Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Final Harry Potter

I don't know how many of you are into the Harry Potter books but I am a FANATIC!!! I bought the final book on Monday and started reading it around 5:00 that evening. I got into it and went to sleep about 11:00 after reading about 259 pages (remind you there are 759 pages in the book). I woke up about 8:00 in the morning and began reading again. I finished the book by 7:00 pm that evening. I was amazed that i finished a book of that size in a little over 24 hours. It was one of the best books i read. I was left with such a great feeling inside because of the book but I was a little sad because it was the final book in such a great series. Seriously, those of you who haven't gotten into Harry Potter, you really need to. It is such a great story with a really good message. My mother in law told me that in Mexico, a certain religion (i won't name it) told its followers not to read the book because it was evil. I was amazed. I guess they don't know that it is about how good conquers evil and how if you really want to get deep, you can look at Harry Potter as a savior type figure. I don't want to ruin the book for anyone so that is all I will say. I just had to express my feelings about such a wonderful book!

Lady killer in training

I always worry that my son is going to be a lady killer because he is so dang cute. Sal and I are trying to instill in him how to be a gentleman, even at the young age of 18 months. We are telling him to open doors for girls, to be nice and I am trying to teach him how to scratch mommy's back. Well, he is learning something. Next door to us, we have a wonderful family who has two kids. A young 3 year old named James and and a cute little girl named Julia. She is 18months, just like Salvador. Well they have taken a liking to each other. When she plays outside, she comes over to our house and starts asking for Sal. Yes, she has learned to say his name. The other day they were outside playing and when it was time for Julia to go inside, Salvador walked her up to her door. It was the funniest thing. They also decided that they like to play on the bike together. Here are pictures of Sal and Julie playing on the bike. Salvador is being a gentleman and giving her a tour of the driveway!

Friday, July 13, 2007


this picture of Salvador is quite funny because my mom bought him this shirt for 4th of july for family pictures. So he had it untucked with a white tshirt underneath and my mom wanted him to tuck it in. He thought it looked funny, so he took it to the extremes and made himself look like a real dork. Just for those of you who haven't seen my husband, he really doesn't dress like this. Please be aware that I didn't marry a special person.

I guess it is time for me to post pictures of my family except the fact that I don't like myself in pictures so i am just going to post pictures of my son. Here he is having a fugdesicle. I never knew watching a child eat ice cream could be so fun. I have learned that my child loves ice cream. The only down fall is the mess that i have to clean up afterwards. But it sure was fun while it was happening.