Friday, July 2, 2010

Cherry & Strawberry pickin'

Loaded up the kids and went with some friends to pick fruit in Brentwood. Alex was extremely excited since Cherries are his absolute favorite! I was excited because I grew up with a cherry tree and hadn't picked cherries for years. It brought back memories of me and Kayla climbing the tree, picking cherries, throwing them into the swimming pool below, and then sitting in the pool while eating them (so sanitary I know..). Cherry picking was the BEST! They let us sample the cherries and the branches were the perfect height! The strawberry farmers wouldn't let us sample the delicious strawberries, which is probably a good thing because once we paid for them and actually tried one... They were SO unbelievably good... I would have eaten the whole field if I could!
I ended up making a chocolate cherry pie, and a strawberry cheese pie, but the fruit was divine just eating straight from the box! The fruits of our labors didn't last long (har har)