Sunday, January 17, 2010


Sunday, January 10, 2010


school! i start back up tomorrow! i love learning more and more about the art of photography. i have SO much to learn this semester and i'm really excited about it. i'm so thankful for my FAMILY for supporting me so much with this. mom and dad thank you so much for helping me figure out things financially. JODIE! thanks so much for starting on my website/blog. You are such a great sister.

AVATAR! GO SEE IT! Me and Ry have already been twice and I'm going again with some friends on Thursday. I LOVE IT!!!!


he makes everything better. i (like a lot of people) HATE january. . i get really homesick after christmas and just bummed out and depressed! . . . he knows this about me so he has been especially sweet and thoughtful this month making it so great for me! it has honestly been one of the best couple weeks of our relationship. . . gosh he makes me so happy! i mean look at that smile? how could it not brighten your day??

I love my snowshoes. Ryan got these for me for Christmas. (And some for him too so I would have someone to go with.) I've been wanting some for a really long time because I miss hiking SO MUCH! We went night snowshoeing the other night and it was so fun to get out and be in the mountains again.

I am very much loving the fact that I will get to see Clay graduate in May from Law School!! I'm so proud of him I can't wait to see him, Jodie, and little Hallie!!! :)

I am already loving this year and all the exciting things in store! Happy 2010! THANKS JODIE FOR THIS IDEA! :)