Tuesday, October 18, 2011
And a Few More....
A few more pieces! "On the Prowl" was a quick study using my greyhound. She does not look as ominous in real life!
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Just a few Paintings!
Well I certainly have not been keeping up with posting but life really gets in the way! I just don't know how people keep up with it everyday. So I have a few paintings to post now and should post a few more tomorrow!
Kyle's Glory 12 x12 oil on linen
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Saturday, May 21, 2011
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Getting things in order with the garden and will be posting new "Headgear" in a couple of weeks. I just looooove workin' in dirt!
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Look Away
"Look Away" another piece from my "headgear" series. when I finish twenty or more of these I plan to make a small limited edition book.
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Once again it has been a while but here is a painting from my Headgear series, a small group of paintings of people in hats. I have always loved the Napoleonic period of "headgear" so I have a few portraits of people in bicorn hats.
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Woodworking Video
Here is a video of a pretty cool project my husband is working on for our dear friend and a true lover of the arts Liz Gilbert. That's little red Zipper getting into the act! Enjoy!
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Bringing Them Home
Bringing Them Home oil on linen 24x36
One looking back to what was and one looking forward to what will hopefully be a much better life. A painting dedicated to those wonderful creatures, the rescued greyhound
Monday, November 8, 2010
Win This Painting
Win this painting and help rescue a greyhound! I have donated this painting for a raffle to the Greyhound Friends of New Jersey to help raise funds for their Prison Foster Program.
If you have any interest in the raffle you can go to the GFNJ website here.If you scroll down you will see the piece and you can download the raffle forms and mail it in with a check to:
PO Box 4416
Cherry Hill, NJ
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Women Painting Women
The show, Women Painting Women at Robert Lange Studios/Gallery was a success. I am so sorry I could not make it but there is a video walk through of the show for all to watch here.
My two little pieces are at the very beginning. There was a tremendous amount of fabulous work by fifty women artists from around the country.Enjoy!
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Wow! Has it been that long????
I guess it has! I have been busy, busy, busy. I don't know how people are able to blog as often as they do because I just don't seem to have the time!
Well, I have a few new paintings and two of the pieces will be featured in a group show "Women Painting Women" at the Robert Lange Studios/Gallery in Charleston, South Carolina. The two pieces are:
Ali's Back
12x12 o/l
Just Another Day
12x12 o/l w/ white gold leaf
This next painting is also of my wonderful model Alison.
I have used her over the years and she is just the best. Ali is a dancer, and a young actress in the theater. She knows how to give the attitude you are looking for!
Ali's Home Again
20x20 o/l
Hope this post turned out alright. I am a bit rusty!
Thursday, June 24, 2010
The Head of Bob aka Dutchboy
A very good friend of my husband and I who lives in New Mexico. He has one of the greatest faces to paint and I finally got around to painting it. Not only a great face but one of the greatest people we know! So sorry we are so far away!
This is an oil on linen, 12x12.
This is an oil on linen, 12x12.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
A Sister's Path
A Sister's Path
20x20 oil on linen
I can't say how one paints emotion in a face.I think that it is just something that happens through the artists own unconscious ability.
I used in this painting burnt sienna, yellow ochre, cobalt blue, some cadmium red, a blue/grey and cremintz white for the face and hair. Actually I used all those colors plus raw umber for the rest of the piece too.
A painting for all of you with sisters! I am a sister to three brothers but I have none myself and always wondered what it would be like.
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Little Davy
This is one of my mother's little brothers back in what was probably 1955. It is 9x9 and an oil on linen mounted on board.
I plan on doing more of Davy, who is now David, because he was such a strange looking little boy that I just have to paint him for my series of old family movies.
I think it was the glasses that made him look so strange when he was young. He was probably about four here and had these coke bottle glasses that were always crooked or taped up where they had broken. Anyway, he is a treasure trove of work waiting to happen! By the way he did grow up to be a good looking man!
As with most of my other paintings my palette was limited. This time I used yellow ochre, burnt umber, burnt sienna cobalt blue and a touch of cad red medium plus black and white.
The painting always seems to go much faster when you are working on a hard surface even though you are still painting on linen. I also tend to get a little more detail oriented when working on the board.
This series is a bit of a change for me. It is forcing me to put other things in my paintings beside the figure or an animal which I really don't like to do. I love other artist's work that can incorporate all kinds of things in a painting but it always feels unnatural for me to do it. My eye is always seeing less is more in my paintings or maybe I could be just plain lazy!
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Now for something completely different....
The Goddess in Green
This painting is 12x16, oil on linen and mounted on a board. This is my "breather" painting from the series I am working on. I really need to do a piece or two in between three or four paintings from a series. One, I would get very bored if I did not break it up that way and two, it is great to come back to the series with fresh eyes.
I have entered a prussian blue mode. As with the last few paintings from my series, this piece was painted with mostly prussian blue, yellow ochre, raw umber, burnt sienna and yellow ochre with a little bit of titanium white.
I used bits of stenciling and scumbling for the background and let some of the stencil carry onto the dress. I also intentionally left her dress and arms flat so that it contrasts nicely with the scumbled background
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
The World in Black and White.......
I do have to say, that it was kind of nice having the broadcasting day end at a certain time. The world was quiet just for a few hours.
This piece is 10x10 oil on linen. I used Prussian blue, raw umber, yellow ochre and a little bit of cadmium red. My black was Mars Black and the white was Titanium.
I also used a very light yellow from Vasari Paints for the highlights. I love their paints it is just so loaded with pigment !
The ground was an oil primer and I put a transparent wash of ochre and black over that. I roughed in the composition with raw umber and started painting when that dried.
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Waiting for Miss Nancy
One of the things I always insisted on was that I had to get all dressed up like the other little girls on the show.
Of Course this was very annoying to my mother. Changing my clothes a couple of times a day was a chore but I had to have everything just so.
Oh..... how she longed for those days when I turned thirteen and only wanted to wear jeans loaded with patches and run around barefoot.
(How 'bout that TV!)
Waiting for Miss Nancy 10x10 oil on linen
One More Time 10x10 oil on linen
Monday, April 5, 2010
It's about Time
It's about time I post something! The past six months have been difficult to get any painting done. We had lost our beloved dog, Degas, who I still mourn, and I lost my studio space.
I had to work at home which is not a great thing for me to do. There are always too many distractions. My husband works out of the home, there is laundry piling up, dishes in the sink, people stopping by, dinner to make, etc. I try to imagine Picasso leaving the easel, going past the bathroom and seeing the laundry flowing out of the basket and thinking "I better go wash those". You know that didn't happen. There was always a Mrs. Picasso or mistress around somewhere.
So a dear friend of mine ( I am making a plug for her book on marriage here ) offered me a space in a warehouse that she was renovating for her husband's East Asian importing business, Two Buttons and the Lovin' Oven, a very fabulous and funky restaurant(there are some photos of their new and old locations).
Well, as with most construction it took about six months longer then it was suppose to. But....it is finally finished and I moved in here a couple of weeks ago .It is just lovely and I am getting down to business! I will be posting pieces frequently.
I have started a series of pieces based on my early life. My mother had sent me DVD's of our old home movies spanning three decades and there is just so much great material in them that it will keep me busy for a while.
One of the hardest things about these DVD's, is to look at family members( parents, brothers, cousins, aunts, etc.) as babies, children and young adults, all these happy bubbly beings, not knowing what life had in store for them and for quite a number of them, life has not been so wonderful.
So I will post works from this series as well as "breather" paintings over the next few months and hope you will enjoy them!
The first two are:
Little Red 1 and Little Red 2
9x12 oil on linen
I had to work at home which is not a great thing for me to do. There are always too many distractions. My husband works out of the home, there is laundry piling up, dishes in the sink, people stopping by, dinner to make, etc. I try to imagine Picasso leaving the easel, going past the bathroom and seeing the laundry flowing out of the basket and thinking "I better go wash those". You know that didn't happen. There was always a Mrs. Picasso or mistress around somewhere.
So a dear friend of mine ( I am making a plug for her book on marriage here ) offered me a space in a warehouse that she was renovating for her husband's East Asian importing business, Two Buttons and the Lovin' Oven, a very fabulous and funky restaurant(there are some photos of their new and old locations).
Well, as with most construction it took about six months longer then it was suppose to. But....it is finally finished and I moved in here a couple of weeks ago .It is just lovely and I am getting down to business! I will be posting pieces frequently.
I have started a series of pieces based on my early life. My mother had sent me DVD's of our old home movies spanning three decades and there is just so much great material in them that it will keep me busy for a while.
One of the hardest things about these DVD's, is to look at family members( parents, brothers, cousins, aunts, etc.) as babies, children and young adults, all these happy bubbly beings, not knowing what life had in store for them and for quite a number of them, life has not been so wonderful.
So I will post works from this series as well as "breather" paintings over the next few months and hope you will enjoy them!
The first two are:
Little Red 1 and Little Red 2
9x12 oil on linen
Saturday, December 26, 2009
The New Brood
My husband and I really did it this time. We so missed not having that extra heartbeat in a room. That little creature that loved you unconditionally. That constant shadow who followed you from room to room, well.....if you love dogs you know what I mean.
So we decided to do something we wanted to do for a long time, rescue a greyhound.
Enter "Kiowa Sunbeam", who is now our wonderful girl Kai!

So I have a friend who was born and raised in Arkansas and with the help of another friend's great on gas Toyota , we decided to make a mad dash halfway across the country to his parents home in the northern part of Arkansas.
As we drove out to Arkansas we stopped at just about every TJ Maxx we could find. My friend Shea has a justifiable addiction to these Belgium chocolates that are only available at TJ Maxx during the Christmas season. If you loooove chocolate you know it had to be done!
Now, little Dutch (he was actually called Hutch at this point) was in the south western part of the state. My friend Shea, has a friend Martha, who was not that far from Dutch's location. Martha was going to be heading up to the Ozarks (nearer to where Shea's parents live) and offered to pick up Dutch and drop him off to us. It saved us about another 6 hours of driving, so we thrilled. In hindsight though, we could of found a few more TJ Maxx's but the car was already so loaded down with the stuff I don't think we would have had room for the dog and one more piece.
On the day we were to meet Martha, we had quite a few hours to kill before our rendezvous so my friend Shea takes me to the most incredible natural wonder in the world, the Blanchard Springs Caverns. I highly recommend seeing these caverns if you ever get to the Ozarks. I can not even describe this other worldly experience. Amazing!
Being the artists that we are we had to stop in this art center in the Ozarks and take a look at some of the wonderful handcrafted items from the local artists. Well while we were there Martha calls to let us know she had Dutch and would see us in a few hours but that there was a problem.
About 20 minutes before Martha arrived at the Bailey Family Special Needs Animal Rescue Dutch's brother Starski was returned to the rescue center. He had been adopted a week earlier and the family decided they did not want him. My husband had really liked Starski and we had inquired about him before Dutch, well you know where this is going by now.
I could not say yes, "bring him too", without talking to my husband first. I called him over and over on his cell phone and could not reach him. I called people that might know where he was (most likely on his job site) and left messages to please have him call me. Martha had to leave in a very short time so she would not have to be driving through the night. I needed to make a decision and I was also thinking "two puppies, we would have to be out of our minds". We are!
My husband got back to me in the nick of time. Here is Milo formerly known as Starski. We just had to have the little guy!

This was quite a trip. The first thing we had to do when we got into Arkansas, at about 7 pm, was to pull into a dark bank parking lot and change into black clothes to go to a viewing of Shea's sister's father-in-law, at the local funeral parlor. Shea never met the man and I certainly did not know him or anyone else. We were also the only two people dressed in black looking like we were going to a NY art opening compared to all the jeans and cowboy type shirts. Was kind of surreal. The mourners were the happiest nicest bunch of people you ever wanted to meet. Did not feel like any family viewing I've been to back east.
There were so many little quirky episodes on this trip that we should have been filming it all. Since I am not the best writer I will spare you all from any further details.
Just enjoy these photos of our new family because we are enjoying them immensely!
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Happy Holidays from "The Wild Thing"
Friday, October 30, 2009
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Degas 1997-2009

'What is Wild Dog doing here?'
And the Woman said,
'His name is not Wild Dog any more,
but the First Friend,
because he will be our friend
for always and always and always.'"
- Rudyard Kipling
Their is so much to say when you lose your very best friend and not enough words to say it. I think Rudyard Kipling said it well for my husband and I.

Sunday, September 13, 2009
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Mother and Son

This mother and son were out on a cold NYC day. Of course you wouldn't know they were in NY because I decided to not place them in Manhattan. I was more interested in them, as oppose to the city. There was something isolated about the two even though they were together. I thought they would work well out on what looks like an icy lake in Minnesota.
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Top Hat , a Dreamer and time to Surrender

Thursday, July 30, 2009
A Loooooong Time

I have been busy, busy, busy but I feel like I am not getting enough done. Painting has been going slowly. I have always been able to "whip 'em out" but for some reason it is not moving along as quickly as I would like it to but I am determined and will get through this.
Anyway... here is a piece I did about a month ago to loosen up and have some fun,
"Lilly of the Fields." I love goats! Never owned one but I love them just the same.
A dear friend of mine, (who is a best selling and inspirational author, that you must go here to listen to her talk about nurturing creativity on TED.com) stopped by and when she saw this goat painting , I thought she was going to cry .
"Lilly" she shrieked "it's my goat Lilly!"
Liz, grew up on a Christmas tree farm and had a number of goats and apparently this goat looked just like her all time favorite love, Lilly. Needless to say , I titled this goat painting Lilly of the Fields and it is now on her wall and not mine!
Enjoy it and I will be posting more soon and don't forget to go to TED (which is a fabulous site) and listen to Liz's talk!
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Something Different
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Been a While
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