Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Sleeping Beauties

I went in to check on the girls one night and found this...

Halloween 2012

For Halloween, Morgan was an angel and Megan was Hermoine from Harry Potter. Megan makes a fabulous Hermoine and I was super glad she chose this costume. I put on my hat and wig, but Ryan actually bought a costume and dressed up! Mostly because Megan had a daddy/daughter party for activity days that was a costume party, but I was proud he stepped out of his shell. The things we do for our kids! We went to our Trunk-or-Treat and our trunk won a prize for "Scariest Trunk". Really, I don't think the competition was that hard, but oh well! Then we headed over to Ryan's parents and no one recognized Ryan - they were actually kind of freaked out; it was pretty hilarious!

 Daddy/Daughter Date


Shortly after we got back from Disneyland, Megan got her braces on. She has had an expander in the roof of her mouth for about 9 months before this and now it was time to get brackets on. She was a trooper and all of the employees kept saying how awesome of a patient she is. They said she is better than most adults. :) I was allowed to take this picture, but I could not post it to Facebook, only send it to my mom and her dad.

Super Hero Day

Morgan had Super Hero Day at preschool back in October. Thanks to my sister-in-law, Trisha, she helped me out with a cape. Any excuse for Morgan to put make up and she is game!

Disneyland 2012

So we took our trip to Disneyland in September. Of course we had a great time! We took the trip with Ryan's brother, BJ, and his family along with a friend of theirs, The Haroldsen's. We all stayed in a hotel across the street from Disney - it was seriously the best place to stay. We walked to the park everyday and even back to the room for lunch/dinner too. We saved some serious cash that way; in fact, we were talking on our way home and we realized that the only food we purchased in the parks was popcorn. I splurged for Morgan who ended up being too short for Soarin' Over California and it made her pretty sad. Our girls were seriously so good the entire trip. We didn't have to get after them for anything, they were awesome. Actually, all of the kids in our "group" were really good...it's nice to have good kids! On our way, we stopped at Cedar Breaks in Cedar City to look at the amazing views, then stopped for a quick visit to my parents in St. George, and then ended up in Vegas for the night. We stayed with my cousin in her very comfortable home; it was nice to be able to visit with her for awhile. We got up really early the next morning and drove to California. We drove straight to the hotel, checked in, changed shoes and headed over to Disneyland! We got to the park about a half hour after it opened and it was so perfect. The weather was great; pretty humid actually, but it was still nice. We didn't wait too long in lines for rides, except for Luigi's Tires and that ride is LAME! Not worth the wait at all. We spent a day at the beach and had a great time. My friend, Kristy, ended up being in California the same time as us and even in the same hotel - complete coincidence. She had bought a couple of boogie boards and since she was flying home she left them with us. We had a great time! The weather was great at the beach; we did get a little burned, but nothing too terrible. It brought back the days of all the summer trips my family would take to California and stay in a beach house. I even got out in the water and used the boogie board. Such good times! On our way home we stayed in St. George to just take it easy. Came home and then it was back to reality! We had such fun and the girls can't wait until we go again. We have already told them that we won't go back until Morgan is tall enough to go on everything...it could be awhile...my kids are short! Be prepared for picture overload!

 Cedar Breaks 

 Our first stop was Big Thunder...my favorite ride that became Megan's favorite!

 Marry Poppins!

 Flying on Dumbo 

 These cousins love each other...and the teacups!

 The beginning of Radiator Springs! Seriously awesome ride. 

 Ryan, Megan, and me in the front.

 Me, BJ, and Tucker in the front.


 These cousins are bestest friends!

  Yahoo...roller coaster!

 Morgan being a bug...she did not like this show - I had to take her out!

  My forever friend, Kristy. It was awesome to be at the same place, same time, unplanned.  

 Tower of Terror...for the record, we did get Megan on this earlier and she HATED it. I was proud she tried it, but felt bad she was so scared.


 What girl doesn't love Fairies?

  Tinkerbell's long lost sister, Periwinkle. 

 She was so sweet with my girls, she is good at her job. 

 Morgan had just told Mickey Mouse that he was in love with Minnie and so he needs to marry her. :) It was so cute!