Saturday, November 7, 2009

Fall pictures of our adorable kids!!

Aubree Lyn's 5th Birthday

Our Bobbins has turned 5. She is going to school, organizing neighborhood functions and dressing up her little brother. Growing up entirely too fast is the best way to put it.
Aubree you are such a sweet girl and so aware of others around you. You help your mom so much. You love church, school and especially your friends, who can't get enough of you! We love you so much and are so proud of the little lady you are becoming. Happy birthday sweetheart, Love Mom, Dad and Karter.

Spencer and Natalie's Halloween Shin-dig

2009 Steed Leaf Party

Aubree and Karter at grandpa and grandma Steed's house for the annual leaf party!

Aubree is in Pre-school

Aubs started preschool this year at Apple Tree School House. Miss Michelle is her teacher there and she loves her. She goes Mon, Wed, Fri for about 3 hours. She asks every day if it is a school day. She is growing up so fast, and is such a smart little girl. Good luck with your first year of school Bobbins.