
Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Coming Soon - Thai Movie

This movie...wat can i say.. hmm...awesome~!!best horror movie i ever watched!..Scarious eva!! This movie will scare you from the second you step inside the movie theatre. It will get you thinking if Something or Someone might be waiting for you to let your guard down. U'll be stuck by a feeling of dj vu that you are reenacting the very same scenes in the horror movie u just saw! Seem like the horror movie that you just saw is about to happen to u in real life!Ehe..mayb im a bit exaggerate it..

The movie directed by Sophan Sakdaphisit who also wrote for Shutter and (oo..i dunt remember).. actually these movie is not wat we've planned to watch, we set to watch The Uninvited, cuz base on the preview, look great..but in the end, when i reached the counter i ask the ticket seller opinion, "mane best, the uninvited ke coming soon". Without hesitate, he said..coming soon la..mmg x rugi..cter tu mmg takoot n best!!so, as a conclusion, dgrla ckp org yg jual tiket tu..ihihihi...hmm...for this movie..i give..4 star out of 5...ok la kan...

Well da thing that i wanna stress here is not just about the movie, but the "commentor" during the show...OMG plzz!!tolong la jgn ade yg jd story teller dlm wayng...or try nk buat review during the show...but, if u guyz really insist to express ur view, PLEASE keep your voice down LOW...cuz i dunt wanna hear it!and i believe, none of us wanna hear annoying!, trus rosak mood..n i pay for the movie ok!!Surely, x psal2 sure ade kasut yg masuk mulut korg suruh diam..(i really wish it really happen for u someday!!!) not really praying for that..but, really..change ur attitude la babe..

hmm...i guess i'm a bit release..ehe..after melepaskan ketidak puasatian ini..hmm...LEGA!!hahahaha...

so, this movie i dedicated to those yang xtau nak diam time dalm wayang...Mary Shaw will cut ur tongue out!!HAHAHAHA...Special for u guyz!!