Showing posts with label 12x12. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 12x12. Show all posts

Thursday, June 5

He Said / She Said

This month I've been playing with the new to me lines by Teresa Collins called He Said She Said.  They are on sale right now at the Memory Nest and if you haven't had a chance to play with this line yet, you need to check it out.  It's super versatile and I love how many of the papers from both lines coordinate so it will make using the leftovers together really stretch the kits.  

I created my layouts from my wedding photos.  The He Said line was perfect for the Groomsmen shot and the She Said line was exactly matched for my photo with my Bridesmaids.  And since the colors coordinate so well, they will work great as a side by side 2pager.  Don't forget to check out the Memory Nest blog this month for more new to the design team creations made from kits available.

Thanks for visiting!

Thursday, May 29

The Memory Nest recap

Hey all, back again today to share in the recap fun over at The Memory Nest blog.  All month long the design team has been designing with lots of new to them collections.  Leslie shared some of her favorite layouts from sketches from the month and at the bottom of that post is the list of blog links to visit.  Click the layout below to see what I did with the big collection of school pages with great lines by Studio Calico, Basic Grey, Little Yellow Bicycle, Echo Park and more...

Click the New to Me! image to hop on over
to the Memory Nest to enjoy an 10% extra off
these lines and more at already great prices!!

Thanks for visiting!

Wednesday, May 28

School's Out for Summer

The school year coming to an end means that it's time to catch up on scrapping all the school events for the past year.  Lucky for me that's where the school theme pack from The Memory Nest comes in really handy.  Today on the Memory Nest blog I'm sharing what I created with this fabulous kit.  I actually got 4 entire layouts from the kit and have PLENTY of stuff left to do at least 3-4 more or even a few off the page projects.  See all the great papers HERE!

Papers by Little Yellow Bicycle

Papers by Basic Grey

Papers by Jillibean Soup

Papers by Echo Park

As you can see, this kit includes papers from the best of the best when it comes to paper lines and is definitely worth picking up!

Thanks for visiting!

Thursday, April 10

Memory Nest part 2 ♥

I'm back with reveal #2 for The Memory Nest.  As a reminder, here is the color kit I was designing with this month:

I have created three additional layouts to share along with the original one I shared last week.  It's really amazing how far this kit stretched.  And I still have enough left for a project or two!! 

Now the first layout I just pieced together after researching grid styles for days.  I really struggle with that, but I wanted to try it none-the-less.  The second layout followed the sketch below by PageMaps and the last followed a sketch that I found on Pinterest that links back to photographer Kirsty Wiseman.  Not sure if she just shared it, or created it...but it was a keeper for sure!! 

Thanks for visiting!

Tuesday, April 1

The Memory Nest

Hi all!!  I'm back with something to share today.  Most of my projects have either been DT work or gifts lately and I haven't been able to share them...yet.  That and it's Girl Scout cookie season in my neck of the woods and as a troop leader that is a time of complete mayhem.  We have been making felt banners, posters, and booth sale décor galore.  Fun fun!!! 

But today I am here with a layout that I made for a DT project that I can finally share!  Hop on over to The Memory Nest blog to see details about the kit that I was fortunate to design with and click over to the Memory Nest store to buy one of Leslie's fabulous kits for yourself including this one.  The kit was amazing and I got 4 solid layouts out of it along with enough leftover to make a few cards this weekend.  Can't beat that!!!  Here is a pic of the kit:

Here is the first layout I created below.  Check back soon to see the rest of what I did with this kit.
And for those of you that are sketchaholics like I am, I want to share where my layout got it's kick start.  This amazing sketch by Liz Chidester:

Thanks for visiting!

Monday, March 10

Stash-a-Thon #2

I'm back for two posts in one day!!!  Does that almost make up for the total failure to post anything for a month?  I am still wading my way through the Scrap Your Stash's Stash-a-Thon and here is challenge #2.  This involves adding a doily to your layout.  As you can see, I glimmer-misted a doily into oblivion and then flattened it back out and down it went.  :)   Thanks for looking!

Thanks for visiting!

Stash-a-Thon #1

Hey fellow scrappers!!!  I'm ALIIIIIIIIVE!!!!!!!  It's been a tough month and a half dealing with a medical issue and then a related abdominal surgery 2 weeks ago.  It knocked me for a loop for sure.  I have been created a little here and there prior to my surgery, but it was all for projects I can't share yet, so I decided I'd better get to a project I *can* share.

Queue Scrap our Stash's Stash-a-Thon and their month of fun, prizes and challenges.  I decided to jump in head first and get to creating.  They are posting a new challenge every other day so I'll have lots to share. First up is a layering challenge.  The details instruct you to use at least 3 layers.  I used more than that if you count embellishments and all.  I have my background paper, 3 layers of patterned paper/vellum in each cluster, plus 3+ layers of embellishments.  The paper is all Crate Paper.

If the layout of this looks familiar, it's because it follows an older sketch created by Laura Whitaker and posted over at Stuck!? Sketches.  I can't find the exact link but I at least took note of where I found it when I printed it.  :)  

Thanks for visiting!

Wednesday, February 5

Top 5

Hey all, a quick share for today.  Over at SWAT they are celebrating their one year blogoversary!  To celebrate they are asking readers to share their very favorite creations EVER so I decided it was a fine time to do a top 5.  I usually do a list of favs from the past year, but never have I looked back through all 14 years of scrapbooking to come up with a list.  This will be fun!!






Thanks for visiting!

Saturday, January 25

Plugged In

This pic of my kiddos just cracks me up.  I went to check on them because they were being awfully quiet for the three of them to be playing together and I see them all snuggled up focused in on their own tablets.  Their answer: "what, we're getting along? "

The paper line I used was By Scrap Within Reach and is called Paper Boy.  The embellisments are all from K&Co and it's called Video Game Medley.

I followed the sketch posted a few weeks ago at Stuck?! .  I am such a sketch-a-holic that I've really made it a point to share the sketch I follow each layout because 99% of the time, there is one.  :)  Please click over to their blog to play along and to pin from there if you want to save it to use later.  :)

Thanks for visiting!

Thursday, January 23

Lawn Boy

Today's layout comes inspired by the sketch posted last week at Stick It Down.  It was perfect for the Simple Stories Line, Aweso{ME} line I'd been saving to use with this pic.  I'm still trying to weed through my old stash of lines not even broken into before I order any of the new fun stuff.  You can click over to the link above to pin the original sketch, or if you're quick, play along.  :)

Thanks for visiting!

Wednesday, January 15

Goodbye Cast, Hello Braces

So many of you know that the last year for me has not been so groovy.  Yes I started the long road of getting to the bottom of a health issue that just wasn't easy myself, and my youngest baby girl had an accident at school that snowballed into a huge medical undertaking, but also my middle kiddo managed to break herself (literally!) two separate times!!  She spent a few months in an arm cast after breaking her wrist in two places playing a game of tag and 9 months to the date of getting out of that cast, she broke her foot running across the playground at recess.  One might say they came by their klutziness honestly?!?!  Just sayin'!  Well the day she finally got out of that hot pink arm cast, she got her braces put on that same afternoon.  She kept joking that she got out of one prison just in time to be locked down in the next.  She's super attached to her popcorn and bubblegum!

Here is the layout I created to document that day.  I don't just scrap the happy stuff.  Everything is worth scrapping in my opinion.  The layout was created for the new challenge posted over at Child's Play Challenges all about GLITTER!!!  As you can probably see, I glittered those plain chipboard letters within an inch of their life!  :)

Thanks for visiting!

Saturday, January 11

Today is a Gift

I absolutely LOOOOVE the new sketch posted over at Sketchabilities.  You all know how I feel about a good sketch, and this one is awesome.  Click on over to play along, and to pin the sketch if you wanna save it for later.

The paper is mostly MME Cut & Paste with a few misc MME scraps added to stretch what supplies I had.  The letters Thickers and the little letter stickers are Studio 112.  The arrow subtitles are MME Collectible line.  The flowers and rhinestones are all Recollections.  I think my very favorite part is the background paper which has this really cool ombre effect.

Thanks for visiting!

Thursday, January 9

Paper Issues is LISTening

The current issue over at Paper Issues is all about lists in case the title's pun was lost on anyone. HAHA!  It just so happens that 2 of my favorite layouts ever about 2 of my favorite people were in a list format.  I really love a good list because it just makes sense of otherwise jumbled thoughts and journalings that I start to put down to paper.

In honor of this current issue, I wanted to share the two layouts again.  I hope it inspires you to give it a try.  You can find the original posts here: My Wish & 10 Things I Love About You.

Thanks for visiting!