My pictures are not uploading for some reason, so I'll just give you a verbal rundown on Chad and I's trip to San Francisco, because I know you care...
- Have you flown without children recently? I haven't in 6 1/2 years. It's so easy! Only one person's shoes to take off at security! No stroller to collapse and fit through an x-ray machine! No naptimes to worry about! No one kicking the seat! And the extra space in my purse from not bringing a treat and activity arsenal to keep them entertained....Wow!
- Witnessing San Francsico Bike Day upon our arrival into the city, which included every hippie California has ever known and at least 3 stark naked middle aged men. 50 year old naked man on a bike = not good. 50 year old naked man roller blading = even worse. This is when I started to wonder if we picked the wrong city for our vacation....
- Our hotel was slightly ghetto, but located quite conveniently in Fisherman's Wharf. Biggest complaint was the trolley stop right outside the window of our room, whose bells and shuddering sounds I still hear in my sleep. But I did not complain about this trolley stop's location when I needed to ride out and it saved me quite a walk...
-Met up with our friends from San Diego, the Wiltbanks, for a delightful Saturday lunch down at the wharf.
- Biking 19 nineteen 9-teen NINE teen miles across the Golden Gate bridge through Sausilito and Tiburon. Did I mention I biked 19 miles??? I haven't rode a bike since I was probably 10, excluding a one-time beach cruiser escapade along the Newport Beach boardwalk when I was like 8 months pregnant with Avery. That was a sight. The bike rental people had me give my bike a test run across the building before we left. "Hm, I can tell you haven't rode a bike in a while, but it will come back to you." Way to inspire confidence. I didn't know we would be doing anything slightly athletic, so I'd only packed "going out" clothes. My bike riding attire ended up being jeans, a tank top that goes under things, a white cardigan and pumas. Let's just say that after about twenty minutes of riding, I found a bush, removed several layers if you know what I mean, and rolled up my jeans. I made quite the sight. But I made it to Tiburon! So yeah me! I did bike up at least 4 or 5 hills before I decided that anytime I came to hill I would immediately dismount. Too bad my pictures aren't uploading, because you're missing a doosie Chad took of me in my rolled up jeans walking my bike up a hill...
- Waiting in line for breakfast for an hour and a half at Dottie's True Blue Cafe. Which was quite good, but nothing is really worth waiting an hour and a half for when it's cold outside and you're hungry.
- Developing pneumonia from taking the night tour of Alcatraz and sitting outside in the cold.
- Finishing an entire Ghirardelli Butterscotch sundae on my own.
- 4th row center seats to Wicked.
- Creating a custom pound of See's chocolate.
- San Franscisco MOMA. Chad and I decided we are just not smart/and/or dumb enough to appreciate modern art. I like abstract paintings, but those sculptures made out of junk and weird things are just beyond me.
- 2 other museums, Japanese tea gardens, Coit tower, lots of shopping districts and yummy food, ferry rides and trolley and bus adventures.
- Renting a car and driving the 1 along the coast down to Monterey where we visited the Aquarium and drove the 17-mile-drive where Chad ogled the golf courses (Pebble Beach, Spy Glass and 2 more I can't remember the names) and I ogled mansions.
- Running out of things to talk about 3/4 of the way through the trip. Does this mean we have a bad marriage?
- Hearing the girls yell "Mommy!" When I got in the car at the airport.
My sister Jamie was a saint to come and watch the girls all week for me--although I fear this babysitting adventure was more effective than any birth control prescription could ever be. I have a feeling it will be a few more years now until any Neuenswander cousins make an appearance. But I really appreciate her coming and have completely overlooked the green salt water taffy ground in Izzy's room's carpet and the pieces of granola bar on my bathroom floor that the ants found. I know the girls were little monsters so she deserves a really good Christmas present this year and all years to come.
We had the most wonderful time though, and I can't believe how much I loved San Francisco. I didn't expect that. Especially after the naked bike day men... But we did, and I can't wait to go back someday--hopefully with a more willing shopping partner :)