Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Competitive Us???

Our kids are always wanting to compete against each other in something,
And now that we have a few inlaws they like to show what they can do.
So Marshall and Cade took it to the swimming pool and...

For a minute I thought Michael Phelps had joined us
Can you guess which one?

Even with a 3 second head start it was easy to see who had the experience,

Then again maybe it was the form that gave it away. (zoom in and compare) lol

It sure was fun to watch.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Crazy words

I am not sure what happened to the wording on my next post but it is really the pictures that are worth seeing. I will try and figure out what happened.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

"The BIG Freeze"

So those stories you heard on the news about freezing temperatures in Arizona.....they are true. We got irrigation on Thursday night and woke up to an ice skating rink in the back yard.
We just hope the grass survives, since we have a wedding back here in less than 7 weeks.

Those containers are protecting the ranunculas that Becky wants for the wedding. We just hope they like cold

When I got home at 5:00 pm it was still icy. Well, at least we got a little bit of winter this year.
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Sunday, August 15, 2010

On the Catwalk

I don't know if anyone even looks at my blog anymore, but for those who might check it I hope you enjoy this post.
First of all we drove to New Mexico to hike the Catwalk, we didn't know it would be so beautiful.
We had a great time with most of the family, we really missed Marshall, Chelsea & Jack.
Carter was our guide, she had fun leading the way. Luckily her dad was in front when we ran into this guy....
Nothing like a harry tarantula to keep us all on our toes.
Gabby and I were hiking buddies, until she got motion sick from all the bouncing around.
We moved her to a smoother ride.
Sherwood even enjoyed this hike.
This will be a fun family memory, and a place we will have to return to someday.

Thursday, October 22, 2009


Jack Adair Hamblin or as I call him "Happy Jack"
I snapped this picture when he was less than an hour old and he smiled at me.
What a good baby he is.

Ahhh Father and Son, buddies already.
He is so lucky to have such wonderful parents. We love you all so much.
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Friday, October 2, 2009


Nathan wishes his mommy a happy birthday,

While Carter and Gabby help Grammy make Holly's Birthday Pecan Pie.

Complete with the Hamblin balloon tradition. Happy Birthday Holly, we love you lots.
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Sunday, September 27, 2009

FALL - nature's best!

I love the fall leaves. One of my favorite things about living in Utah was driving through Spanish Fork Canyon in the fall and seeing the beautiful colors. This picture is outside the Washington DC Temple in October about 6 years ago, the trees were so beautiful.

Fall brings families together as we all pitch in to make a big job easier, you know what they say... "Many hands make light work"

Doesn't a big bowl of cold peaches with some homemade wheat toast sound like the perfect breakfast? And of course eating it on the back patio on a cool fall morning is the perfect location.

Gabby just couldn't get enough of the delicious fresh peaches. One more before bedtime hit the spot. :)It was a long hard day but at least we have something to show for it. I have to leave the bottles on the counter for at least a day just because it makes me happy.
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