Saturday, November 29, 2008

Meet Cheese!!!!!!

YEP, that is our pet turtle cheese!!!! Salvador got her from my in-laws for an early Christmas present! I am not really a pet person because I hate cleaning up after them. But luckily, I don't have to hold this one. Supposedly, turtles can carry samonella and because I am pregnant, I am not supposed to touch her. She is really pretty but she doesn't like me! Must be a girl thing! Everytime I walk by her tank, she used to go into her shell but now she just hides under her rock. Maybe she is warming up to me. Salvador loves her and Sal is so excited. He has been asking for a turtle for about 4 years now. Sal cleans her tank, Salvador feeds her in the morning and I usually turn on her heat lamp in the morning. She is fun to look at and makes a nice addition to our small home. Once we buy a home (that is a whole other post.Let's just say we have an offer in on a home and it is the third offer we have put in. AREN'T WE IN A HOUSING CRISIS???), we will buy her a bigger tank. As for now, she just swims around and once every couple days, she gets to go outside and play in the yard. Oh, just for the record on the name, when I asked Salvador what her name was, because it is HIS turtle, he thought about it and then said, "Cheese." Hence, the name Cheese!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Proud Mom!

I picked up Salvador from daycare/preschool today and to my suprise, he got an certificate of achievement today. I guess they were testing him on his Spanish speaking skills and out of all the bilingual kids, he was the only one that got a perfect score. They would give him commands in Spanish and he did every single one! Can I please just tell you that I almost started crying at preschool! Yep, my kid knows Spanish! I always get nervous that he doesn't really understand it but obviously he is catching on! He always talks to Sal in Spanish and when Sal talks to him, he always seems to know what he is saying. I just had a real good proud mom moment!

Over the weekend, Sal and I got to chaperone Homecoming for my school. It was so nice because I don't know the last time Sal and I went on a date and plus we had been stuck in the house with a sick child (who was feeling better by Saturday) and the horrible smoke. We went out to Outback for dinner first and then off to the dance! We had so much fun! We took goofy pictures and had fun staring at some of the very interesting dresses! We had a little too much fun with the camera!
This last picture is from about a month ago when we went to Disneyland! The two men I love most! I DIE over this picture!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

O what a week!!

Two great things happened on Tuesday: Prop. 8 passed and Barack Obama became president-elect! In honor of our new president, my sister threw a celebratory dinner (it was actually before he was elected but we knew it was coming.
We had fried chicken, BBQ ribs, corn on the cob and mashed potatoes! It was delicious and filled our bellies!
I will say that I was super impressed with John McCain's speech! It was very moving and heartfelt! Although, I thought his crowd was rude but he was kind in quieting them down! I love that I was a part of history and knowing (and hoping) that someone is now if office that will help make our country better and try his best (with the help of some good advisors and Congress) to restore our economy, our health care system and education. Okay enough about politics, onto to some updates!
Halloween was great! My son got more candy than I can handle! We went to 2 trunk or treats and then went trick-o-treating! For our ward Halloween party, Sal and I dressed up as ghosts and Salvador was Mickey Mouse!
Sorry about the quality, it was from a camera phone! Here he is with his cousin Kate (that's right, it's a girl). She was supposed to be a cat but at the last minute decided she wanted to be Beast, one of Jake's old costumes. She cracks me up!

Overall, it has been a good couple of weeks! We put an offer on a house, we should hear by Monday at the latest and last Saturday we found out what we were having! We are having a ...


That's right! Another boy in the house! We were hoping for a boy but expecting a girl, so it was a nice surprise to see that it was a boy! I don't think I have ever seen my husband so happy in his life! I think he actually loves me a little more these days because of it!

And just to end, I love this picture of my model son!