Monday, May 23, 2011


This picture was taken in 1998 at the Joplin Stake Center, which was destroyed in Sunday's tornado. While I never served in Joplin City, it was a main transfer station, so I have good memories in the building, waiting for new companions or waiting for the transfer van (called "The Bull") to arrive. Brad was the Zone Leader in the Joplin Zone for several months.

It's really sad that it's all gone. When I was there, it was the only LDS building in Joplin.

Tornado watches and warnings are such a part of life in that area of the United States, but you never think one will actually land on you. I have many memories of sitting in the bathtub with a companion with mattresses on our heads. I guess even churches aren't immune.

My prayers go out to the people of Joplin.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Spring Soccer

Spring soccer has had a bit of a slow start because practices and games have been cancelled because of weather, but it has been fun. Ty has the same team and coach as fall, but they seem to be doing much better! It's fun to see the kids improve their skills. He's touching the ball a little bit more, which is fun to watch!

That's Ty (#5) in the typical cluster.

He did score a goal this game, but this isn't it. This was pre-game practice.

This is Ty running off the field after he scored his goal.

Chillin' with Caedin on the sidelines.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

More Lauren Portraits

I apologize for shamelessly posting all these Lauren portraits. I'm just so excited with my camera and all its settings. That's why some pictures are better than others. I think I know which setting to put it on, and it turns out I'm dead wrong (see previous post's graduation pictures). But I'm having fun, and I'm finally somewhat understanding things like aperture, ISO, and shutter speed. I'm a slow learner, but it's coming along. And I must say that this little cutie is getting to be quite the model!

Friday, May 20, 2011

Last Day of School and Kindergarten Graduation

Last days of school were always really hard for me. I grew to love my classmates and teachers, and even though I was excited for summer, I always felt sad that I wouldn't see my friends as much, and that basically things would never be the same again. I've tried really hard not to project my emotions onto Tyler. I just want him to feel what he feels, and not be influenced by me. I guess I've done my job, because even though Tyler loved Kindergarten, he was not sad one bit! Here's his last day:

Graduation was today. I was doing totally fine until they showed a little slide show to the song, "Let Them Be Little." That song always gets me! But combine it with my little man moving on to all day school next year, and it killed me! Ty and all the Kindergarteners did a great job singing and dancing and receiving their diplomas. So cute!

Ty and his good friend Caedin

I thought my Kindergarten teacher was good, but Ms. Asher was the best! She cared for Tyler so much and was so patient with him. I'm so grateful for good teachers!

The Graduate

Friday, May 13, 2011

Going Through Life With Her Eyes Closed

Lauren and I took a little tour around the neighborhood yesterday to try out my new camera that I got as a birthday gift from Brad(2 months early. Hey, when you find a good deal, you take it!). We took a lot of pictures and I'm so glad I captured this one. This is a perfect representation of LaLa--when she's in a good mood, that is: a mischievous smile and her eyes closed. This girl has no fear. And her favorite thing is to walk around with her eyes shut tight. She thinks it is so funny to run into things.

Here are some of the other photos I took.
Do you have a fave? I'm not sure which one to blow up and frame.

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