Wednesday, May 27, 2009

A possible solution

I promise to get some pics up soon! Quick update on my situation, on Monday I was transported to the hospital via ambulance because I was showing symptoms of a stroke. Yep, a stroke!! So after a 3rd CT scan and more blood work and whatever else, they sent me home I said I had a TIA, a "mini" stroke and they usually go away after about 30 minutes. What a way to scare my husband!!! So I went to a neurologist today and FINALLY got some answers, instead of the doctor's looking at me with a question mark on their face. This wonderful doctor told me that my hormones never returned to normal after my c-section, causing my brain to release oxytocin and other hormones to my body, causing the migraines, seizure and the migraine in turn could have caused the TIA. He took me off all but 2 of my meds, told me to take 3 types of vitamins and said this should work! I am hoping and PRAYING!!!!!!!

On Friday, is Sal's graduation from CSULB! Nothing is keeping me from that. If I need a gurney and an IV hook up, I am going! I am so excited!! By the way, Sal said on Sunday, that all this could be caused by abnormal hormone levels. Can I give the money that is supposed to go to the doctor who diagnosed me, to Sal? I love that he is so smart!

Friday, May 22, 2009

I am home...again

10 days later and 7 bottles of pills for a disease that we don't know what I have, I have come home to my 3 favorite people in the world.

I still have no idea what is causing my headaches, neither do the doctors but I think they were afraid I was becoming addicted to demmoral, so I was sent home. By the way, I LOVE demmoral! I basically was told it should just go away with time. 5 doctors told me that, so I am hoping that is what will happen so I can get back to normal life. Let me tell you, the WORST pain of my life and would not wish it on my worst enemy.

I am just glad to be home (and 35 lbs lighter)!!!!!

Saturday, May 9, 2009

First week home

I came home last Friday and it definitely has been fun trying to balance a newborn and a 3 year old. Luckily, I have had a lot of help from family taking Salvador why I tried to get back to normal and while studies for his last 2 weeks of school! Yes, only 2 more weeks of school and 3 weeks until graduation. Sidenote: don't have a baby if your husband only has 3 weeks left of school! It is crazy and stressful but he has been a big help.Samuel is doing great. He gained back what weight he lost in the hospital and then some. He struggled a little bit with the sleeping at night thing but he is getting better. We get about 3-4 hours in a row before he wakes up and wants to eat. Then I feed him and he goes right back to sleep. He is definitely improving. And the swollen nose (I have a weird thing about babies having big noses) has gotten a much better! Not as big!

Me, on the other hand, struggled a little bit. I left the hospital feeling great and with little pain. Then Tuesday hit. I got up to feed, put the baby down, and then it hit. A migraine! OH MY GOSH! I have never had one and if you have had one, I completely sympathize with you! HORRIBLE PAIN! Sal got up with me, sat next to me, gave me a blessing and in about 30 minutes I feel asleep. I woke up and it was gone. Thank goodness.

Then Thursday hit and the same thing again except when I woke up, it didn't go away and all day Thursday I had a lingering horrible headache. My dad babysat me while Sal was at school and my sister in law's took Salvador. Around 5:00, I called my doctor and she said it sounded like I had some spinal fluid leaking and that I needed to go to the hospital and get it patched up with what is known as a blood patch. So my dad took me to emergency (we were in and out in 2 hours, that was a miracle). Basically, what that is is they take blood from my arm and inject it like an epidural. It then coagulates and patches up the leak. It worked and I was feeling better but I had to lay flat on my back for the next 24 hours, only sitting up to eat, breast feed and use the bathroom. Obviously, they have never had a 3 year old. Luckily, my brother in law took him for the day so I could rest and Sal could study and take care of me. I am feeling much better and I am constantly praying the pain never comes back because I would rather have 47 c-sections before I ever get a headache like that again!

Friday, May 1, 2009

Samuel James Zuniga

Samuel James Zuniga was born April 28, 2009 at 12:55 pm. He weighed 8lbs 14 oz and was 21 inches long! He gave a little fight during the c-section so they had to suction him out, which was hard because of his long, black beautiful hair. Here he is! We love him so much!
More pictures to come later! I am tired, sore and emotional!