I have to admit, I have shed a few tears as this day has approached us. Yes, of course I am happy to see Maeva grow & become her own little person, but I cannot believe how fast a year has flown by.
I remember when we brought her home from the hospital, I had to sit in the back seat with her to make she would survive the ride home, she did just fine. I on the other hand being the mess of emotions you are after you have a baby, looked at her & cried knowing that I was in BIG TROUBLE! I knew I would feel extreme joy & extreme sorrow like never before now that I had my own child. I loved her so much & wanted her to stay a baby forever. I didn't want her to grow up and turn into a teenage dirt bag that would hate me.
Over the next few days I cried ever time I thought about her getting any older. After that wore off, I felt extremely overwhelmed by being a new mom & started saying things like, "As soon as she can sit up/crawl/eat solids/walk etc. it'll be easier." I feel like I wished for some other stage than the one she was currently in that I missed out on a lot. I feel really sad about that & have really made a huge effort to enjoy right here & now. I'm sure the next time I blink my eyes she'll be starting Kindergarten. Cliche maybe, but true time goes by too fast. I think we should take a trip to Neverland with Peterpan for a few years.
Happy Birthday Maeva, you are my favorite child.
(Especially when you are sleeping.)