Sunday, May 11, 2014

Essay about my Dallin

Our Family is looking forward to attending a NOAH (National Organization for Albinism and Hypo-pigmentation) conference this summer. I applied for a scholarship with the organization and was asked to write an essay about my sweet boy. After I composed it, I found that it included how I felt about my sweet boy. I want to share this with you and Keep if for a record on my blog. Here it goes (I added pictures for the blogging proposes) :

In December 2013, my husband and I happily learned we were expecting our third child. In the midst of our joy, I instinctively knew something was different. Initially, I interpreted this feeling to mean calamity, and fearfully anticipated possible miscarriage, major health issues, or labor complications. As my pregnancy progressed, the nagging feeling that something was different persisted, though there were no notable issues or difficulties.

Eventually, a new feeling, one of strength, began to develop in conjunction with the first. This growing sense of strength spoke to my heart that I was being prepared for an amazing individual that would positively impact the lives of our family forever, and whispered hints at the strength of character my unborn child possessed. 

After a wondrous birth experience, I held my beautiful, healthy, white haired boy. My heart overflowed with love and relief. We named him Dallin, meaning “proud.”  The nurses often asked to bring people into my room to show off my handsome baby and his extraordinary white hair. What joy and pride I felt sharing his beauty and strength!

While traveling home from the hospital I confessed my long-held fears to my husband, and murmured, “We just dodged a major bullet.”  Three days later, however, at a routine well-baby checkup, the doctor informed me my Dallin likely had Albinism.  Immediately, I felt all of those debilitating fears come crushing back down on my heart. I was paralyzed and terrified of the unknown and the struggles his future might have in store for him.

Just when I felt like I was drowning in the ‘What ifs’ and unknowns, I stumbled upon the NOAH website. I called the first responder number and was connected with Kelly Tighe. I poured out my concerns and fears to her understanding, listening ears.  She assured me my feelings were normal and told me that my son will be able to see the beauties of the world and participate in any activity that he desired, as long as we taught him that he could. She gave me the brightness of hope and love and returned to me the strength I felt while pregnant with Dallin; I again knew that my son was sent here to do great things.  What an invaluable blessing!

(This is the packet that NOAH sent as a welcome into the organization! Isn't that cool!)

After I hung up the phone with Kelly, I determined that someday I would be a first responder, to offer the same hope and peace to someone shaky and unsure. It was a major turning point in my journey and it would be a joy to provide that for others.

My beautiful baby is now nine months old. People often comment on his happy demeanor, and he is a beacon of light and joy to all round him. I am excited to see the great things he will accomplish and the lives he will change for the better.  We feel blessed to be a part of the NOAH Family, and look forward to being advocates and leaders as we continue to learn and participate.

Thanks Erin for your Editing help!