
Anyone there?

Hey guys. So I feel like since I changed blogs I've lost 90% of the people who read it. I mean, yeah I do this mostly for our family history, but I feel kinda lonely over at my new blog. Just reminding you guys that still have this blog on your blog rolls to switch to my new one and stop by! Miss you guys!


New Blog!

Hey just reminding everyone in case you missed the last post, I started a new blog for our family. I will not be updating this blog anymore. The new blog is The Sorenson Family of Five volume 2.
I will probably make this one private(no members but me) within the next couple weeks so if you don't switch over, or forget to, you might be out of luck to find us again. :) That means that any of you family members who might still want to snag pictures from this one you need to do that soon.

Also, I'm giving my kids blog names on the other one so I don't use their real names. In your comments if you could please follow suit that would be great. Thanks guys!


New Blog

K, so I made another blog, and though it needs major improvements I can atleast post stuff. So here's the link

Go ahead and replace this blog with the new one in your blog rolls. I won't be updating here anymore. Sorry for the delay guys!!


Halloween.........and probably a huge break from blogging...Grr

Well apparently blogger isn't as great as it seemed(to me). I am unable to upload anymore photos unless I purchase more storage somewhere...something I can't do right now. I've had it with the internet. Websites make you think you can do all these cool things and then poof, it's taken away from you. I'm so sad(depressed actually) that I can't continue blogging. I thought it was such a good way to keep up our history. And for me since this blog is all about the kids I don't see much point in updating without pictures. I'd rather just write it in my journal. So....yeah, sorry to all you who enjoyed reading our blog. haha, I just thought of a Harry Potter quote that seems quite fitting right now..."Never trust anything that can think for itself (close enough) if you can't see where it keeps it's brain." I'm DONE.

And just because I was about to post about Halloween...
On Saturday we went to two Trunk or Treats. The kids had fun playing carnival type games, getting candy, and being on a sugar high. The second Trunk or Treat we were with my family and we had a great time eating corn bread and chilli and getting candy. My Dad carried Sydney around to get it and she loved it. Afterwards we went to their house and watched How to Train Your Dragon. Love that movie.


Fun with Grandma and Cousins

This week we've been watching the twins most of each day and the kids are loving having their cousins to play with.  Also, Parker is starting to love playing with his Grandparents. I love these moments!

The other day they all made cinnamon rolls with Grandma. Sydney just loved playing with the dough like it was playdough.

Here they are in their aprons that Grandma Sorenson made for them. So cute!

 To make it easier for Sydney she just rolled it up and made a cinnamon loaf.




Facebook: Love Hate Relationship-Currently Hate

I have not been able to access my account since last night. At first it was not letting me pass the login page, telling me I still needed to enter my password after I'd already done that. Then it started saying my password was incorrect and to change it so I did. Then it told me my account has been temporarily suspended due to suspicious activity. Um, what?!! I contacted FB staff early this afternoon and haven't heard anything back yet. Just wanted to say this here since I have no other way of communicating with all you people. If I'm not on Facebook for a while, or ever again, this is why. So frustrated!


Spontaneous Fall Photo Shoots

The last several days have just been beautiful and the kids and I have had a great time playing outside. I always take my camera because when I don't I regret it, and I had so much fun taking pictures of the kids in the leaves. Parker was napping these couple times so I still want to get some of him. David was great at posing for me, and actually wanted me to bury him in the leaves, while Sydney would not stop moving and wouldn't look at the camera no matter what I said. I had to just catch her in play.

In LOVE with these next two...

The leaves were in the sun so I shaded their faces with my legs, haha. I'd love to get a better version of this.

Sydney was kicking her feet up...but I love this one.

Grandma Sorenson found this "Princess" dress for Sydney to wear for Halloween and she of course loves it!

I was running backwards telling Sydney to chase me because I couldn't get her to look at the camera anymore. Then the battery died.


Pumpkin Pickin' and Carvin'

On Saturday we went to Carelton Farms for a couple hours of Autumn time fun. We were able to leave Parker home with my in-laws so we didn't have to carry him every where. It was great! He's not old enough to remember anyway.

We rode in a wagon full of hay bales pulled by a tractor down to the pumpkin field, saw some farm animals, took some funny pictures, watched 'canons' shoot pumpkins several hundred feet, and the kids played in a little maze. There was a lot more to do there but it all cost a bit of money. The last time we went here was when I was pregnant with David. It was a lot smaller and low key with a free corn maze. This time you could tell they'd worked on making it the place to be. And the maze is now 6.50 per adult! We all had a great time though, especially the kids.

They each got to pick out their own pumpkin.

Too bad Parker wasn't there for this picture though. We needed him in the middle!

They loved this little free maze. We could watch them from the outside which was nice.

On Monday night for Family Home Evening we carved the pumpkins. I drew up some options of jack-o-lantern faces and let the kids pick which one they wanted. Nothing fancy. David picked the mean face, and Sydney picked the happier face. We did a weird one. 
Trying to pull the mean face. :)


Fun Christmas Advent Calendar

(Don't miss another new post below!)
On Saturday our Relief Society(the women's organization in my church) held a Super Saturday. There were all these crafts going on and you picked ahead of time which ones you wanted to do. Well I'm not a crafty person at all. I don't really enjoy it. I'm too much of a perfectionist and because I know it will take me forever I feel stressed and rushed the whole time. But they had this one that I really wanted so I decided to put my non crafting skills to use again. It took me a while to figure out which scrapbook paper I wanted to use but I think I came up with a good combination. Atleast for my taste. I just have to Modpodge over the whole thing and it will be all finished and shiny!

Munchkin Fresh Food Feeder

How many of you Mom's out there use these? I have used them with all three of my kids and they are just so awesome. I can just stick pieces of fruit or cooked veggies inside and they can eat it all by themselves without me having to mash it or worry about them choking. Saves me so much spoon feeding time! Parker eats more this way then anything else. And as you can see...he LOVES it!


Are Sweet Tooths Hereditary?

Anyone who knows me well knows I have a love of sweets (really, mostly chocolate). But my kids are taking it to a whole new level. I think I have been pretty good about giving them junk. They eat really healthy except for the occasional dessert after dinner or sweet treat from Daddy. It's like they can smell sugar out or something because they find it, wherever they can. And when they see something sweet it's like all control and reason leaves them, no matter what they know they should do, and they eat it up like there's no tomorrow.
For example:
At different times throughout about a weeks time(a couple weeks ago) they found Daddy's stash of skittles and ate it by the handful until I found them with sticky hands and eventually til it was gone completely. And the other day I cam upstairs to find them in Grandma's pantry holding bottles of sprinkles and pouring them down their throats. They were passing it back and forth gleefully. You can see they emptied one bottle of the long multi colored ones and would have finished the others, I'm sure, if not for the smaller holes that were clogged by their saliva.
I've caught them red handed so many times I can't even remember them all anymore. I mean really, I thought I liked sugar so much because I ate desserts way too often growing up, but since they don't have that issue I think it must be in their genes! 


Parker at 9 months

Parker is such a joy to have in our family. We love him so so much! I can't believe how fast time goes when you have kids. It's just not fair. I don't want him to get any bigger than he already is.

About Parker
-Parker is sleeping through the night great(by far the easiest to train out of our three). He has a regular bed time of 7:30 ish, and he goes to bed without a fuss whether I've just fed him or not.
-He has three teeth now, all of which attacked him within a couple weeks. Both top front and one bottom front...the poor guy.
-He still insists on nursing, refusing to take bottle or sippy cup of any kind filled with any contents.
-He is really tough, and when he falls over backward from a sitting positon he doesn't let out a cry. Although I have my suspisions that he's doing it on purpose as his way of laying down.
-He's recently started enjoying banging his head on hard surfaces. Such a weird baby stage.
-He likes to be upside down.
-He enjoys sticking his tongue out and spitting
-And he just started crawling yesterday!!

I caught Parker crawling for the first time on tape! I wish it was a side view, but he was only crawling because he wanted the camera!


Enjoying Having a Yard

It really has been so wonderful to be able to play outside without having to pack up and walk all the way to the park. For several days this week we had beautiful weather and on Tuesday the kids had a great time with Grandpa Sorenson outside. They helped him water the plants, rode bikes, and colored with side walk chalk.

 At one point David tried to carry the hose over his head to water the other side of that path and got pretty wet. I was actually impressed. After the initial shock he just went back to watering. I guess he was really loving it because that's not normally something he would brush off. Then later he accidentally got Sydney across the chest with the water. She jumped, grabbed her shirt and kinda screamed, but got over it fast too. It was pretty funny though and I got it on video!