And as some of you might already know, the Palace had decreed that there be gifts to be distributed, as with the tradition of the most benevolent Maharajah. This year, the Palace bequeathed some of India's most vibrant colours, colours made tangible with Bombay Bales.
The method of choosing who were to be the recipients of these gifts was pretty random and totally circumstantial. It was also dependent on whether the person chosen responded to the palace in time. A list was then made out.
No two gifts were the same as each one was made with the specific person in mind. It was the strict instructions of the Palace that no short cut be taken and that every color chosen, every ribbon cut was to be tended to personally by Sans!
And so for each of the benefactor, this was the method employed by Sans! With every name she drew, she closed her eyes and imagined. When she opened her eyes, two sometimes three words would appear before her, determining the colours of her friend. She smiled often for this exercise pleased her greatly.
The 1st one took 30 minutes and after one and half hour, she made four. And then six.
It soon became too dark for her to differentiate the colours and this was where she stopped on Day 218.
And on Day 221, she and her loyal assistant, Fafa, wrapped each and every parcel but not before tucking in a note written personally by Sans! And in the note was written the two or three words associated with each friend.
For this year, this was the last sort of creative project by Sans!
A project completely inspired by her friends.