Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Thursday, July 15, 2010


go to my music blog to find out what I have been up too all week :)


Friday, June 25, 2010

our casita

new house

my view as i drove out of seattle. sad.

juniper really owning the home depot experience

new flower boxes

my sweet retro kitchen

where have i been you ask?
to boise.
and writing like crazy for my new album.

here are a few pics of my new house.
also, go to to hear a new song that will be on the album.
oh, you want to pre-order the album because you have overflowing kindness in your heart
and you love to support your independent musicians. well here.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Great Britain

james and I went on a lovely trip
to Great Britain...

to read about our adventure
click here.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Dr. James McDonald

I am so proud and happy to announce that
James finished his last day of Medical School
last week!!!
He doesn't graduate till June 5th, but he is
finished with all the course work and rotations!

I have been inspired by James and his decision
to go to medical school. When I met James in college
he was some sort of health major. He then considered
becoming an optometrist. Eventually after prayerful
consideration he decided he wanted to go to Medical
School. He loved the science classes he was taking
and found that if he worked hard that he would do well.

I can't tell you how many applications, interviews,
letters of recommendations, late nights, study sessions,
rotations, tests etc that are part of this

But I can say how rewarding it has been for me to watch
my husband find something he loves doing. There is a long line of Doctors in my family. There is also a long line of educators and farmers. It never matter to me what James chose as his occupation, as long as he worked hard and was happy. Four years have passed quickly and it has not been nearly as bad as so many told me it would be. I think James made his commitment
easy on me by cheerleading me in the career that brings joy to my life. Encouraging me while I followed the road of being a singer/songwriter made the respect we have for one another even more valuable. In the end, I feel like we have had a joyful home.

The moments that really stand out are the days that James has gone to work at different rotations at the hospital and leaves feeling like he is making a difference in the world because he showed up.

He makes a difference in my world everyday. He makes a difference in our daughter's world everyday.

We are so proud of him. We love him. We are excited for the next phase of this journey...Residency.


Saturday, April 24, 2010

New Post

my first video blog
is posted over on
my music blog.

come on over...

click here:

I'll be posting updates on the writing/recording/becoming hugely famous. ha.


Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Happy Birthday Juniper~

today is the big day.
juniper is 2.
it is amazing that
my little baby
is now two.

Aunt Kate (aunt kook)
bought junie this birthday hat.
she wanted to wear it at
first. now refuses.

I am baking a double decker cake
from scratch.
I will give you a
preview of my work later.
Have a beautiful day,
if you have kids,
tell them how special they are.

June is saying funny little phrases like:

'here you go, mom. here you go, dad'

when you ask if she wants to do something and the answer is yes
'ok! sure! ok! sure!'

she loves to tickle people
she calls out to every child we pass 'hey friend!'
she loves trying to scout out the neighborhood cats
when she eats something sweet 'mmm, licious!'

loves loves loves; the zoo, the library, singing time, church
doughnuts, her grandparents (all 5)
she wants to say the prayer before meals and at night
still loves the hose, picking flowers, dancing
to records, singing all the time...

we love our june. she fills our hearts to overflowing.
