Wednesday 19 December 2007

John 3:16 For God so loved the world...

How time flies, and it is my turn (Esther) to set the challenge again. With Christmas now around the corner, I thought it best that we still concentrated on the 'true meaning' of Christmas namely -JESUS.

The verse John 3:16 'For God so loved the world that he sent his one and only son, that whoever believed in him shall not perish but have everlasting life'

It is perhaps a well known verse, but it is a real testimony to our Christian faith, the fact that the babe Jesus was born as a SAVIOUR for our sins. So that if YOU believe that he came to die, and ask for forgiveness YOU ALSO will recieve the GIFT of eternal life in heaven. John 15:13 reminds us 'Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends.'

Use this verse to inpire you or to meditate on in the next few weeks, and especiallly over the Christmas period. God bless you all and have a wonderful Christmas.

See you in the New year with more challenges!

Please leave a comment with this post,
it is always encouraging to know that you come and visit our blog.
Especially if you want to share your creation on this topic





Wednesday 5 December 2007

Jesus, the true meaning of Christmas

Blessings to you all from me (Casey)

How wonderful it is for me to bring the topic of this challenge!

Jesus, the true meaning of Christmas

We all love celebrating Christmas because it is a time for us to stop, remember and praise God for the birth of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Saviour. HE IS the true meaning of Christmas. Not presents, not parties, not decorations, etc. JUST JESUS!!!

Here's what we have come up with in response to the challenge. If you'd like to know more about the pieces of art here, just click on the name above the photo which will direct you to the blog that has the inspiration and explanation from the artist.

We' also love to see what you come up with too!
Feel free to leave us a comment so we too can share in your art!!!



Please note: the photograph is downloaded from the internet. If you know to whom I should give credit then please notify me via my personal blog






Wednesday 21 November 2007


Hi everyone, its my turn this week (Ruth).
It has come round quick, and I'm so pleased at how the Lord is letting us be Salt.

The theme for this week is


It is mentioned so many times in the Bible, and has many facets of meaning and symbolism.

I am the LIGHT of the World... The people walking in darkness have
seen a great LIGHT ...The LIGHT shines in the darkness, but the
darkness has not understood it...In the same way, let your LIGHT shine
before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father
in heaven.

Please create a piece of work using it as inspiration and
leave us a message so we can see and link to your work.





Wednesday 7 November 2007

From the hymnbook

Thank you for all the ways you have sung out that "Jesus is Lord". It is so inspiring to see the diversity of ways we can praise through our creativity.
And I (Lythan) would like you to carry on singing through this week's challenge

From the hymnbook

take your inspiration from a hymn or song that means a lot for your faith

Old hymn, new song, overtly Christian or kind of hidden, God speaks to us in music in all sorts of ways.
I can't wait to see your response!






Wednesday 24 October 2007

Jesus is Lord!

A big thanks to those of you who are reading and creating along with us!

This week's theme is


I (Kimberly) chose this because this is the start of our journey with God, acknowledging Jesus as our Lord and becoming born again! The wonderful thing is that it is so easy to join God's kingdom!

If you confess with your mouth, JESUS IS LORD and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with the heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with the mouth that you confess and are saved. Romans 10:9-10







Thursday 11 October 2007

Creation Challenge

Joyful greetings to all of our readers! We've all been so blessed to be able to share our faith-based challenges with you and have been especially thrilled to see what you have created!

This week it's my (Kim) turn and the theme I've chosen is:


We see God's sovereignty in His creation each and every day, from the beauty of nature to the miracle of birth. God has lovingly and mercifully created all that we see, hear, smell, touch, and feel, to bring glory to Himself and to bless His children.

"For thus says the Lord,
Who created the heavens,
Who is God.
Who formed the earth and made it,
Who has established it.
Who did not create it in vain
Who formed it to be inhabited
I am the Lord and there is no other."

-Isaiah 45:18

We'd love to see what you create based on this week's theme!! Please leave a comment and link back to your blog or gallery so that we can all share in your "creation!"

Enjoy the team's work below:


Kimberly Lythan



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