Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Spice Girls!

My friend Claire came up to Logan to see us before she flew out to Virgina for school. I love her so much and it was so fun to hang out with her for a couple days! :)

Monday, January 28, 2008

Praise to the Man

What a great man! He lead such a Christ-like life and was such a big influence on the world and all of our lives. His continence was the brightest of all and he changed this world for the better. I will miss him so much but I am so thankful that I could grow up in the church with him as our Prophet. He will live forever in my heart. I'm also thankful to have known my cousin Derek Haderlie and I'm thankful for his example to our family and all the memories we have of him. We are all going to miss him so much. I'm so thankful for the knowledge of the gospel and for eternal families. Lets remember to keep his wife and kids in our prayers.

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Tag, you're it!

You've been Tagged!

5 Things I was doing 10 years ago:
1- Having sleepovers with Gina Taylor on her hammock.
2- Playing kickball at recess.
3- Buying beanie babies for my friends
4- Getting in trouble for talking to much at school.
5- Waking up early with Gina to practice basketball and also waking up to play our violins.
5 things on my "to do" list:
1- Apply for summer school.
2- Order concert tickets
3- Order spring break plane tickets.
4- Laundry
5- Go the gym
5 Snacks I enjoy:
1- Chocolate
2- Toast with peanut butter and honey
3- Fruit
4- Vegtables
5 Things I'd do with a Billion Dollars:
1- Put money away for school and future family!
2- Go to Greece, Spain, Egypt, etc.. etc..with family and friends.
3- Buy lots of houses!
4- Buy an Xterra
5- New wardrobe!
3 Habits:
1- Spending too much money.
2- Txting.
3- Working too much.
5 places I've Lived:
1- Star Valley, WY
2- Laramie, WY
3- Salt Lake City, UT
4- Logan, UT
5- Bountiful, UT
5 Jobs I've had:
1-Car Hop at Red Baron Drive-Inn
2- Dental Assistant at Star Valley Dental
3- Direct Support Staff for Group Homes ARK, TKJ, and FTC
4- Loan Officer at Impact Payment Systems
5- Housekeeper at High Country Home Health

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

What Kind of Guy Will You Fall For?

So I'm currently single right now and kinda of bored at work so I decided to take this fun quiz online. I wasn't very surprised with the results! I love geeks!

You would fall for the geek. If you're looking for love, consider spending a little more time studying up in the library. To you, there's nothing more attractive than intelligence, shyness, and kindness; your future love may have four eyes and zero social skills, but he'll make up for it in brains and heart.
Find Your Character @ BrainFall.com


Everyday when I crawl into my cold car and cruise to work in the bitter cold morning I think of spring break! A few of my friends and me are going to Miami. I can't wait! I think about it everyday and it's helping me get through this cold month! Love ya'll!

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

trying to stay warm!

Logan is pretty good. I'm ready for summer and warm weather! BURRR! It's freezzzzziiiinnnnggg. I moved into a new apartment a couple weeks ago with a couple of my good friends down here. Megan is the one with the long tongue and Laura is the brunette by me. We have a lot of fun and are always doing crazy stuff. :) This picture of us was right after a dance party at the Fun Park in Logan. Ashley Welch is always over at our house and sleeps there frequently! We are trying to talk her into moving in! :) I hope everyone is doing great and getting through this long month... Love and miss you all. ;hearts&