My goodness it has been weeks and weeks of secret squirrel planning with Him down the lane and my Sil,
all because much beloved brother faraway is 40 and I am going to surprise him in
fait-acomplis! I am writing this on Tuesday evening and I leave first thing in the morning Wednesday. I am attempting to post this automatically, hope it works!
I can't begin to tell you how much this means to me, you may remember a wistful post back in July (Mornington Memories) about my "faraways" well that was the start of all this as the best hubby in all the world knew how sad I was not to be seeing them all and has made all this possible.
So Mr.Lane, I know you occaisionally meander onto my blog, and I hope you do because I want to thank you with all my heart, you are the BEST!
Little brother also sometimes reads too hence my secrecy! but to all my brilliant friends au revoir for now, I hope to manage a post whilst I am out there!
I will definately have lots to tell you about when I get back, Melbourne is so great for amazing Crafts People so watch out!
Back Soon,