Friday, June 27, 2008

Summer here, summer there

As I´ve been working last weeks, and as I work alone most of the time, I have plenty of time to think all sorts of.. things. And I´ve been thinking that if Finnish summer -08 were a person (yes, this is very essential) , she/he would:

-have an umbrella with him/her all the time and everywhere, just in case
-be manic-depressive

- while being angry, being extremely angry, like thunder and storm

- while crying, crying her/his eyes out, like pouring rain

- eat a lot of ice-cream, sausage, beer and have a sauna every day, despite all of this

And he/she were my summer, she/he would propably be working all the time :)
Anyways, last weekend I had free time and my mum is came to visit me. We had a mission: to find her a nice dress for my little sisters confirmation celebration. And maybe did some other shopping too as the big sales are going on, eh.

This town was full of people , one of the biggest blues festivals in Europe (or that´s what THEY say) was going on last week and weekend. Yay. It´s nice, they had all these little booths with nice stuff to be bought. If someone could afford. Ha. We found some nice thing from there and ate pita bread filled with kebab meat and vegetables.. and it was ok, but not the best kebab ever.

I think some of my stress was relieved as I had such a good time with my mum and so on Sunday evening I got sick and this is my second day on sick leaf, one more to go tomorrow and then I need to get back to work. That´s life.

Oh and by the way: here´s my view of this years Midsummer Festival:

So sad. So so so sad.

Sunday, June 22, 2008


She´s loving it :)

About a week ago I visited one of the small islands on front of Helsinki, named Pihlajasaari. My friend took me there and I have to say she´s pretty attached to her camera. Takes great pictures though.
We had a bit of a challeng in actually getting there, as we needed to take a tram and then that specific tram was out of order because there was a fire next to the presidents castle. And the tram should have passed that place, which was naturally occupied by firefighters etc, so the tram could not take its usual route. (Yeah, that´s right.) Then we needed to catch a certain bus, and first find a certain bus stop. When we were in harbour we needed to find where a certain boat departs. Oh well, while searching for it we had some italian ice cream and nice shots, so it was not bad at all. She had coconut, I had mocca, yummy!
Weather was not that great at the end, but we had a good time. Nature was nice, birds were not agressive/angry and people not too drunk yet, so good circumstances for a nice picnic and chilling :) Thanks mate!

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Confession to make

Todays confession: I´m lost. I feel lost. What does it mean then?
There´s God in my life, so I shall never be lost.
There´s clear future: school starts in August and sooner or later I´ll have a profession,
I´m not lost.
I have a job, so economically not lost either.. Oh well, students are always though :)
I just feel like a bit lost. It´s hard to explain why.. Mainly I recognise it from not feeling really anything. Which is also a bit weird for me, as emotional I am.
I don´t know from what I´m lost and why. I just feel like it. Sigh. And argh.
Ps. Maybe it´s just a feeling that passes by as they always do, right?

Thursday, June 12, 2008

And they lived happily ever after

She is getting marrieeeeeed.

And they are exciteeeeeeeeed.

Almost there.

So just married.

Happily ever after, in rise rain against EU-regulations, HAAHAA.

THE couple.

And so they lived happily ever after. It was great fun seeing them doing that and being a part of it :) Grrrreat.

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Hedgehog hunter

This past week I started working full-time (yay.) and my little sister came to stay with me for five days. On Friday we´ll drive to my hometown again (again because we just came on Sunday) and I´ll start preparing the wedding on Saturday.

We, meaning THE bride and us, two bridemades, will be spending the night before together at a cottage, preparing the bride for her wedding. Meaning: eating, laughing and panicking until the dawn. Propably also having a sauna. Exciting.

Well, about the past days, here are some pics that will tell what we´ve have done when I´ve come home from work... This is wild, be prepared.

On Monday we watched Harry Potter movie number four, named whatever and ate not so healthy things. BUT, I have my defence: I blame Filmtown, the movie renting company, they have an offer of movies only for 1 euro/day for the whole June!!! And the sweet stuff, eh, we´re on vacation... and my sister was just two and half months not eating candies, so she needed her revenge.

Yesterday: Marie Antoinette, just BECAUSE. And well, watching that, you need to have marshmellows and other stuff. (Notice, my plate on the left, hers on the right.

And today we went to a second hand store and I found absolutely adorable plates, six of them for 3 euros. I love the style and the idea of recycled retro plates :) I also found the tiniest shoes ever for my friends baby, who is about to be born in about weeks time. My sister found a really beautiful shirt for 3 euros, sorry to not to have picture of it. And then I bought a smaaaaal soap, which was pretty. Eyecandy, you see.
Well, off I go, need to write the programme for Saturdays wedding party and tomorrow: start working at 7 am.
Enjoy your summer, whatever it may be!!!