Cleveland Indians by day, BYU Cougars at night. I can't believe it's football season again. My life now revolves around football, whether I like it or not. :) But since the BYU game was super late out here (10:30ish pm!), this post will just cover the first item- the baseball game.
Every summer that Ryan and I have known each other, we have gone to a baseball game together (Indians-'08, Angels-'09, Diamondbacks-'10, Reds-'11). We realized a few weeks ago that we hadn't gone to a game this year. I just assumed it probably wasn't going to happen, but Ryan decided to take this last Thursday off of work so we could go up to Cleveland to an Indians game. We were a divided household because I was a HUGE Indians fan growing up, and Ryan's 2nd favorite team are the A's, which is who they were playing. Unfortunately for me, the Indians lost, but it was still a pretty fun, high-scoring game. My mom was able to join us and it was absolutely beautiful weather, too! It was pretty hot in the sun, but our seats were in the shade the whole time (I even got cold- surprise, surprise).
One of the coolest parts of the whole outing was that the Blue Angels were practicing during the entire game for the air show that weekend. They were swooping down between buildings straight out from our view, flying right over the top of the stadium, doing loopty-loops, flying upside down, and all sort of tricks! I watched them more than the game! They were so loud, they shook everything and Lucy freaked out a little bit. She figured out that those things were called "planes" and Ryan would say to Lucy "here comes another plane" and she would bury her head into him while he covered her ears. She's a cute one!
Speaking of Lucy, she was awesome this whole trip! She slept most of the way up there, and was SO excited when we got to the stadium. She was happy and excited to look around at everyone and everything. I think the biggest miracle of the day was that she sat with my mom a lot! After my mom offered her cheerios, pretzels, a ring pop, and oatmeal cookies, she was sold. It was fun to be able to enjoy everything a little bit more since there were three adults to pass the wiggly baby around to. All in all, it was a great day and a fun outing.
Lucy's flashing all of her new teeth! Four on top now.
All of the excitement and skipping her nap really pooped Lucy out.
Blue Angels practicing:
Seriously, it was right over us. It took several tries to get a good pic since they go so darn fast! Those suckers are crazy loud, too! It doesn't make sense to me why the Blue Angels are part of the Navy and not the Air Force.