Sable's Blog

Friday, April 28, 2006

Mommy says that there are "kittens" all over the house. Ink the cat is shedding, but she leaves it in clumps all over the house. Big ones. So Mommy has to vaccum, which means that Molly has to hide because the vacuum scares her. She a big chicken. I am tough. I know that Mommy would never have something in the house that would hurt me!

Today Mommy is Working from home & Daddy is here too! He did not have to Work today, so Molly & I are watching TV with him on the couch. He doesn't like that Mommy lets us on the couch, but she started letting us during his last long Work trip. She got this cover than goes on top that she puts in the cleaning machine so that the couch stays clean. I don't see the problem with fur on a couch, but it makes Daddy happier.

Mommy & Daddy are going to get a new chair for the sunroom. Right now there is nothing in there, but they are getting a chair that we cannot use! What's up with that??? Where am I supposed to sit? The FLOOR? I mean, really. I'll probably just stay on the couch, but Molly is a freak and has to be right next to Mommy all the time. Mommy said something about getting another dog bed to go out there so that Molly has somewhere to sit.

The Eldest is coming tonight to spend the weekend with us. I like it when she is here. She lets us sleep on her bed with her. We aren't allowed in Mommy's bed because she has allergies. But Ink is. It's just not fair! We were here first! But Ink doesn't get to go outside and stands in the sunroom watching Molly and me chase the birds! Ha!

Well, Daddy is putting on a western show. I'd better go keep him company.

Thursday, April 27, 2006

One of Mommy's new things is hiking in the woods near our house. She says that we need to get more regular exercise now that we are getting older. Again, what's with the old? Do I look old to you?

Anyway, I love to hike. She calls it hiking, I call it sniffing & smelling new things for a mile! And sometimes we see other dogs and get to sniff at them too! It's wonderful. I like to try to play with the other dogs, too, but Mommy keeps me on a short leash when we are hiking near other dogs. That's not too fun.

Mommy says that after we hike the easy trail for a while and build up our pads, she'll take us on the long trail to the river! It's pretty far and not as smooth as the nature trail. I'm a little nervous, but I think that it would be fun to see the river! And she stops on the way home at the fruit stand, so I would get to stick my head out the window and sniff all of those people, too!


This is Ink. She's ok as long as she is inside. Sometimes she moves too fast and I jump at her. Mommy yells when I do that, so I try to remember not to. It's hard.

This is Molly, by sister & best friend. Sometimes Mommy takes her away from the house without me to The Vet. I wish that she would only take us together. The Vet isn't as scary with a friend.

Here's me! Aren't I cute?

Boy was I glad to see Mommy's car pull into the driveway! It rained all day, so I had to stay in my doghouse. Molly's an idiot because she ran around in the yard and got all wet & dirty. Ick. I stayed in the house, so when Mommy came to get me, she just had to dry my feet with the towel by the door. Molly had to get rubbed down all over!

Of course, that meant that I had to stand there and WAIT until I got my dinner! Mommy COULD have fed me first, then dried off the mutt. It's just not fair. I am the princess, after all!

Mommy is helping me learn how to post pictures, so I'll get to show you what I look like. And my fursisters.

Hopefully it doesn't rain tomorrow. I'm tired of being wet.

Hello, my name is Sable the Boxer. I live in a nice house with a very big yard. We moved here before it got cold and Mommy put up the pretty lights and that tree with the sparkly stuff.

I have two fursisters - Molly the mutt and Ink the cat. Molly was living with Mommy when I came into the family. Ink is new.

I had a very nice apartment where I lived with my original Mommy (who had fur). Then I went to live with a man who was nice, but who left me outside all day. It was GREAT! I got to run around all over town because I figured out how to get out of the fence. Then the lady that my original Mommy lived with came and got me and took me back to the apartment. I thought that I was going to stay there, but Mommy came one day with Aunt and took me to Aunt's house.

That's where I met Molly. She wasn't nice at all that day. My cousins Luther & Murphy were there and Molly wouldn't let me play. Then Mommy put us in the car and drove us a long way. I got sick, but Mommy didn't get mad. She just cleaned it up & kept the windows open for the rest of the trip so that I wouldn't feel so sick.

When we got to Mommy's house, Molly decided that she liked me and started to play with me. I also got to meet Daddy for the first time! I love my Daddy and Daddy loves me! They say that I am "his" dog, but I'm not really sure what that means. They are MY people, not the other way around. I keep explaining this to Mommy. But she doesn't understand what I am saying.

I've lived with Mommy & Daddy through four houses and a few other family members. Mommy & Daddy call us "pets." Again, I'm not sure what that means, but thinking about it takes time away from napping so I don't. Daddy is gone a lot. Mommy explained that it is because he is a "soldier" and has to go to Work. Mommy has to go to Work, too, but she doesn't leave for as long as Daddy does. She hasn't been able to explain this "Work" thing to me. I don't like Work. It means that I don't get to sleep on the couch all day.

I love to talk and run and play, but I get tired from playing a lot faster than I used to. Mommy calls me her "old lady" now. I'm not old!

Anyway, I have lots of stuff to tell! I talk to Mommy all of the time, but she usually has trouble understanding me. I have a pretty strong Boxer accent, which is tough for humans to understand.