Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Baby Macdonald

 HE is here!  His name is Liam Sean Macdonald.  He was born on March 28th. He weighed 9lbs 5oz and was 21 inches long.
 He is perfect....
 We all love him and can't get enough of him....
That is about all I have time to write because having two kids is keeping me hopping.  I am loving these two precious miracles that Heavenly Father has blessed us with! 

Monday, January 17, 2011

29 weeks

Well we have some new news that is not so great.  My cerclage stitch fell out this last week.  So keep our family in your prayers.  Hopefully my cervix will hang in there on it's own.  It has been doing incredibly well so far and God willing it will continue to do so even without the stitch. 

Monday, January 10, 2011

Baby Update

Well I have made it to 28 weeks (although this picture of my belly is from 27 weeks).  It is such a great feeling.  This pregnancy seems to be going by so fast compared to last time.  I suppose that might be because I haven't had to go on bedrest.  I was so nervous when I found out I was pregnant.  I wasn't sure how I was going to manage having a toddler and being pregnant if I had to do bedrest again.  Thankfully we have been blessed that I didn't have to.  Everything is looking good with our little man.

We had a scare around 18 weeks because they found choroid plexus cysts in his brain.  These cysts don't affect development of the brain at all and usually resolve by 30 weeks. In fact, our baby's have already disappeared.   However, they can be a marker for Trisomy 18 or Down Syndrome.  I had the PENTA screen done and the results came back normal.  They also didn't find any other markers for either disorder.  But they wanted to check his growth again at 28 weeks to make sure he is growing appropriately.  Many babies with Trisomy 18 have growth delays and are small for their gestation at 28 weeks.  Thankfully our son is actually measuring a little on the big side.

He is quite active and does a lot of kicking, mostly when I'm trying to sleep of course.  At our ultrasound today he was in the 57th percentile for growth.  He weighs almost 3lbs.  He wouldn't hold still so we couldn't get a very good picture of him.  The tech tried to take a 3D picture but his cord was in the way and so we couldn't see his little face.  Here is a 3D picture of him from our last ultrasound at 24 weeks.

I am so grateful to be having this handsome little guy come to our family.  We have been truly blessed during this pregnancy.  Only a few more months to go!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Christmas Time

This Christmas Season has been such a wonderful one for our family.  It has been such a joy to share it with our little toddler, Ana.  She is such a fun little person to be around.  She is so excited about all the new things going on around here.  She just loves the lights and Christmas decor.  She "helped" me decorate the house by taking out all the decorations.  She loves the lights on the tree and the lights on the garland on the banister.  We start out each morning by her asking for me to turn them on.

She loves to undecorate and redecorate the tree on at least a daily basis.  She has only broken two ornaments so far. We have an advent calendar and she loves to help open each day.  She has started to sing Christmas songs.  She sings "Silent Night" and "Frosty the Snowman."  She loves to watch "Frosty the Snowman" it is her favorite show right now.  She will say "see show?" and then start singing "Frosty the Snowman."

We were lucky to have my Mom come up and visit for a week.  Ana is just enamored with my Mom.  She calls her Nana.  While Nana is here I am not permitted to do anything for Ana.  She wants Nana to help her with her shoes, change her diaper, get her dressed, hold her, and play with her 24/7.  I am sure my Mom was exhausted when she got home.  Ana was heartbroken when Nana left and walked around the house for days saying "Nana?"

Christmas Day was so much fun.  Ana was so excited about her stocking and opened her first present during her diaper change.   Ana got a toy kitchen and tricycle from Santa.  She was so excited about the kitchen and has remained quite in love with it.  She makes all sorts of food for all of us.

Her favorite food to make is cookies.  She makes cookies and loves to feed them to her new baby in the new high chair she got.  She was really excited about her new tricycle to! She also got a tee-pee.   She likes to hide in there from her Dad.  She also always wants me to go in there and take a nap.  She will get a pillow and blanket for me and tell me "night, night."  She was so cute and excited about all of her new toys.  It was such a fun Christmas!

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Frodo's new nemesis

Teepee 2


Ana and her teepee from Grandma VV...