Monday, February 13, 2012

I'm Back!!

phew ok that was a long blogging hiatus and Im ready to spill my guts again.  Happy New year everybody and Happy Valentine's day!  I just got back from a fabulous 1 night getaway with my hubby to Santa cruz and we had a blast.  One of my favorite parts though (it sounds sad to say outlout) but I got to take an un-interupted hot shower and sleep in!!  Woo-hoo!  This is a big week for us....Emmerson starts her new pre-school, Giles starts his new position and meets his new boss and our solid once a week babysitter starts. I am very excited for all 3 but the babysitter takes the cake and my to-do list is growing of all the cool things i can do while running errands solo.  I am so fast and efficient when i dont have to wrangle 3 kids and 3 carseats at every location :)  One of my new years resolutions was to spend more QUALITY time with my family (doesnt count if it involves a TV show) and to do One service Project a month so im trying to babysit for a fellow twin mom to allow her a much deserved night off, Or she can just go sleep in her car in the driveway, whichever seems more desireable to her haha.  Here's to a great week!

Tuesday, November 29, 2011


We just got home today after a very long very fun trip to fresno and tracy and its great to be back in our own element for a bit.  IT's Not great to unpack our very full mini van all by myself but I tapped into my ninja skills and got it done and a load in the wash already.  Well unpacking should be described in tiers.  I have it unloaded but not put away haha  So i was feeling a bit overwhelmed today with my 3 year old who thinks she's 17 and my boys who like to go in different directions, missing my hubbs and a To-do list a mile long and i remembered a quote i read yesterday.  "when i start to feel sad, I stop being sad and start being awesome instead!"  So I am choosing to be awesome.  There is ALOT that we cannot control in life but I can control my attitude so I'm choosing to feel awesome instead.  Now I may have to remind myself of this a bit but it's a good start and sitting on my couch eating frosted gingerbread men is only making it better right now.  At 5:00 am when i predict Jake to wake up, i will not be feeling awesome but we'll cross that bridge when it comes haha

Giles is still in oregon and wasn't here to tell me to be classy so I decorated the playroom and mantle with colored lights :0  Personally, they are my alltime favorite and they make me happy so Merry Christmas season!

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Sunday Funday

Buenos Dias! The kidlets and I are spending time with my hubby's family while he is in Oregon working and we are having a great time in Frensno.  All the aunts and cousins and infmaous GG stayed with the kids yesterday so I could go and enjoy my friends wedding, which was a super blast.  This morning we went to church even though it was raining (pat on the back) and Emmy is excited to get to play with a big doll house Aunt debbie is bringing over for her.  The twins are starting to walk up a storm which is really adorable and really weird at the same time.  How are my little itty bitty babies walking!! It is such a fun phase for them and Emmerson gets a real joy out of them walking to her and giving her big hugs.  The newest addition to our family is the coolest invention ever and he is the Elf on the shelf.  Emmy named him Mickey even though it's a girl elf with a white skirt :))  She sits on the mantle, the fridge, the shelf (go figure) and today Emmy woke up and the elf is perched on the chandelier.  THis concept of the elf always watching and reporting back her behavior to Santa each night is amazing!  Im pretty sure the elf is here to stay :)) 
We were getting a little cabin fevery yesterday so we just went out and played with leaves, duck duck goose and Jake was happy to be playing with his sisters bike helmet and Benson Loves this cookie jar toy with a very fascinating lid.  It's tough to stay entertained in the house when it's raining out with 3 kids but we are going to get creative today and have a plato party perhaps in the kitchen and resort to a good ole fashion fort building sesh.  My goal is to make the house look like a tornado/hurricane of child stuff didn't just happen but that brings me to one of my favorite sayings "cleaning the house while the kids are still growing, is like shoveling snow while its still snowing!"  very true. 

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

wacky wednesday

This morning was an early one and Emmy and I went to her first Dentist appt!  It was actually really fun, and they did a fabulous job.  She got to lay back in the special chair and watch princess movies on the ceiling TV's, get her own pair of pink dr gloves and a little mirror to come home and play dentist.  THe Dentist (bless her heart) also convinced Emmy to donate her binky to the special binky jar for needy little babies and she'd give her a pair of new sparkly fairy wings.  Yes i just admitted outloud that Emmy still has a binky but we are on the road to making that little thing disappear :))  Today we need to go to the park, wrap presents, make a cake for giles for his birthday!! and try out the toddler story time at the library.  I really hope that by toddler story time they aren't expecting my kids to sit on a carpet square :)  that could get interesting for the twins.  As for some fun kid updates, Jake and Benson just had their 15 month checkup and are doing great and both weigh in at 22 lbs.  Benson took 4 steps yesterday making a new record and Jake knows how to walk across the whole room, he just usually decides not to and scoot instead.  Jake will say DaDa and Benson will say MaMa but they will not budge on the parents name they have chosen to say and will literally only say their respective Mama or Dada :))  Just in the past week or so I've heard some Hi's , bye bye's, yeah, and uuuu which means up ;)  Daddy just gave them both a hair cut so they look super handsome too.  So the Dr said something today that I loved.  She said of all her titles, "Mommy" is the one she really works hard for and loves the most.  So my goal is to do my best to earn being the best mommy.  I will do my best to combine being a teacher, a disciplinarian, a pillow, a buddy and a leader.  To all my Mommy friends out there, and Mommy's of Furry babies count too, Lets be the best :))  If you are ever feeling overwhelmed, stressed or burnt out just do what I an episode of 19 kids and counting and then quints by surprise and I feel much better.  Or supernanny works too haha

Tuesday, November 15, 2011


Ok first post!  There is never a dull moment in our day, well and if there is a dull moment there is about 20 things on the To Do list that should be being marked off.  This week is off to a great start, I got a girls date at the Fro-Yo place last night and tonight I plan on roaming the isles of Safeway and Target all by myself to grocery shop :)  In the meantime it's not even morning snack time and we've already played store, cowboys, practiced tracing, did laundry, then my kids tried to undo the "did" laundry, and had baths :)  Baths are usually reserved for night time but throw in a little unexpected puke in our morning and Boom, bath time it is.  So hopefully today will be an opportunity for some exercise outside since the weather is nice and Emmy can utilize her sweet new scooter.  Happy Tuesday to all.  P.S in the spirit of November...Today I am thankful for family.  Everybody has family but I am thankful that mine is so helpful, supportive, caring, loving, funny and connected!  Smooches xoxo love you my family