Wednesday, June 5, 2013

quick catch-up!

We are going to quickly cover March, April, and May.
At the end of March Kaitlyn was sick, diagnosed with Bronchilitis and RAD. Easter weekend we stayed home and went out West for so Easter fun rather than camping this the rest due to Kaitlyn not feeling well.

The first week in April Kaitlyn got very sick with a fever of 104 degree F, runs, tummy cramps, and dehydration. We got her to the hosptial where she got poked and proded and stayed in the hospital for 4 days. After multiple tests and procedures we found out the next week that she had salmonella (from what exactly we will never know). We are so lucky to have such a wonderful hospital so close to home. We also have great support all around us, thanks to all of those prayers, gifts, thoughts, and visits. Kaitlyn really had us worried for a little bit. We are so lucky to have her back to her bubbly self. The rest of April we kind of took it easy. We did go to the Juab Jr. Prom and danced the night away. Kaitlyn loved the balloons and dancing! Stephen went to San Antinio for work and made a quick stop at his neice's home to visit with her and her husband.
By the end of the stay she was smiling, it was nice to see!
Jr. Prom

She loves her chickens!


In May Stephen had to make a business trip to Ohio. As soon as he came home Kaitlyn and I traveled to Lake Powell with my family for some fishing and fun in the sun! Kaitlyn really enjoyed herself in the water. She didn't care it was a little cold she wanted to swim and splash. She also caught 3 striped bass with help from mom, she laughed the whole time. What a blast! Kaitlyn turned 18 months! Dad had a

Farming with Daddy!

Happy Birthday Daddy!

Sunday, March 24, 2013

February and little dip into March 2013

It seems as though every week in February we had at least one day full of adventures. The first weekend in February we drove down to St. George to attend the Young Farmers & Rancher Leadership Conference. The big bonus was getting out of our normal cold weather and catch some sun rays as well as getting some swimming in.  The next week Kaitlyn and I ran up to Salt Lake for a funeral and to hang with the family. Oma and Kaitlyn are so fun to see together. They have quite the bond.  The week of Valentines we attended the Valentine dinner that the youth in our ward puts together. It was a getaway to Italy. The last week Oma and Riley came down for a visit. They all had a blast. Other days of the month were filled with our normal busy lifestyle and of course looking at different farm equipment for our farm. Kaitlyn is growing and still talks our ears off, at least now they are real words so we know what she is talking about. She loves to be outside and doesn't waste a minute of her time exploring. She loves any animal and always wants to pick them up.
March has brought major spring fever, getting excited for spring time and summer fun. Stephen has been busy working the ground and planting. We are so excited for this new chapter in our lives. Bring on the nice weather! Enjoy the pics!

We got new baby Chicks! Everyone can't keep their eyes off of them!

It's official she is potty trained!

Sledding in a hamper

lovin on her Dixie cat

Monday, January 21, 2013


 Decmeber was full of parties with family and friends. One of the spectalor events Stephen and I went to was the Mormon Tabernacle Christmas Concert. It was amazing. I highly advise everyone to experience this at least once in their lives.
This Christmas was so fun with a child that could open their own presents. Kaitlyn got the idea down fast that if she opened a present it would be something fun to play with. Santa definitely found us. Kaitlyn got a kitchen of her own, so no more using Mom's kitchen. She has spent many hours stiring pots and making plates to bring us to eat. She also got: a rocking pony (she loves her pony), clothes, shoes, accessories for her kitchen, a dolly, dolly accessories, a pink panther tractor, a tent, and a word game. Dad got a chainsaw, accessories for the chainsaw, fourwheeler ramsp, and gloves. I got a silhouette cutter (LOVING IT), bread maker (THE WHOLE FAMILY LOVING IT), kitchen accessories, earings, and gloves.

 A couple of days after Christmas Stephen flew to Indiana to buy a tractor and field finisher.
It's a new year and flying faster than ever. Stephen got on another plane to fly to Ohio for business. While he was gone we were lucky enough to have Oma, my Mom, come play with us. Each weekend has been filled with something or other.


This week Kaitlyn got bundled up to go see Grandpa's new baby lambs. They are just so cute. At first she just watching quietly then started to relax and talk to them and pet them.

Friday, December 14, 2012

It's been a while...

In Novmeber Kaitlyn celebrated her first birthday! We had a party at our house and she loved all the attention. We are so lucky to have so many family members near by that we can party with.
Kaitlyn walks really well in fact she runs. She loves to haul anything large and heavy around. One her favorite things to do right now is taking grocery bags and fill them up with random stuff she finds around the house. Looking through her bag at the end of the day to see what she found and treasured is a favorite of mine.

Our Thanksgiving weekend was busy, as always. We went to my parents house for our yummy turkey dinner on thursday. Black friday was spent shopping with my Mom. What a tropper she is as we always start very early in the morning. Saturday Kaitlyn went to visit Santa for the first time. This went over very well. She just sat on his lap just looking him over. Later that evening we loaded up on the Phillips family float and head down the parade route. The light parade sure is fun to participate in as well as watch, this is the fourth year Nephi city has done this. Sunday we woke up and got ready to go hunting for our perfect christmas tree. As always we found us our perfect tree. Stephen and Bandit did a good old hike for this one. Kaitlyn enjoyed the fourwheeler ride and on the way down the trail she was out cold, we wore her right out.

Our dreams have come true again. We bid and won a ten year lease on 65 acres of irriagated farmland. This will definatly contine to keep our lives busy. We have been fortunate enough that the weather has been good so we could prep the ground for spring planting. Let's just say Stephen and Bandit are in absolute heaven! That dog was meant to farm!

We always have so much to be grateful for this time of season. This year has been amazing watching our little baby learn and grow up so fast. We wish you all happy holidays!