Hey ya'll! Last weekend was a good one. We went to Firehouse for Laura's farwell dinner.. She moved to Hawaii for the summer. Can you believe that??? Then after me and Ash headed up to my buddies bon fire. There was a couple up the canyon so we stopped at one and I just kept yelling, "DEREK! DEREK!! DEREKK!!" and everyone just kept saying.. no Derek here.. So me and Ash just went to a random bon fire for a little bit. We stayed there for a good half hour and chatted with the people there and met a few friends. We finally left and found the bon fire we were supposed to go to and had a grand time. I kept jumping over the fire and everyone kept yelling at me because they thought I was going to get hurt. I almost fell but only one of the times! JEEZ! The first group of people is the randoms and the 2nd is "derek's group." I look like such a weirdo with the picture of us and the randoms!! haha. I was hyper and I'm sure I scared everybody. Have a good weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek!