Sunday, August 31, 2008

>>>Ramadhan ini...aku sendiri<<<

Rasa sayu menyelubungi hati ini...kala aku dengar bacaan ayat2 suci. Kini aku d perantauan, menyambut hari pertama Ramadhan dengan genangan airmata mengingat kembali kala bersama arwah kedua ibu dan ayah dulu. Sekarang, hanyalah bertemankan kawan-kawan yg seolah menjadi tongkat utk terus berdiri dan melangkah kerana kaki ini seakan goyah...tak mampu lagi. Tp aku teruskan langkah mengenangkan cinta kepada mereka yang telah tiada... andai mereka masih, pasti hidup ini bahagia... pasti langkah ini pasti lebih gagah. Tapi semuanya kehendak Allah. Yang hidup pasti akan menemui Penciptanya... entah bila tiba masa kita... andai hari itu mendatang, aku pasti bahagia... aku akan berjumpa mereka... Ya Allah, satukan kami menjadi keluarga bahagia di Syugamu... Ketemukan kami semula, agar kasih yang terpisah ini kan terjalin kembali. Mak, Pak, tunggu kmk. Sik sabar nak jumpa ktk duak agik. Mak, Pak, semoga Allah merahmati kitak 2. Kmk rindu ktk Mak... kmk rindu ktk Pak... Sunyi lu jak hidup sikda kitak 2, mcm sikda tujuan hidup jak... Ya Alah, rahmati mereka... semoga mereka ditempatkan bersama hamba-hamba Allah yang beriman.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

>>>forgive me<<<

This entry is especially dedicated to a friend who I have been badly hurt by my insensitive treatment. To whomever it may concern, (you know who you are), I’m sincerely very sorry for what i have done the past few weeks. I’ve been treating you nicely and i regret it so much. Thanks for surviving my inconsiderable attitudes. I want you back...

Sunday, August 17, 2008


Its Sunday, and i'm bored... woke up at 11 this morning and after taken my bath, i went to the Cafe with Walter and Robin and ate a SMALL quantity of rice(stress on the small, as i am gaining weight, so i have to control my intake). Then i went to get power point presentation from Semry as i'm presenting tomorrow(wish me luck yea)... seriously, the net does not make me any happier. Life is just so damn BORED,HOT and LONELY right now. Its HOT in my room. Despite the fan spinning of its highest speed, and the windows being widely opened, my room is still hot!!!WTF@$#@#......

I'm suppose to read my notes right now but its just too hot and it makes me restless. I cant sit still and i dont have the mood to do anything, not even sleeping. How i wish i'm at an indoor swimming pool right now...swimming freely. (ok, be prepared for my fantasies...) A bowl of ABC should be nice right now...with ice-cream on top of it, and lots and lot of kacang ok...i dun like my Ice Kacang with kacng. so mine should be called Kacangless ice

After a bowl of kacangless ice kacang, i'll go for food indulgence... starting with KOLOK MEE, i would then go for LAKSA SARAWAK...(i miss sarawak so badly right now...) after finishing the two fattening meals, i'll have a glass of ice cendol...argh...where can i get these??? i dont like the food here, everything is just so tasteless for me... and not forgetting so spicy... there are a lot more dishes back in sarawak that we surely cannot find here or hard to find. owh, last night i went to the "pasar malam" and i saw the local "kuih" of a very expensive price. rm 0.40 per piece is just so expensive. we can get that for 20 cents in Kuching. argh...i wanna go back home...argh...

owh, one more thing. For my peninsular friends, get it straight, Sarawakians do not live on trees and not all races live in 'rumah panjang'. Now Ibans have modern 'rumah panjang' which is similar to your rumah teres. anyway, you all ought to go to Sarawak and experience the unexpected.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

>>>my life<<<

Its been 6 weeks since i left Sarawak for UKM. Life here, as i have been telling you guys over and over again, is quite mundane. Thats because i find it very difficult to go for outing as the transportation service sucks. Well, i actually have nothing much to share with you all. Anyway, for this entry, i would like to introduce you all with my room, my lovely room.

my lovely bed... it makes sleepy even when i just look at it

my side of the room, the table is a little bit messy, sorry for that.

that's my roommate...

this is what i see every morning...

Sunday, August 10, 2008

>>>HELP!!! GHOST!!!<<<

"MONSS make up, perfect for all!!!"

OMG, i dun feel like blogging anymore. There are actually a lot to be posted but i dont seem to enjoy it as much as last time. however, for the sake of improving my English(how i wish...) i'll be posting entries though i might take few decades to finish an entry.

Last Friday, my group, MONSS, did a shooting of a short commercial of a beauty product. at first, i doubt that shooting would be easy as i thought there might be miscommunication and such but hey, it turned out to be just great!!! Rifky was mainly in charge for the shooting as we elected him as our cameraman cum director. Despite given full authority, Rifky accepted our ideas and he didn't even question our rights in doing that, thanks Rifky. Basically there weren't any specification tasks or role as we all believe in all and we believed that its god to have everyone contributing ideas and at the same time, being controlled by one leader. Here are some pictures of the shooting..

***do pray for my victory in the FFM (Festival Filem Malaysia) if not Oscar***

***sorry if these pictures make ur nights sleepless***