Sunday, August 22, 2010

Anna's reaction to solids

I have posted this on the "Manning Family Tree" Blog as well. About a month ago we started Anna on rice cereal. this was her first reaction to the taste. She is a pro at eating and has been enjoying many new flavors of solid foods. She has had watermelon, peach, mango, green beans, avocado, and yellow squash. She has been pretty accepting to new foods and I hope that continues throughout her life. Anna is such a joy and I love watching her eat... she cracks me up!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Anna on the move

The Days of putting Anna on a blanket to play with toys are LONG gone. the minute we set her down she rolls away. Some times she gets stuck up against the couch or a wall and gets very upset, sillly girl. It has been fun watching her follow me around by rolling. She is also becoming a lot more sturdy when she is sitting up by her self. What a fun age.

Monday, August 16, 2010

VIEWER DISCRETION ADVISED anna and daddy's new trick

Our summer trip to Arizona

We took a trip to Arizona for my cousin's wedding at the end of July. On the way to Greer the Garmin advised us to turn on a dirt road. I knew the area and thought "Oh we have enough time lets try this short cut". You know how that ends....right? The "short cut" was 5.4 miles long and started out friendly. We saw a herd of elk and the sun was just setting. As we left the elk it started sprinkling. The ground started getting soft and slippery. Before we knew it our tires were covered in mud and we had no traction. I ended up getting high centered in some ruts that trucks would breeze by. Katie got in the drivers seat, put the car in reverse, and i pushed the car out. We managed to maneuver the car several times passed some scary mud holes, up hills, and many deep ruts to the main road and listened to all the mud fall off the car. I had to find a car wash down the road and remove all the mud from underneath the car. We finally made it to my Grandma's house with everything intact. Here are some pictures from our weekend in AZ.

I still had mud underneath the car when we returned to CA.

Can you tell we don't feed Anna?

My baby has skills.

Anna and Greyson on the Boppy.

Anna and my Grandma Kelepolo at the wedding.

Fishing with Peyton and Kaleb.

Greyson doing the Jersey Shore fist pump.

I just found out how much i could be saving by switching my insurance to geico.