all film folks. no digital here.
really great work ryan!
To see more of his work or to contact him
to take your amazing here

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

animal prints and shopping

i've decided this christmas I want
to support independent artists by
buying most of junie's gift off ETSY
or from the artist themselves.
of course i started looking at items,
3 hours later....still looking
I'm amazed at the talent out there. wow.
this was one of my favorite finds. This is a
cool young couple based out of portland
he is an artist, these are a few of his prints.
super affordable
sells orginals and prints
go crazy. also, read the bios for each animal, they are so funny! The wife writes the bios.

Monday, December 7, 2009

everytime i go

I wrote this song for my lil juniper.
it is always hard to leave her for a few days when I tour
even when I know she is with family who loves her
no matter the distance
'nothing can keep my love from you'
video live from KRFC -Birds of a Feather tour with Ryan and Paul.
I love their harmonies.

thanks cindy for taking the video!

Friday, December 4, 2009

thanks dadeo

thanks dad for our plane tickets to texas.
thank you catherine and lily for loving juniper
so perfectly.
thank you God for helping me survive
another 3 hour plane flight alone with a toddler.
and thank you again
when juniper tried to escape the bonds of her stroller in the airport security area
while her mom tried to balance the huge carseat and bags
on top of the stroller
and then when mom dived for the daring rescue of
junie escaping her bonds
and the entire caravan toppled over
and everyone was watching that poor helpless mom, frozen with pity
and then another mom rushed forward to help.
Thank you God for that other mother. And
thank you that she pretended
to not see my eyes full of tears.
but........ WE MADE IT!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009


(pic of south congress st)

I love texas.
let me re-phrase that
I love Austin Texas.
My Dad's side of the family
lives here and I love coming to Austin every year.

Austin: Amazing music. Best BBQ. Best Queso &
Guac. Home to my Family. Cool People. Austin City Limits. Green. Colorado River runs through town. Where we got our two dogs. Always feels good to my heart to be here.

Some awesome (and not so awesome) moments in the last week:

* we bought juniper her own seat on the airplane. best move of my life so far.

*Grandmother's cooking on Thanksgiving.
I also interviewed
my Grandmother about her Childhood in Longview TX.
She told me amazing stories of her family. Like her father, Clark Sample,
enlisted in WWI when he was only 16 because he lied about his age to be able to
be deployed with his older brothers. She told me that her parents would stay in
there nice clothes everyday till 10pm or later because you never knew who would
drop by the house. Also, she told me that she NEVER saw her mother without her
hair perfect, and her mother always wore big high heels because she was only 5 ft.
tall. oh. And my great grandmother sample was a better shot than her husband. love it.
* Granddad loving Juniper

*playing board game with my brothers who
can actually make any game hilarious.

*Finding a new neighborhood in Austin that I adore.
Here is a house I saw and loved enough
to stop in the middle of traffic to take a picture of it on my phone.

*City Wide Garage Sale- picture a stadium filled with small booths. Antiques: Cowboy shirts, jewelry, furniture, instruments, etc etc. I was in heaven. I will post my treasures later.

*the moment where junie walked out of my
dad's bathroom holding an open gallon of bleach in her
hands. not so awesome. calling poison control not so awesome.
she was fine, did not drink any, but still a panic moment.

*also, junie has decided she loves the movie shrek
and walks around the house all day asking 'shrek shrek shrek'
any advice to steer her away????

Hope everyone had an amazing holiday. Back in SLC end of this week.
Doing a show this Sat. night 7pm in Layton if anyone wants to come. Short concert (1hr show) so you can be home early :) click here for more info.
